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A theory stuck in evolutionary and historical time

We argue that the two temporal cognition systems are conceptually too confined to be helpful in understanding the evolution of temporal cognition. In fact, we doubt there are two systems. In relation to this, we question that the authors did not describe the results of our planning study on ravens correctly, as this is of consequence to their theory.

Interactive model building in neutron macromolecular crystallography

This chapter aims to give an overview of the process of interactive model building in macromolecular neutron crystallography for the researcher transitioning from X-ray crystallography alone. The two most popular programs for refinement and model building, phenix.refine and Coot, respectively, are used as examples, and familiarity with the programs is assumed. Some work-arounds currently required

Stockholmare, flytta dit bostäderna finns

På samma sätt som det är naturligt för ungdomar från bruksorter att flytta till Stockholm bör Stockholmsungdomar ställa in sig på att flytta ut från stan, skriver Ingemar Bengtsson, universitetslektor i fastighetsvetenskap vid Lunds universitet.

Vad ska vi med föreläsningar till?

Föreläsningen är en märklig undervisningsform. Samtidigt som den är den vanligast förekommandemetoden, är den också den mest föraktade. Det finns gott om högskolepedagogisklitteratur som förklarar varför föreläsningen är olämplig för att stimulera lärande. Ändåfortsätter vi föreläsa. Det kan tyckas motsägelsefullt.Denna reflektion vänder på frågan och letar efter föreläsningens fördelar. Utifrån t

On the Structure of Solid Lipid Nanoparticles

Solid lipid nanoparticles (SLNs) have a crystalline lipid core which is stabilized by interfacial surfactants. SLNs are considered favorable candidates for drug delivery vehicles since their ability to store and release organic molecules can be tailored through the identity of the lipids and surfactants used. When stored, polymorphic transitions in the core of drug-loaded SLNs lead to the prematur

Understanding the complexity of socioeconomic disparities in type 2 diabetes risk: A study of 4.3 million people in Sweden

Objective Investigating demographic and socioeconomic factors as intersecting rather than as separate dimensions may improve our understanding of the heterogeneous distribution of type 2 diabetes in the population. However, this complexity has scarcely been investigated and we still do not know the accuracy of these factors for predicting type 2 diabetes. Improved understanding of the demographic

Ancient Ancestry Informative Markers for Identifying Fine-Scale Ancient Population Structure in Eurasians

The rapid accumulation of ancient human genomes from various areas and time periods potentially enables the expansion of studies of biodiversity, biogeography, forensics, population history, and epidemiology into past populations. However, most ancient DNA (aDNA) data were generated through microarrays designed for modern-day populations, which are known to misrepresent the population structure. P

All-polyethylene versus metal-backed posterior stabilized total knee arthroplasty : similar 2-year results of a randomized radiostereometric analysis study

Background and purpose — The all-polyethylene tibial (APT) component, introduced in the early 1970s, was surpassed by metal-backed tibial (MBT) trays as the first choice for total knee arthroplasty (TKA). With improved polyethylene, the modern APT components can reduce costs, and have shown equivalent results in survivorship and early migration of the cruciate-retaining and cruciate-stabilizing de

Mortality risks associated with sibling heart failure

Background The mortality in individuals with a family history of heart failure (HF) has not been determined. This nationwide sib-pair study aimed to determine mortality in individuals with a sibling affected with HF. Methods Sib-pairs were linked using the Swedish Multi-Generation Register, the Hospital Discharge Register and the Cause of Death Register for the period 1987–2012. Families with card

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Rapporten er utarbeidet i forbindelse med FoU-prosjektet «Virkningene av voldsoffererstatning». Prosjektet har hatt som formål å gi økt kunnskap om virkninger, i betydning av bruker- og samfunnseffektene av voldsoffererstatningen.Oppdraget er gjennomført av Oxford Research. Prosjektleder har vært sjefanalytiker Tor Egil Viblemo ved Oxford Research og prosjektdeltakerne har vært Vegard Solhjem Knut

'We are all serving the same Ugandans' : A nationwide mixed-methods evaluation of private sector surgical capacity in Uganda

Introduction Half of all Ugandans (49%) turn to the private or private-not-for-profit (PNFP) sectors when faced with illness, yet little is known about the capacity of these sectors to deliver surgical services. We partnered with the Ministry of Health to conduct a nationwide mixed-methods evaluation of private and PNFP surgical capacity in Uganda. Methods A standardized validated facility assessm

Att omsätta lag i handling : Polisens förutsättningar i det professionella handlingsutrymmet

I kapitlet resoneras utifrån ett rättssociologiskt perspektiv, kring vilka möjligheter barnkonventionen som lag har att förändra yrkesverksammas arbete i praktiken, med poliser som exempel. Poliser kan, liksom flera andra offentligt anställda tjänstepersoner, ses som ”gräsrotsbyråkrater” vars handlingsutrymme påverkas och styrs av en mängd andra faktorer förutom lagstiftning. I kapitlet diskuteras

Making of a Community of Learning at the Times of Solitude

Higher Education in the European context has been transformed radically since 1990s, partly in line with global political and economic trends. In the Swedish context these trends also manifested itself, among other things, in how teaching is practiced and valued. The managerial and paradigmatic shift altered the balance between teaching and research in the favour of the latter. This happened while

Övervakning av fåglarnas populationsutveckling. : Årsrapport för 2018.

I denna rapport redovisas populationstrender för 212 svenska fågelarter för olika långa tidsperioder. Fåglarna har räknats vinter, vår och sommar enligt strikt standardiserade metoder. Sommar- respektive vinterpunktrutter har räknats sedan 1975, i huvudsak i södra Sverige. Standardrutterna räknas också på sommaren (sedan 1996) men täcker hela Sverige på ett representativt sätt. Nattaktiva fåglar h

Leaky Optoelectrical Fiber for Optogenetic Stimulation and Electrochemical Detection of Dopamine Exocytosis from Human Dopaminergic Neurons

In Parkinson's disease, the degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in substantia nigra leads to a decrease in the physiological levels of dopamine in striatum. The existing dopaminergic therapies effectively alleviate the symptoms, albeit they do not revert the disease progression and result in significant adverse effects. Transplanting dopaminergic neurons derived from stem cells could restore dopa

Analysis of early-flowering genes at barley chromosome 2H expands the repertoire of mutant alleles at the Mat-c locus

Key message: Analyses of barley mat-c loss of function mutants reveal deletions, splice-site mutations and nonsynonymous substitutions in a key gene regulating early flowering. Abstract: Optimal timing of flowering is critical for reproductive success and crop yield improvement. Several major quantitative trait loci for flowering time variation have been identified in barley. In the present study,