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Your search for "*" yielded 535471 hits

Improved Models for DC-DC Converters

To obtain high performance control of a dc-dc converter, a good model of the converter is needed. It is suitable to consider the load to be included in the converter model since it usually affects the dynamics. The load is often the most variable part of this system. If the load current and the output voltage are measured there are good possibilities to obtain a good model of the load on-line. Ada

”’Den kungliga skölden’ – Per Albin Hansson, Gustaf V och medierna 1940”

The chapter compares the media roles of the Swedish monarchy with that of the country's Labor Movement. In focus are the ways in which these two institutions used and were used in the visual culture of Sweden during World War Two. It is predominantly the official roles of king Gustaf V and prime minister Per-Albin Hansson that are under scrutiny, not least the common media platforms of these two i

Silent CMOS circuits aiming for system-on-chip

A silent CMOS circuit architecture is proposed. Different silent CMOS gate solutions are presented and compared to the normal CMOS precharged gate in switching noise level. A silent 16-bit parallel carry-look-ahead adder is demonstrated. Simulation results on the circuits and the post layout of the adder are given, which shows a 10 times reduction in noise level is possible

Laccases and Oxalate-Degrading Enzymes Heterologous Expression and Novel Applications in Lignocellulose Processing

Lignocellulose constitutes a vast renewable resource for the production of, for example, paper and bioethanol. The potential of using laccase and oxalate-degrading enzymes in novel applications for the processing of lignocellulose was investigated in this work. Laccase cDNAs from the white-rot fungus Trametes versicolor were characterised and expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Pichia pastor

Modeling of Driver's Longitudinal Behavior

In the last years, many vehicle manufacturers have introduced advancedriver support in some of their automobiles. One of those new featuresis Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC), which extends the conventionalcruise control system to control of relative speed and distance toother vehicles. In order to design an ACC controller it is suitable tohave a model on drivers' behavior. Our approach to find dynam

ThePEG, Herwig plus plus and Ariadne

I present the status of the THEPEG project for creating a common platform for implementing C++ event generators. I also describe briefly the status of the new versions of HERWIG and ARIADNE which are implemented using this framework.

The enhancement of heat transfer in the tail pipe of a pulse combustor

For pulse combustors of the Helmholtz type, a heat transfer of the order two to five times higher than expected has been reported. Experiments, where the temperature profile in the tail pipe of a pulse combustor has been measured, give Ilo indication why the heat transfer should be enhanced. The interaction between the oscillating velocity field and the oscillating temperature field might explain

Respiratory mechanics during mechanical ventilation in health and in disease

Popular Abstract in Swedish Patienter, som på grund av lungsjukdom eller annan skada på lungorna inte kan andas tillfredsställande, kan behandlas med hjälp av en respirator som ventilerar lungorna. Respiratorbehandling kan tyvärr tillfoga redan sjuka eller skadade lungor ytterligare skador. Sådana skador kan uppkomma vid ventilation av lungorna vid alltför stora volymer och höga tryck som leder tiThe elastic pressure-volume (Pel-V) curve of the respiratory system can be used as a guide for improved ventilator management. It may indicate risks of lung damage associated with collapse or overdistension of lung units. The work described in this thesis was aimed at developing methods for the determination and characterisation of the Pel-V curve under static and dynamic conditions and at a bette

Industrial robot motion control with real-time Java and EtherCAT

Safe object-oriented programming languages like Java provide a much more programmer-friendly environment than the low-level languages in which real-time and embedded software have traditionally been implemented. Therefore, with the recent popularity of real-time Java, it is interesting to examine its feasibility for robot motion control. We have implemented a motion control system, and an applica