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Cricopharyngeal myotomy in the treatment of dysphagia

Cricopharyngeal myotomy was performed on 60 patients suffering from cervical oesophageal dysphagia. Of 37 that had a Zenker diverticulum the diverticulum was excised in 24. All patients were free of symptoms on post-operative follow-up at 2-10 years. In 10 patients with a cervical oesophageal web or postcricoid stenosis, the ability to eat normal food was restored. In 7 of 9 patients with neuromus

Transparency preference and economic behavior

It is shown that decision makers guided by Popperian epistemology will have a preference for transparency, even in situations where standard economic theory provides no rationale for such a preference. This provides a Popperian resolution of the Ellsberg paradox, and a rationale for suspicion in experiments as well as in economic life.

Pharmacogenetics during standardised initiation of thiopurine therapy in inflammatory bowel disease.

Background: Firm recommendations about the way thiopurine drugs are introduced and the use of thiopurine methyltransferase (TPMT) and metabolite measurements during treatment in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) are lacking. Aim: To evaluate pharmacokinetics and tolerance after initiation of thiopurine treatment with a fixed dosing schedule in patients with IBD. Patients: 60 consecutive patients wi

Slump, sammanträffanden och spår: Om en lärares inflytande

The paper describes the influence exercised by professor Kjell Granström in the teaching of psychology. Among pedagogical inventions inspired by Granström are to be found training in small group obesrvation in a laboratory format the use of group diaries, training in consultation. The importance of a close connection between research and teaching is discussed.

Electrochemical and catalytic investigation of carbon paste modified with Toluidine Blue O covalently immobilised on silica gel

Toluidine Blue O (TBO) was covalently bound on silica gel and mixed with graphite powder and paraffin oil to produce modified carbon paste electrodes. The formal potential (E°′) of the covalently bound TBO was found to be −100 mV versus Ag|AgCl (KCl sat.) at pH 7.0 and the E°′ varied less than anticipated for a 2-electron–proton type mediator with pH. The bound TBO was found to act as an efficient

Analysis of ET-A and ET-B receptors using an isolated perfused rat lung preparation.

Aims and Methods: The pulmonary and vascular effects of endothelin-1 receptor activation were studied in isolated perfused and ventilated lung preparations from rat. The responses to endothelin-1 (ET-1) and the endothelin B (ETB) receptor agonist sarafotoxin 6c (S6c) were characterized using the endothelin A (ETA)-receptor antagonist FR 139317, the ETB-receptor antagonist BQ 788 and the combined E

A genome-wide association study for blood lipid phenotypes in the Framingham Heart Study

Background: Blood lipid levels including low-density lipoprotein cholesterol ( LDL-C), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol ( HDL-C), and triglycerides ( TG) are highly heritable. Genome-wide association is a promising approach to map genetic loci related to these heritable phenotypes. Methods: In 1087 Framingham Heart Study Offspring cohort participants ( mean age 47 years, 52% women), we conduct

Nurses' personalities, nursing-related qualities and work satisfaction: a 10-year perspective

The personalities and qualities of nursing personnel are considered to be of great importance for their interactions and nursing relationships with patients and may also influence work satisfaction. The aim of the study was to explore the extent to which different personal qualities and personality factors, with a possible effect on motivation, professional conduct and coping with stress and anxie

Transnational Democratic Diffusion and Indonesian Democracy Discourses

There is a wide variety of ideas on democracy and democratization represented among the Indonesian democratic opposition. What is most striking is the importance of Islam as a motivation and inspiration for demands for democracy. Islam, like any other religion, can promote democratic as well as antidemocratic ideas. It is clear that the struggle for democracy in Indonesia is mainly motivated and d

Efficiency in Education - A Multilevel Analysis

Popular Abstract in Swedish Kostnaden för grund- och gymnasieskolan i Sverige motsvarar idag ca 4,5% av BNP. Med tanke på investeringens storlek är det viktigt att dessa resurser används effektivt. I avhandlingen studeras effektivitet inom den kommunala skolan på tre nivåer: Kommunal nivå, skolnivå och individuell nivå. Effektiviteten skattas i linjärprogrammeringsmodeller, genom så kallad Data EnSweden spends altogether about 4.5% of GDP on primary, secondary and upper secondary school. Considering the magnitude of this investment it is important that these resources are used efficiently. In this thesis efficiency in public education is analysed on three different levels: The municipal level, the school level, and the individual level. Efficiency is estimated using a linear programming te

Behandling av osteoporotisk kotkompression. Explosionsartat intresse för vertebroplastik och kyfoplastik

Vertebroplastik och kyfoplastik är två nya behandlingsmetoder vid osteoporotiska kotkompressioner, där man genom en perkutant insatt kanyl fyller den skadade kotkroppen med bencement så att frakturen stabiliseras, ryggsmärtan reduceras och patientmobiliseringen underlättas. Det finns inga prospektiva, randomiserade, kontrollerade studier publicerade som värderar effekterna av vertebro- och kyfoplaDuring the last 15 years, two new treatment strategies have gained worldwide attention in the treatment of osteoporotic vertebral fractures. The exponential increase in the use of percutaneous vertebro- or kyphoplasty has up to now not been supported by scientific sound evidence-based data. There exist no prospective randomised controlled trials (RCT) that support the efficacy of the treatments, n

Energy use in multi-family dwellings : measurements and methods of analysis

In 2001, multi-family dwellings were built at nine properties in Västra hamnen, Malmö, Sweden. Several well known Swedish architects were involved in designing the buildings, hence they reflect modern architecture. Prior to the inauguration, the buildings were displayed at the international housing exhibition Bo01. The housing exhibition had an ecological and sustainability focus. Regarding energy

Topics in Complex Analysis and Operator Theory I. The shift operator on spaces of vector-valued analytic functions II. Fatou-type theorems for general approximate identities III. Preduals of Q_p-spaces

Popular Abstract in Swedish Del I - "The Shift Operator on Spaces of Vector-valued Analytic Functions" består av tre artiklar som alla handlar om en viss sorts operatorer i Cowen-Douglas klassen med spektrum på enhetsskivan D, eller om man så vill, om operatorn Mz (multiplikation med z) på Hilbert rum H av vektorvärda analytiska funktioner på D. Den första artikeln, "On the Cowen-Douglas class forThis thesis consists of six articles on three different subjects in the area of complex analysis, operator theory and harmonic analysis. Part I - "The Shift Operator on Spaces of Vector-valued Analytic Functions" consists of three closely connected articles that investigate certain operators in the Cowen-Douglas class with spectrum D - the unit disc, or equivalently, the shift operator M_z

Apolipoprotein M: Progress in understanding its regulation and metabolic functions

ApoM is a novel apolipoprotein mainly present in high-density lipoprotein (HDL). It belongs to the lipocalin protein superfamily and may bind a small but so far unknown lipophilic ligand. It is secreted without cleavage of its hydrophobic signal peptide, which probably anchors apoM in the phospholipid moiety of plasma lipoproteins. Recent studies suggest that apoM may affect HDL metabolism and hav