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Åldersdiskriminering i samband med anställningens upphörande – Samspel mellan unionsrätten och svensk rätt

Med en åldrande befolkning i samhället finns det ett ökat behov av att äldre stannar kvar i anställning högre upp i åldrarna för att undvika en alltför snedfördelad försörjningskvot. I ett sådant läge finns det emellertid ett behov av att undanröja hinder, såsom förutfattade meningar kring äldre och åldrande, och att det arbetsrättsliga diskrimineringsskyddet säkerställer att äldre arbetstagare inWith an aging population in society, there is an increased need for older people to remain in employment later in life in order to avoid an excessively skewed dependency ratio. In such a situation however, there is a need to remove obstacles, such as preconceived notions about the elderly and ageing, and that the ban on age discrimination in employment ensures that older workers are not subjected

Periprosthetic Joint Infection After Total Knee Arthroplasty With or Without Antibiotic Bone Cement

Importance: Despite increased use of antibiotic-loaded bone cement (ALBC) in joint arthroplasty over recent decades, current evidence for prophylactic use of ALBC to reduce risk of periprosthetic joint infection (PJI) is insufficient. Objective: To compare the rate of revision attributed to PJI following primary total knee arthroplasty (TKA) using ALBC vs plain bone cement. Design, Setting, and Pa

Exogenous female sex steroid hormones and new-onset asthma in women: a matched case–control study

BackgroundEvidence on the role of exogenous female sex steroid hormones in asthma development in women remains conflicting. We sought to quantify the potential causal role of hormonal contraceptives and menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) in the development of asthma in women.MethodsWe conducted a matched case–control study based on the West Sweden Asthma Study, nested in a representative cohort of 1

Digitalization and Retirement Contribution Behavior: Evidence from Administrative Data

Retirement savings decisions are increasingly mediated by digital technologies that promise to help individuals plan adequately for their retirement. We exploit a natural experiment to show that introducing a digital pension application increases the probability of making a voluntary retirement contribution by 1.8 percentage points, from an average pretreatment contribution rate of 2.8%. Men and h

Beyond Walkability - Exploring the Spatiality of Walkability Using Lefebvre's Spatial Triad

In recent years, there has been significant research on walkability, focusing on examining the built environment's influence on walking behavior. However, while these studies have focused on defining walkability using mainly physical and social aspects, there have been limited attempts to explore the spatial dimension of walkability. This thesis aimed to study the spatiality of walkability usi

Energy justice or prisoners of property? A study of the domestic heat transition in Occitanie, France

The domestic heat transition is pivotal for reshaping household energy consumption, representing a vital step for the EU and France in achieving their 2050 carbon neutrality targets. In France, this includes heat decarbonisation and deep retrofit, processes that are cost-intensive and raise questions of accessibility. Energy justice theory has the potential to unveil justice barriers and to addres

Verdics and images: Exploring how the Aurora movement relates its visual communication about strategic climate litigation to sympathetic publics

Strategic Climate Litigation (SCL) has recently gained traction as a repertoire of social movement organisations to instigate change towards sustainability. This thesis aims to understand the imagery of the Aurora movement and how it is used to engage with sympathetic publics around SCL. Applying Panofsky’s (1955) iconographic method, it examines images collected from Aurora’s Instagram channel an

Patient-reported Side Effects 1 Year After Radical Prostatectomy or Radiotherapy for Prostate Cancer : A Register-based Nationwide Study

BACKGROUND: Data on functional and psychological side effects following curative treatment for prostate cancer are lacking from large, contemporary, unselected, population-based cohorts. OBJECTIVE: To assess urinary symptoms, bowel disturbances, erectile dysfunction (ED), and quality of life (QoL) 12 mo after robot-assisted radical prostatectomy (RARP) and radiotherapy (RT) using patient-reported

In-situ observations of cloud microphysics over Arabian Sea during dust transport events

The unique in situ measurements of clouds and precipitation within the shallow and deep cumulus over the north-eastern Arabian Sea region during the Indian monsoon are illustrated in this study with a focus on droplet spectral parameters. The observational period showed a significant incursion of Arabian dust and the presence of giant cloud condensation nuclei (GCCN), modifying the cloud and preci

Experimental grazer exclusion increases pollination reliability and influences pollinator-mediated plant-plant interactions in tibetan alpine meadows

1. Co-flowering plant species often interact through shared pollinators, with effects ranging from positive (facilitation) to negative (competition). It remains unclear how this variation relates to variation in floral density, floral trait distinctiveness, and local environmental conditions. We studied the effect of grazer exclusion, a proposed local management strategy, on pollinator-mediated pl

