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The role of dispersal limitation in the forest biome shifts of Europe in the last 18,000 years

Aim: How the ability of plants to move towards newly favourable habitats (dispersal limitation) impacts the change of biome distribution and transition under fast climate warming is still debated. Analysing vegetation change in the past may help to clarify the relative importance of underlying ecological processes such as climate, biotic interactions, and dispersal. In this study, we investigated

Subject extractions in Scandinavian languages

This thesis studies how subject extractions are accepted in Scandinavian (Danish, Norwegian, Swedish and Fenno-Swedish) through an extensive acceptability judgment study. The results from the study were compared with previous research and analyzed against accounts on why subject extraction constraints occur and why the acceptance of subject extractions in Scandinavian vasty varies. The subject ext

The Journey of ʾIbn ʿĀbid al-Fāsī (d. 1048/1638) : A Study of Ṣūfī Elements, Riḥla Legacy, and Narrative

This thesis consists of literary case study of a classical Arabic travel narrative dictated by the Moroccan scholar and Ṣūfī Yūsuf ʾibn ʿĀbid al-Fāsī (يوسف بن عابد الفاسي) (d.1048/1638) in his new-found home in Hadramawt, Yemen. The study seeks to investigate the Ṣūfī dimension of the corpus text and address its legacy within the riḥla tradition (AR. الرحلة al-riḥla) by the usage of Ṣūfī elements,

Selling luxury : Sensory labour and communication in the perfume store

In “Selling luxury” perfume and cosmetics stores are approached as mediated physical experiences of luxury. The elusive character of smell has forced perfume brands to invoke guides to explain how their products should be experienced. These guides may be human, in the form of sales assistants, or non-human, in the form of visual marketing materials, packaging and store displays. In the context of

Molecular patterns of resistance to immune checkpoint blockade in melanoma

Immune checkpoint blockade (ICB) has improved outcome for patients with metastatic melanoma but not all benefit from treatment. Several immune- and tumor intrinsic features are associated with clinical response at baseline. However, we need to further understand the molecular changes occurring during development of ICB resistance. Here, we collect biopsies from a cohort of 44 patients with melanom

Skyddsregeln i 5 kap. 16 § UtlL En studie om hur lagändringarna sedan år 2016 har påverkat det rättsliga skyddet för våldsut-satta anhörigmigranter

Möjligheten att beviljas uppehållstillstånd på grund av anknytning har sedan länge varit möjligt enligt det svenska regelverket. Systemets baksida är att den anhöriges uppehållstillstånd är beroende av anknytningspersonen varför en inlåsningseffekt kan uppstå vid våldsutsatthet. Som i ett försök att mildra reg-lernas negativa följder har lagstiftaren infört en skyddsregel som möjliggör att fortsatThe possibility of being granted a residence permit on the basis of affiliation has long been possible under Swedish legislation. The downside of the sys-tem is that the family member's residence permit is dependent on the person to which he/she are affiliated with, so a lock-in effect can arise in cases of vio-lence. In an attempt to mitigate the negative consequences of the regulation, the l

A call for theory-inspired analysis in qualitative research: Ways to construct different truths in and about healthcare

Over the last 50 years, there has been significant development of qualitative research and related methods in healthcare. Theoretical frameworks support researchers in selecting appropriate research approaches, procedures and analytical tools. However, the implications of the choice of theory are sparsely elucidated. Based on a text excerpt from a public debate article, the study aimed to show how

Design of Flexible Code Block Comparisons to Improve Code Review of Refactored Code

Code review occupies a significant amount of developers’ work time and is an established practice in modern software development. Despite misaligments between users’ goals and the code review tools and processes pointed out by recent research, the code review tooling has largely stayed the same since the early 90s. Improving these tools, even slightly, has the potential for a large impact spread o

Application of machine learning for hydropower plant silt data analysis

Among all renewable energy resources, hydropower is the most predictable and reliable source of energy. In the Himalayan region, most of the hydropower plants suffer from the problem of silt erosion. During the monsoon period, the quantum of silt particles is remained quite high, which damages the hydro-mechanical components of the plant. In order to reduce the risk that occurred by the silt erosi

Adaptive neuro-fuzzy interface system based performance monitoring technique for hydropower plants

Energy has played a significant role in developing civilization, but the continuous use of fossil fuels has hampered the environment. Hydropower is the alternative to fossil fuels. But most of the hydropower plants in hilly areas suffer from silt erosion problems. Erosion of underwater parts creates vibration and noise and reduces machine efficiency. Therefore, online monitoring of turbines and ot

Current Trends and Future Developments on (Bio-) Membranes

Current Trends and Future Developments on (Bio-) Membranes: Engineering with Membranes discusses various aspects of membrane engineering. This includes, but is not limited to, the role of membranes in food production, treatment and recovery, their applications in electrochemical processes and devices, in drug delivery and in ionic materials, such as salts, acids and bases, recovery. In addition, t

Diversity of Human Allergen-Specific IgE and Defining Epitope Recognition of Allergic Subjects that are to Undergo Allergen-Specific Immunotherapy

Grass pollen allergies caused by Timothy grass affect the lives of many people and have a huge economic impact on our society. Hypersensitivity reactions are triggered by allergens and allergen-specific IgE, leading to degranulation of mast cells releasing bioactive compounds causing allergic symptoms. Improvement of allergen-specific immunotherapy (AIT) involving gradual exposure to the allergen

Hur rimmar rättssäkerhet med ridsport?

Följande uppsats behandlar det svenska ridsportförbundet och vilka rättssäkerhetsprinciper som appliceras i dess beslut. För att få en bättre helhetsbild av vad rättssäkerhet innebär så kommer det inledningsvis att redogöras för de svenska rättssäkerhetsprinciper som appliceras i en domstol, för att sedan besvara uppsatsens syfte med hjälp av det material som framlagts. Ridsports världen har tidigThe following essay deals with the Swedish Equestrian Federation and the legal principles of due process applied in its decisions. To gain a better understanding of what due process entails, the essay will initially outline the Swedish due process principles applied in a court of law. Subsequently, the essay will address the purpose by utilizing the presented material. The equestrian world has pre

Progressive QTc prolongation and reduced heart rate variability in dementia with Lewy bodies compared to Alzheimer's disease

Introduction: Autonomic dysfunction (AuD) is a significant clinical challenge in patients with Dementia with Lewy Bodies (DLB). Manifestations of AuD such as orthostatic hypotension (OH) is associated with falls and decreased quality of life. Cardiac autonomic denervation is an early phenomenon in DLB and a potential contributor to OH. This retrospective study was undertaken to explore whether rou

Development of celiac-safe foods : prevention of transglutaminase 2 (TG2) deamidation of gluten in healthy non-celiac volunteers

In celiac disease, intestinal transglutaminase (TG2) produces immunogenic peptides by deamidation of gluten proteins. These products drive the celiac immune response. We have previously identified an interaction between gliadin and a food additive, E304i, which prevents gliadin processing (both deamidation and transamidation) by TG2, in vitro. In this study, we investigated if E304i could prevent