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Development and Evaluation of a Filter-Bed-Based System for Full-Scale Treatment of Industrial Landfill Leachate

It is well known that nature offers an abundance of materials and processes that can be adapted in low-tech fashion, to fabricate systems capable of removing pollutants from wastewater. During the last decade, extensive basic and engineering research on such natural treatment systems have led to improvement of the quality of discharged wastewaters. However, the mechanisms of natural treatment and

Case management for individuals with severe mental illness. A process-outcome study of ten pilot services in Sweden

Popular Abstract in Swedish Samhällets stöd, service och vård till människor med psykiska funktionshinder har under de senaste decennierna genomgått stora förändringar. Det har skett en övergång från slutna till samhällsbaserade öppna vårdformer. De kraftiga nedskärningarna av den sjukhusbaserade psykiatriska vården har emellertid långt ifrån alltid ersatts med ett heltäckande och fungerande vård-All clients admitted to ten pilot case management services for individuals with severe mental illness during 1995 and up to 1996-09-30 were invited to participate in the present study. A total of 176 clients were included. The clients were in all services assessed at admission and at an 18 months follow-up with regard to needs of care, psychosocial functioning. Use of health care and social servic

A 60 GHz super-regenerative oscillator for implementation in an impulse radio receiver

A super-regenerative oscillator to be used as a receiver for ultra wideband impulse radio signals is demonstrated for the V-band (50-75 GHz). The study is based on experimental and simulated results using a gated tunnel diode based super-regenerative oscillator, which is used as the core of a super-regenerative receiver. Simulated pulse error rates for an impulse radio signal that is modulated by

Client work, job satisfaction and work environment aspects in human service organizations

Popular Abstract in Swedish I denna avhandling presenteras tre studier som fokuserar på human serviceorganisationer, klientarbete, arbetstillfredsställelse och arbetsmiljö. Det övergripande syftet med denna avhandling var att med särskilt fokus på grad av direkt klientarbete och tillfredsställelse i arbetet undersöka arbetssituationen i olika typer av human serviceorganisationer. I den första stuIn this thesis, three empirical studies investigating human service organizations pertaining to client work, work satisfaction, and the work environment are presented. The general aim of this thesis was to investigate working conditions in human service organizations with particular consideration and emphasis on the extent of human service workers´ client work and their perceived level of job sati

Finite Element Analysis and Design of Experiments in Engineering Design

Projects with the objective of introducing Finite Element Analysis (FEA) into the early phases of the design process have previously been carried out at the Department of Machine Design, see e.g. the Doctoral thesis by Burman [13]. These works clearly highlight the usefulness of introducing design analysis early in the design process. According to Bjärnemo and Burman [10] the most significant adva

Tjänstens triad: Från ömsesidig harmoni till dialektisk spänning i tjänstemöten

Models of service encounters are often fraught by reductionism, describing business relationships as mathematical combinations of dyadic constellations. Metaphors of ideal social relationships (marriages or friendships) are highlighted to stress normative aspects of equal, balanced and long-term business partnerships. However, these approaches are limited in their analytical sensitivity, as they c

A traffic density model for radio overlapping in urban Vehicular Ad hoc Networks

Vehicular traffic density is a key factor in determining the behaviour of radio overlapping and thus impacts performance of data and safety message communication in Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANETs). In this paper, we propose a novel density model for urban traffic systems and employ this model for the purpose of spatial-temporal analysis of radio overlapping. To model traffic density, we conside

Coding for multiple-access and fading channels

This thesis treats some information-theoretical and coding aspects of communication over multiple-access and fading channels. It consists of a general introduction and seven papers. In code-division multiple-access (CDMA) communication, many users have access to the channel simultaneously. Since the users interfere with one another, error correcting coding is necessary in order to obtain good per

In the eye of the beholder : Visual communication from a recipient perspective

Why do viewers perceive and interpret visuals differently despite common perceptual and cognitive mechanisms? The article addresses a number of challenges in visual communication and underlines the need for empirical analyses from a recipient perspective. Perception and interpretation of visuals is seen as an interactive meeting between the recipient, the multimodal message and the situational con

Long term NOAA-AVHRR GIMMS-NDVI - rainfall relationships and trends 1981 to 2003 for entire DeSurvey area of interest

The paper presents results of a study on the use of the NOAA AVHRR data for desertification monitoring on a regional-global level. It is based on processing of the GIMMS 8 km global NDVI data set. Time series of annual integrated NDVI and standardized annual NDVI anomalies from the 1981-2003 periodic means were compared with a corresponding rainfall data set (i.e. 1981-2003) as well as a historica

Effektsamband för gående och cyklisters säkerhet - litteraturstudie

Denna rapport är en litteraturstudie om trafiksäkerhetseffekter av åtgärder med avseende på cyklisters och gåendes säkerhet. Åtgärder som behandlas i denna rapport är fysiska åtgärder, samt drift- och underhållsåtgärder. Syftet med rapporten är att sammanställa empirisk kun-skap om trafiksäkerhetseffekterna av olika åtgärder för gång- och cykeltrafik. Åtgärderna delades in i tre grupper, nämligen