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NO PAIN, STILL GAIN- cross-modality development learning guided by spinal spontaneous activity

Popular Abstract in Swedish Smärta är en varningssignal vid vävnadskada. En speciell grupp av receptorer i huden är känsliga för skadlig stimulering och kallas för nociceptorer. Signalerna från dessa ”smärtreceptorer” leds via två fibertyper till ryggmärgen. Beröringssignaler förmedlas via andra typer. I ryggmärgen bearbetas information och skickas vidare till reflexkretsar och hjärnan. Hjärnan i Recent studies indicate that experience dependent mechanisms shape the pain system during the development. In view of that painful stimuli are rare during development it is not clear how this is accomplished. In this thesis it is confirmed, using a battery of sensory deprivations in the rat, that the development of an essential component of the pain system, the nociceptive withdrawal reflexes (NWR

Effect of partial premixing on stabilization and local extinction of turbulent methane/air flames

The stabilization characteristics and local extinction structures of partially premixed methane/air flames were studied using simultaneous OH-PLIF/PIV techniques, and large eddy simulations employing a two-scalar flamelet model. Partial premixing was made in a mixing chamber comprised of two concentric tubes, where the degree of partial premixing of fuel and air was controlled by varying the mixin

Poesi som poetik. Idéer om diktkonst i Jesper Svenbros lyrik.

Jesper Svenbro’s poetry can be understood as forming a lyrical poetics. This poetics can be extracted from the many poems that focus and reflect on the ontology of poetry and language, the creation and different functions of lyrical poetry, and the question of reference. This dissertation highlights the main principles of this poetics, charts its development over time, and shows the different ways

Strengthening learning from emergency responses

During the last years a couple of emergencies have affected the Swedish municipality Ljungby and its inhabitants and forced the municipality to initiate emergency responses. Some examples are a flooding that happened during the summer of 2004, the storm Gudrun that occurred in January 2005 and the storm Per that occurred in January 2007. These emergencies, as well as other incidents, are situation

Wetting and Capillary Flow of Surfactant Solutions and Inks

Popular Abstract in Swedish Ytaktiva ämnen (tensider) har många olika användningsområden, bl.a. är de en viktig beståndsdel i tvättmedel, hygienprodukter och en del läkemedel och livsmedel. Tensider används av en mängd olika orsaker, t.ex. kan de stabilisera lösningar och lösa upp fett. Det speciella med dessa ytaktiva ämnen är att de består av en hydrofil del som gillar vatten och en hydrofob delThis thesis presents results of a series of experimental studies on the spreading dynamics of small drops of complex solutions on solid surfaces. The capillary flow dynamics of complex solutions have also been investigated. In the wetting experiments, water, alcohols, aqueous surfactant solutions and commercial ink-jet inks were used as test liquids, and a number of substrates, including silicate

The Swedish Knee Arthroplasty Register. Validity and Outcome.

The Swedish Knee Arthroplasty Register (SKAR) was initiated in 1975 to prospectively follow patients operated on with knee arthroplasty. With revisions utilized as the end-point in survival analyses, it is of importance that all revisions of included patients are reported. To validate if revision status was correctly recorded, a postal survey was made among all living patients, registered as opera

Effect of Piston Shape and Swirl Ratio on Engine Heat Transfer in a Light-Duty Diesel Engine

Heat transfer losses are one of the largest loss contributions in a modern internal combustion engine. The aim of this study is to evaluate the contribution of the piston bowl type and swirl ratio to heat losses and performance. A commercial CFD tool is used to carry out simulations of four different piston bowl geometries, at three engine loads with two different swirl ratios at each load point.

Bioelectrochemical Applications of Reactions Catalyzed by Immobilized Enzymes

The sensitivity of biosensors can be increased substantially by incorporation in a substrate recycling scheme. Based on the amplification of NAD+/NADH by the recycling reaction catalyzed by glycerol dehydrogenase (GDH) and diaphorase, NAD+/NADH can be determined amperometrically with around 1000 times higher sensitivity than for the substrate sensing mode. The sensitivity of enzyme electrodes were

Pathogen-host interactions at the surface of Streptococcus pyogenes

Popular Abstract in Swedish Det stora flertalet bakterier som människan kommer i kontakt med är helt ofarliga och i vissa fall även nyttiga, eller till och med nödvändiga för oss. De bakterier som orsakar sjukdom utgör således en liten minoritet, men åsamkar trots det stort lidande och höga kostnader i alla världens länder. En av de vanligaste sjukdomsframkallande bakterierna heter Streptococcus pThe bacterial surface can be thought of as the interface where pathogenic bacteria encounter the human host. Interactions between bacterial surface proteins and human proteins are important determinants of the eventual outcome of infection. A bacterial protein, Protein F1, that binds the human plasma and connective tissue protein fibronectin, was found to reduce the virulence of Streptococcus pyog

Paternalism in general practice - physician's power and patient's autonomy

Popular Abstract in Swedish Paternalism i allmänläkarens vardag - om läkarens makt och patientens rätt till självbestämmande. I mitt vardagliga arbete som allmänläkare möter jag patienter med olika symtom och sjukdomar. Hur bör allmänläkaren förhålla sig till en patient som ställer krav på en åtgärd – en speciell undersökning, ett recept på en viss medicin eller ett intyg – som läkaren inte finneThe overall aim of this thesis was to identify and analyse situations raising the question of possible paternalism in everyday general practice in Sweden. Both questionnaires to a random sample of respondents and interviews have been used. The ethical awareness among GPs in Sweden and the variety of ethical issues, suggest that medical ethics is a subject of high relevance in general practice. Th

Postponement strategy in food supply chains – an empirical investigation

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relevancy/feasibility of the postponement strategy in food supply chains. The paper also aims at discussing the windows of opportunities for the growth of use of postponement by identifying the factors/drivers/enablers in the adoption of this strategy. It is out of the scope of this paper to survey a specific market/country, or answer how much or how

Structure and function of the cytoskeleton in cardiac and skeletal muscle

Popular Abstract in Swedish I denna avhandling undersöks vilka funktioner cytoskelettproteinet desmin har strukturellt och funktionellt i hjärta och skelettmuskel. Genom att studera funktionen i hjärt- och skelettmuskler i en transgen musmodell, Des-/- som helt saknar proteinet desmin (delarbete I-III), kan vi uppskatta hur viktigt desmin är för muskelkontraktionen. Vi har även studerat hur en mutWe have examined the functional and structural roles of the cytoskeletal protein desmin in cardiac and skeletal muscles using a genetically modified mouse (Des-/-) with the desmin gene ablated. Desmin forms filaments at the Z-disks in the striated muscle sarcomere, have connections to the sarcolemma and most likely align sarcomeres and whole cells. We have shown a decreased contractile function of

Adjusting new initiatives to the social environ­ment: Organizational decision making as learning, commitment creating and behavior regulation.

In this study we investigated how managers make strategical decisions in complex, dynamic, and real-time environments and in different decision domains. The managers we interviewed were usually ‘in charge’ of the tasks. Our results showed that the informants mostly constructed only one or two decision alternatives and that they did this to a large extent through communication with other persons, w