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Your search for "*" yielded 530143 hits

Normal tissue reactions in mice after combined treatment with metoclopramide and ionizing radiation

We have previously shown that metoclopramide potentiates the effect of ionizing radiation and cisplatin treatment of human squamous cell carcinomas from the head and neck region xenografted to nude mice. In the present tumor study, the dose scheduling of metoclopramide in combination with radiation was evaluated, and metoclopramide was shown to be most effective in potentiating the cytotoxic effec

The nerve fibre layer symmetry test: computerized evaluation of human retinal nerve fibre layer thickness as measured by optical coherence tomography

Purpose: To present and test a new interpretative concept, the nerve fibre layer symmetry test (NST), for computerized evaluation of retinal nerve fibre layer thickness (RNFLT) as measured by optical coherence tomography (OCT) in glaucoma. Methods: The NST concept was constructed and tested in a pilot study. A total of 32 healthy and 40 age-matched glaucomatous eyes were included and examined by O

Regularity and chaos in interacting two-body systems

We study classical and quantum chaos for two interacting particles on the plane. This is the simplest nontrivial case which sheds light on chaos in interacting many-body systems. The system consists of a confining one-body potential, assumed to be a deformed harmonic oscillator, and a two-body interaction of Coulomb type. In general, the dynamics is mixed with regular and chaotic trajectories. The

Hus i Sverige - perspektiv på energianvändningen

Sverige står inför ett skifte av energisystem. Det är hög tid att inse vilken utmaning som ligger i detta - en utmaning för bygg- och fastighetssektorn, för energibranschen och för våra politiker! Energipolitiken skulle kunna vara ett av verktygen för att bemästra arbetslösheten och urholkningen av vårt välfärssystem. Sverige måste byggas om till ett hushållande och kretsloppsanpassat samhälle som

Experimental investigation of flow fields in a square channel roughened with various ribs on one wall

The present work studies the separated flow in a square channel with ribs on one wall by using the PIV method. In this study, the spacing between ribs is kept constant and the heights of rib are varied in order to investigate the influence of the pitch-to-height ratio, P/e on the flow structures. Depending on the various pitch ratios, the enclosure between ribs can be regarded as closed or open ca

Chlorellestadite in the preheater system of cement kilns as an indicator of HCl formation

The conditions leading to the formation of water-insoluble chlorellestadite, ideal formula (unit cell content) Ca-10(SiO4)(3)O-2, instead of water-soluble KCl and NaCl in Portland cement kiln systems were investigated by quantitative X-ray phase analysis of plant samples, preparation of pure chlorellestadite, and thermodynamic calculations. The results support the view that water-insoluble chlorid

Small ice crystals and the climatology of lightning

[1] Vigorous debate still surrounds the cloud electrification process and unexplained regional variations in lightning activity. Here, we show that climatological maxima in lightning activity are associated with small effective diameter D-e of ice crystals near cumulonimbus cloud tops. This relationship, unlike lightning's more well-known relationship with cloud top height, is consistent over land

Barnet och rättsprocessen : rättssäkerhet, integritetsskydd och autonomi i samband med beslut om tvångsvård

Popular Abstract in SwedishVad är barnets bästa i en domstolsprocess? Hur skall barns behov och intressen tillvaratas under utredningsarbete och beslut, och av vem? I vilken utsträckning skall barn få komma till tals, och varför? Under senare år har barns rättsliga ställning inom olika områden tilldragit allt större intresse inom rättsvetenskapen, bland rättstillämpare och hos allmänheten. SverigeThis dissertation deals with the question of the child´s legal status in legal proceedings concerning its own person. Special problems that may arise in investigations concerning the situation of the child and in decisions on measures to be taken in the best interest of the child are also examined. The Care of Young Persons Act (1990:52) constitutes the framework of this study. According to the Ac

Differences in solution behavior among four semiconductor-binding peptides

Recent experiments have identified peptides that adhere to GaAs and Si surfaces. Here, we use all-atom Monte Carlo simulations with implicit solvent to investigate the behavior in aqueous solution of four such peptides, all with 12 residues. At room temperature, we find that all four peptides are largely unstructured, which is consistent with experimental data. At the same time, we find that one o

Testing mean-field models near the N=Z line: gamma-ray spectroscopy of the T-z=1/2 nucleus Kr-73

Excited states in the N=Z+1 nucleus Kr-73 have been investigated using the Ca-40(Ar-36,2pn) and Ca-40(Ca-40,alpha2pn) reactions at 145 and 160 MeV, respectively. gamma rays were detected using the Gammasphere array and events were recorded in coincidence with charged-particle and neutron detectors. The three previously observed bands were extended to high spin, and a new unfavored positive-parity

hTERT T-1327/C polymorphism is not associated with age-related telomere attrition in peripheral blood

Regulation of the telomerase catalytic subunit, hTERT, is a complex process accomplished on many levels. Transcription of the hTERT gene has been widely studied but less is known about the implication of genetic variations. Recently, a functional T to C transition polymorphisin was indicated 1327 bp upstream the hTERT transcription starting site. The C-1327/C genotype was associated with shorter t