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Your search for "*" yielded 529657 hits

k-resolved susceptibility function of 2H-TaSe2 from angle-resolved photoemission

The connection between the Fermi surface and charge-density-wave (CDW) order is revisited in 2H-TaSe2. Using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, ab initio band-structure calculations, and an accurate tight-binding model, we develop the empirical k-resolved susceptibility function, which we use to highlight states that contribute to the susceptibility for a particular q vector. We show that

Gut Microbiota and Inflammation

Systemic and local inflammation in relation to the resident microbiota of the human gastro-intestinal (GI) tract and administration of probiotics are the main themes of the present review. The dominating taxa of the human GI tract and their potential for aggravating or suppressing inflammation are described. The review focuses on human trials with probiotics and does not include in vitro studies a

Clutch-size variation in Western Palaearctic secondary hole-nesting passerine birds in relation to nest box design

Secondary hole-nesting birds that do not construct nest holes themselves and hence regularly breed in nest boxes constitute important model systems for field studies in many biological disciplines with hundreds of scientists and amateurs involved. Those research groups are spread over wide geographic areas that experience considerable variation in environmental conditions, and researchers provide

Characterization of broadband few-cycle laser pulses with the d-scan technique

We present an analysis and demonstration of few-cycle ultrashort laser pulse characterization using second-harmonic dispersion scans and numerical phase retrieval algorithms. The sensitivity and robustness of this technique with respect to noise, measurement bandwidth and complexity of the measured pulses is discussed through numerical examples and experimental results. Using this technique, we su

Caspase 8 inhibits programmed necrosis by processing CYLD

Caspase 8 initiates apoptosis downstream of TNF death receptors by undergoing autocleavage and processing the executioner caspase 3 (ref. 1). However, the dominant function of caspase 8 is to transmit a pro-survival signal that suppresses programmed necrosis (or necroptosis) mediated by RIPK1 and RIPK3 (refs 2-6) during embryogenesis and haematopoiesis(7-9). Suppression of necrotic cell death by c

Development of Transient Flamelet Library Based Combustion Models

Popular Abstract in Swedish Ämnet för föreliggande avhandling är utveckling av förbränningsmodell för modellering av turbulent icke förblandad förbränning i motorrelaterade tillämpningar. I cylindern i en dieselmotor sker förbränningen under påverkan av och i interaktion med det turbulenta flödesfältet. Det finns härvidlag ett flertal svårigheter för att uppnå acceptabel noggrannhet och acceptablaThree different methods for Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes computational fluid dynamics modeling of non-premixed ignition and combustion using tabulated chemistry have been developed. All methods make use of flamelet libraries, where the flamelet auto-ignition process is parameterized using a progress variable. The progress variable parameterization of the auto-ignition chemistry allows for using

Search for contact interactions in dilepton events from pp collisions at root s=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector

This Letter presents a search for contact interactions in the dielectron and dimuon channels using data from proton-proton collisions produced by the LHC at,root s = 7 TeV and recorded by the ATLAS detector. The data sample, collected in 2011, corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 1.08 and 1.21 fb(-1) in the e(+)e(-) and mu(+)mu(-) channels, respectively. No significant deviations from the st

Immobilisation of TiO(2) for combined photocatalytic-biological azo dye degradation.

The biodegradability of the azo dye Remazol Red RR (100 mg/l) was evaluated using unadapted activated sludge and the experiment confirmed the recalcitrance of the dye. Using a combination of photocatalysis and an aerobic biological step, the biodegradability was improved significantly and complete removal of both colour and COD were achieved. Furthermore, TiO(2) was successfully immobilised on bor

Den dubbla vanmaktens logik : En studie om långvarig arbetslöshet och socialbidragstagande bland unga vuxna

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vid 1990-talets början drabbades Sverige av en omfattande lågkonjunktur. De unga som då skulle etableras på arbetsmarknaden var födda kring 1970-talets mitt. De fick erfara arbetslöshet och socialbidragstagande i avsevärt högre omfattning än någon tidigare generation i den moderna svenska välfärdsstaten. Trots ett förbättrat arbetsmarknadsläge fanns en grupp unga vuxna In the early 1990s a severe economic recession struck Sweden. The generation about to establish themselves on the labour market at this time were born in the mid seventies. They experienced unemployment and welfare dependency to a considerably higher extent than any previous generation in the modern Swedish welfare state. Despite the recovery of the Swedish economy a group of young adults, now in

We're number two! Beta cities and the cultural economy

Given that not every city can be an alpha city in today's global urban hierarchy, what options do beta cities such as Toronto or Chicago realistically have in the cultural economy? Put differently, if cultural capitals such as New York, London, Paris, and Tokyo play critically important roles in certifying and establishing new trends in theatre, fashion, and other cultural industries, how can beta

Direct numerical simulation of lean premixed CH4/air and H-2/air flames at high Karlovitz numbers

Three-dimensional direct numerical simulation with detailed chemical kinetics of lean premixed CH4/air and H-2/air flames at high Karlovitz numbers (Ka similar to 1800) is carried out. It is found that the high intensity turbulence along with differential diffusion result in a much more rapid transport of H radicals from the reaction zone to the low temperature unburned mixtures (similar to 500 K)

Caries risk assessment in young adults using Public Dental Service guidelines and the Cariogram-a comparative study

Objectives. To investigate the caries risk profiles in young adults and to compare the risk classification using the Public Dental Service (PDS) guidelines with a risk assessment program, the Cariogram. Materials and methods. All 19-year-old patients registered at eight public dental clinics were invited to participate (n = 1699). The study group who completed the baseline examination consisted of

Fixed parameter algorithms for the minimum weight triangulation problem

We discuss and compare four fixed parameter algorithms for finding the minimum weight triangulation of a simple polygon with (n - k) vertices on the perimeter and k vertices in the interior (hole vertices), that is, for a total of n vertices. All four algorithms rely on the same abstract divide-and-conquer scheme, which is made efficient by a variant of dynamic programming. They are essentially ba

Characterization of the postsynaptic protein neurogranin in paired cerebrospinal fluid and plasma samples from Alzheimer's disease patients and healthy controls

Introduction: Synaptic dysfunction and degeneration are central events in Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathophysiology that are thought to occur early in disease progression. Synaptic pathology may be studied by examining protein biomarkers specific for different synaptic elements. We recently showed that the dendritic protein neurogranin (Ng), including the endogenous Ng peptide 48 to 76 (Ng(48-76)),

Warming and browning of lakes: consequences for pelagic carbon metabolism and sediment delivery

1. Thousands of lakes in the Northern Hemisphere are experiencing a continuous increase in water temperature and colour. While increasing temperature is an effect of climate change, several factors are suggested to drive the increasing water colour, including climate change, altered land use and reversed acidification. 2. In this mesocosm study, we study the effects on pelagic production and sedim