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Your search for "*" yielded 533524 hits

Luxury Fashion and Media Communication : Between the Material and Immaterial

Using image and film advertisements, interviews, social media and public and private archives, Luxury Fashion and Media Communication offers an interdisciplinary approach to analyzing the value of the luxury object. Regular reports on consumption in media and frequent advertising on social media have allowed people all over the world to share in the issues and development of luxury; but how is it

Evaluation of heterologous expression in Pichia pastoris of Pine Weevil TRPA1 by GFP and flow cytometry

BACKGROUND: The wasabi receptor, also known as the Transient Receptor Potential Ankyrin 1 (TRPA1) ion channel, is a potential target for development of repellents for insects, like the pine weevil (Hylobius abietis) feeding on conifer seedlings and causing damage in forestry. Heterologous expression of TRPA1 from pine weevil in the yeast Pichia pastoris can potentially provide protein for structur

Vaccine Hesitancy in the Nordic Countries : Trust and Distrust During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Bringing together studies from across the Nordic region, this book examines the challenges brought by the COVID-19 pandemic, with a particular focus on vaccine hesitancy. Shedding light on the political tensions that emerged as a result of the pandemic and the debates that ensued both within and between the Nordic nations, it investigates the vociferous discussions surrounding the COVID-19 vaccine

Ord mot (trovärdigare eller tillförlitligare?) ord: En undersökning om bedömningen av målsägandens utsaga i våldtäktsmål

I våldtäktsmål saknas ofta bevisning utöver målsägandens utsaga. Bevisvärdet av denna utsaga kan därmed vara avgörande för huruvida beviskravet anses uppfyllt. För denna bedömning har Högsta domstolen föreslagit ett antal kriterier som kan vara behjälpliga. Samtidigt gäller principen om fri bevisvärdering, vilket innebär att underrätterna inte är bundna av HD:s uttalanden i dessa frågor. Vid bedömIn rape cases, the evidence often consists exclusively of the injured party’s testimony. The evidentiary value of this testimony can therefore be crucial in determining whether the evidentiary requirement is met. The Swedish Supreme Court has suggested several criteria for this assessment. However, according to Swedish law, the evaluation of evidence is free, meaning that courts are not bound by t

Sekretess som skyddsinstitut: Bristfälligt reglerade skyddsåtgärder i folkbokföringen med betydande konsekvenser i vårdnadstvister

För domstolar finns det grundläggande principer som ska prägla domstolsar-betet under hela processen från start till slut. Dessa principer finns i syfte att bland annat upprätthålla rättssäkerheten på en hög nivå, vilket i sin tur är tänkt att garantera de tvistande parterna en rättvis och lika behandling. Dessa principer efterlevs inte alltid fullt ut. Exempelvis kan en domstol, i syfte att utredIn a judicial process, there are essential and foundational principles intended to shape the proceedings from initiation to conclusion. These principles serve a crucial purpose, including the maintenance of a relatively high level of legal certainty, ultimately aiming to ensure fair and equal treatment for the disputing parties. However, these principles are not always fully adhered to. For instan

Affärsmässigt motiverade koncerninterna aktieförvärv i de riktade räntavdragsbegränsningsreglerna - Om vaga rekvisit och EU-stridighet

De riktade ränteavdragsbegränsningsreglerna introducerades 2009 i inkomstskattelagen (IL) för att motverka skatteplanering mellan bolag inom samma intressegemenskap och skydda den svenska skattebasen. Reglerna har sedan dess ändrats två gånger varav den senaste versionen introducerades 2019. Huvudregeln i 2019 års regler är att ränteutgifter kopplade till en koncernintern skuld endast är avdragsgiThe Swedish interest deduction limitation rules were introduced in 2009 in the Income Tax Act (ITA) to counteract tax planning between companies within the same group and to protect the Swedish tax base. The rules have since been amended twice, with the latest version introduced in 2019. The main rule in the 2019 rules is that interest expenses related to an intra-group debt are only deductible in