Convergence Rates and Fluctuations for the Stokes–Brinkman Equations as Homogenization Limit in Perforated Domains

We study the homogenization of the Dirichlet problem for the Stokes equations in R3 perforated by m spherical particles. We assume the positions and velocities of the particles to be identically and independently distributed random variables. In the critical regime, when the radii of the particles are of order m-1, the homogenization limit u is given as the solution to the Brinkman equations. We p

Single German centre experience with patient journey and care-relevant needs in amyloidosis : The German AMY-NEEDS research and care program

Background Amyloidosis is a rare multi-system disorder associated with frequently delayed diagnosis, enormous disease burden and psychosocial distress. Methods Systematic assessment of needs was performed by a subtype-spanning questionnairebased survey within the AMY-NEEDS research and care program. Results 118 patients with proven amyloidosis (62.7% ATTR, 22.0% AL, 15.3% other forms) were include

Kostnadseffektivitet vid miljöåtgärder för guidning av fisk - Investeringskostnader kontra produktionsbegränsningar

Bakgrund: Samtliga Svenska vattenkraftverk och dammar ska under en tjugoårsperiod få moderna miljövillkor inom den nationella planen för omprövning av vattenkraft (NAP). Nio svenska kraftbolag finansierar tillsammans, genom Vattenkraftens Miljöfond Sverige AB (Fonden), kostnader som uppstår i samband med miljöåtgärder inom NAP. Tidigare studier visar att det finns en anlockningsproblematik vid de

“I had to qualify my belonging to the group”: Trans women's experiences of gendered boundary work and the symbolic boundaries of womanhood.

This study examines the symbolic boundaries and boundary work (Lamont, 2000) that trans women experience in relation to the cis women in their lives with whom they share a close or meaningful relationship. Centering trans women’s voices and experiences, I analyze the ways in which boundary work is used to maintain or challenge symbolic boundaries between trans women and cis women, and how those bo

Estimating major merger rates and spin parameters ab initio via the clustering of critical events

We build a model to predict from first principles the properties of major mergers. We predict these from the coalescence of peaks and saddle points in the vicinity of a given larger peak, as one increases the smoothing scale in the initial linear density field as a proxy for cosmic time. To refine our results, we also ensure, using a suite of ∼400 power-law Gaussian random fields smoothed at ∼30 d

Kris i ett auditivt landskap

I dagens risksamhälle söker organisationer ständigt nya agila metoder för att optimera och förstärka sina kommunikationsinsatser under kristider. I takt med det har organisationer blivit mer proaktiva i sin krishantering, i synnerhet när det gäller att hitta nya vägar att interagera med diverse intressenter på digitala plattformar. Följaktligen, har det skett en ökad popularitet för ljudbaserade pIn modern day’s risk society, organizations are continuously seeking new agile methods to optimize and reinforce their communication efforts in times of crisis. For this reason, organizations are becoming more proactive in their crisis management, particularly regarding finding new ways of interacting with various stakeholders on digital platforms. Consequently, there has been a rapid growth in po

A sense of Community and Belonging

This thesis explores the employer branding strategies of four major student nations at Lund University through their Instagram content throughout the year 2023. The focus is on how these organizations leverage organizational culture and rhetorical strategies—ethos, pathos, and logos—to engage current and prospective members. Utilizing a qualitative content analysis, it is examined how each student

Dynamic anthropomorphic thorax phantom for quality assurance of motion management in radiotherapy

Background and purpose: Motion management techniques are important to spare the healthy tissue adequately. However, they are complex and need dedicated quality assurance. The aim of this study was to create a dynamic phantom designed for quality assurance and to replicate a patient's size, anatomy, and tissue density. Materials and methods: A computed tomography (CT) scan of a cancer patient was u

Why is Carbon Free Island Jeju not so carbon-free?: Exploring masculinities in discourse and material reality of a decarbonisation experiment in South Korea

Despite almost 9 years of pushing for sustainable development in the global environmental politics sphere, societies worldwide remain stuck in unsustainable energy cultures. Critical feminist analyses of gendered norms in energy systems offer a path to bring to light the structures of power that keep us stuck. Carbon Free Island Jeju 2030 was a policy experiment announced in 2012 aiming to transit

Informatikstudenters användning av ChatGPT inom programmering

Denna studie utforskar hur informatikstudenter använder sig av AI-verktyget ChatGPT vid programmering och hur de använder sig av prompt engineering för att effektivt utnyttja verktyget. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer med studenter samlar arbetet insikter kring deras upplevelser och strategier när de använder ChatGPT för att lösa programmeringsproblem. Resultatet visar på att studenterna använder Cha