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The Gulf Cooperation Council : Its Nature and Achievements
Popular Abstract in Swedish Storbritannien beslutade sig 1968 för att lämna bakom sig sina koloniala intressen i Persiska gulfen senast 1971. Det brittiska beslutet ledde till att de arabiska gulfstaterna Kuwait, Bahrain, Saudiarabien, Qatar, Förenade Arabemiraten och Oman i sin tur började undersöka möjliga samarbetsformer för att möta en ny tids osäkerhet och hot. Ett stort problem efter det briWhen Britain decided, in 1968, to terminate its official colonial presence in the Persian (Arabian) Gulf as of 1971, this action prompted the Gulf Arab States (Kuwait, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, and Oman) to start the search for a form of partnership that would bring them together to better cope with the insecurity and danger surrounding them and their regimes. A key probl
To be in Dialogue with the Film : With Neil Brand and Lillian Henley at the Masterclasses at Pordenone Silent Film Festival
Since over ten years, the Pordenone Silent Film Festival hosts masterclasses in which renowned pianists every day teaches, discusses and play silent films together with two selected young pianists who in this way get an intensive week of training the art of accompanying films. The masterclasses are open to the participators of the festival, and in this article we become part of the audience in fol
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Preface to the new Swedish translation of Friedrich Engel's The Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State.
Preposition stranding and case
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Ultrawideband MIMO Channel Measurements and Modeling in a Warehouse Environment
This paper presents a detailed description of a propagation channel measurement campaign performed in a warehouse environment and provide a comprehensive channel model for this environment. Using a vector network analyzer (VNA), we explored both Line-of-sight(LOS) and Non-Line-of-sight (NLOS) scenarios over a 2-8 GHz frequency range. We extracted both small-scale and large-scale channel parameters
Economic Growth as Social Problem: The Case of Climate Change
Muscle Sizes and Moment Arms of Rotator Cuff Muscles Determined by Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Biomechanical models which require information on, e.g., joint torque and muscle force are useful in the estimation of when and how mechanical overload of the musculoskeletal system may lead to disorders. The aim was to study the reliability and validity of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to quantify muscle sizes and moment arms by MRI and to test selected anthropometric measures as predictors of
Mesolitiska lämningar i Rönneholms mosse. Arkeologisk förundersökning 2012: Hassle 32:18, Stehag socken, Eslövs kommun, Skåne
Some aspects of science with a 50-m AO telescope
Among the science challenges of the Extremely Large Telescopes (ELTs),four object types are studied for performance with a 50 m ELT withadaptive optics (AO), Euro50. Emphasis is on planetary systems and verydistant objects. For planetary systems and their evolution, we examinehigh resolution imaging of the nuclei of comets and high-resolutionimaging, photometry and low and intermediate resolution
Calibration procedure for particle Elastic Scattering Analysis of Thin Samples
Coordinated voltage control in distribution systems with DG - Control algorithm and case study
Conflict Regulation in Chile and Northern Ireland: The Role of Elites
A Conceptual Evaluation Model for Packaging Logistics in the Retail Supply Chain
Packaging has a significant impact on the efficiency of logistical systems and therefore, improvements in the retail supply chain can be achieved through the integration and development of the systems of packaging and logistics. In order to enable these improvements, models are needed that facilitate evaluations along the supply chain in order to grasp the whole picture and avoid sub-optimisations
China's "Great Proletarian Information Revolution" of 1966-1967
By the autumn of 1966, the PRC government had enjoyed seventeen years of uninterrupted and complete domestic information dominance. Independent collection of information was hampered by way of a CCP culture of secrecy and successfully enforced regimen of information curtailment. Of the changes in the political landscape triggered by Mao Zedong’s August 1966 decision to label part of government off
Imago Dei. Poesi och bildspråk i fornkyrkan
Kan man göra sig en bild av Gud? För de första kristna som levde i en värld fylld av gudabilder var frågan mycket konkret. Trycket från omvärlden på att namnge och synligt presentera den kristne guden var starkt. Men hur skulle man kunna avbilda den som intet öga sett, den som inte låter sig avbildas? Hur tala om den som inget öra hört, den som är ofattbar? De här samlade artiklarna från det sjätt
Keyhole effects in MIMO wireless channels - measurements and theory
It has been predicted theoretically that for some environments, the capacity of wireless MIMO systems can become very low, even for uncorrelated signals; this effect has been termed "keyhole" or "pinhole". We present the first unique measurements of this effect. The measurements were performed in a controlled indoor environment that was designed to obtain a keyhole. We analyze the limitations for