Plasma Metabolome Predicts Aortic Stiffness and Future Risk of Coronary Artery Disease and Mortality After 23 Years of Follow-Up in the General Population

BACKGROUND: Increased aortic stiffness (arteriosclerosis) is associated with early vascular aging independent of age and sex. The underlying mechanisms of early vascular aging remain largely unexplored in the general population. We aimed to investigate the plasma metabolomic profile in aortic stiffness (vascular aging) and associated risk of incident cardiovascular disease and mortality.METHODS AN

ERS International Congress 2023 : highlights from the Airway Diseases Assembly

In this review, early career and senior members of Assembly 5 (Airway Diseases, Asthma, COPD and Chronic Cough) present key recent findings pertinent to airway diseases that were presented during the European Respiratory Society International Congress 2023 in Milan, Italy, with a particular focus on asthma, COPD, chronic cough and bronchiectasis. During the congress, an increased number of symposi

Quantifying H&E staining results, grading and predicting IDH mutation status of gliomas using hybrid multi-dimensional MRI

Objective: To assess the performance of hybrid multi-dimensional magnetic resonance imaging (HM-MRI) in quantifying hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining results, grading and predicting isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) mutation status of gliomas. Materials and methods: Included were 71 glioma patients (mean age, 50.17 ± 13.38 years; 35 men). HM-MRI images were collected at five different echo tim

Optimal microphone selection for aero-engine acoustic measurement

Acoustic testing is crucial in the aero-engine design process, providing valuable information about the sound field in terms of acoustic modes. The conventional use of a uniform sampling array limits the achievable resolution for a given number of sensors, necessitating the use of a large number of sensors to achieve high-resolution estimates. This limitation may be overcome using a non-uniform se

Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia, cardiac implantable electronic device, extraction, and the risk of recurrent infection; a retrospective population-based cohort study

Background: Patients with cardiac implantable electronic device (CIED) and Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia (SAB) are at risk of having CIED infection, pocket infection or endocarditis. To avoid treatment failures, guidelines recommend that the CIED should be extracted in all cases of SAB butrecent studies indicate low extraction rates and low risk of relapse. The aim of the study was to describe

Sex pheromone biosynthesis in moth pests : From gene discovery to biotechnological production

Moths (Lepidoptera) are some of the most economically important pests in human agriculture. Conventional insecticides used for management promote insecticide resistance in addition to cause human- and environmental harm. This emphasises an inescapable need for sustainable alternatives and integrated practices. Moths rely on species-specific female-emitted sex pheromones for communication and repro

Application of emission spectroscopy in plasma-assisted NH3/air combustion using nanosecond pulsed discharge

This work investigates the effects of atmospheric-pressure nanosecond (ns) pulsed plasma discharges on NH3/air flames using optical emission spectroscopy (OES). Firstly, spatially-resolved OES in the 200–800 nm range of NH3/air flames with and without discharges are presented to identify the plasma-induced excited species (such as N2* and H*). Then, time-resolved OES with ns timescale resolution a

Order in Ruins : British Society and the Media Assemblage of The World at War c. 1970-1975

This thesis studies a period of intense crisis and creativity in British media, society, and culture, when the settled outcome of the Second World War (WW2) was perceived to be disintegrating. The post-world-war order was becoming an ‘order in ruins’. The thesis centres on a far-reaching analysis of the making of The World at War (WAW) in the early 1970s. A hugely popular televised documentary ser

FLASH radiotherapy and the associated dosimetric challenges

At Lund University and Skåne University Hospital in Lund, Sweden, we have, as the first clinic, modified a clinical Elekta Precise linear accelerator for convertible delivery of ultrahigh dose rate (FLASH) irradiation. Whereas recently published reviews highlighted the need for standardised protocols for ultra-high dose rate beam dosimetry to be able to determine the true potential of FLASH irradi