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EU, staten och rätten att straffa: Problem och principer för EU:s straffrättsliga lagstiftning

This is a thesis in Criminal Law, with the overall purpose to present an analysis of the legitimacy of the development in the criminal law area that has occurred within the framework of the European Union (EU). More specifically, the thesis will focus on the question of legitimacy of legislative power in criminal matters at the EU level – a question which ultimately is one concerned with the legit

A longitudinal study of engineering students' approaches to their studies.

This longitudinal study draws on data from a larger project and examines how students' perceptions of their opportunities to influence their study environment may be enacted in approaches aimed at influencing their studies, and whether this changes during the course of their studies. Ten students from a 4.5-year Master's programme in Engineering were studied throughout their education by means of

Assignment of solutions to cases: Comments on Bentham and the formal theory of legislative action

The chapter starts from Bentham’s idea of an ideal code to be constructed ab origine, grounded on natural and universal principles. Lindahl maintains that Bentham had great confidence in the future role of logic, but that deontic logic is too narrow to do justice to the richness of Bentham’s ideas. The paper outlines how a formal theory of legislative action can be constructed for a rational “Bent

Modelling and Analysis of Cutting Forces, Traction Loads and Thermoelasticity of Carbide Cutting Tools in Turning Operations - Theory and Experiments

In modern manufacturing the production safety is often the key factor to achieve good product quality. Factors that influence the production safety are many, durability of machining centres, electric power supply and also the tool life. The tool life is governed by the ability to resist wear and failure. The long term wear is usually easy to predict contrary to premature failure. Premature failure

Financing Small Businesses - Developing our Understanding of Financial Bootstrapping Behavior

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen är en sammanläggningsavhandling, bestående av fem artiklar, kring hur finansiella behov hanteras i nya och små företag. Den empiriska datan har insamlats genom två enkätstudier och en fallstudie. Det viktigaste bidraget i avhandlingen består i utvecklingen av begrepp som gör det möjligt att förstå s.k. finansiell bootstrapping i nya och små företag. Med finThe overall aim of this composite thesis, consisting of five articles, is to develop concepts for furthering the understanding of small business managers´ handling of finance. The main contribution is the development of a conceptual understanding of so-called financial bootstrapping behavior in small businesses (referring to the use of methods for minimizing and/or eliminating the need for financi

Why is Chinese Regional Output Diverging?

In a recent paper Pedroni and Yao (2006) present strong evidence suggesting that Chinese regional output is diverging, a result that flies in the face of the current opinion of Chinese policymakers. This paper provides an in-depth analysis of the reasoning behind this finding. Our main result is that divergence does exist, even when new data and more advanced methods of analysis are used. We also

Determination of the adsorption site of a polyatomic adsorbate using vibrational spectroscopy and ab initio calculations: methoxy on Cu(100)

Using vibrational spectroscopy and ab initio electronic structure calculations of small metal cluster models we have determined the adsorption site of methoxy on Cu(100). The experimental vibrational frequencies are very well reproduced by the model cluster representing the four-fold hollow adsorption site in contrast to calculated frequencies for model clusters representing bridge and on-top adso

Cobalamin/folate status and its relation to cognition and behaviour in psychogeriatric patients.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Åldrandet innebär fysiologiska förändringar i många olika organ t.ex hjärta, kärl och nervsystem. Även ämnesomsättning och behov av olika näringsämnen förändras, vilket innebär en ökad risk att drabbas av olika sjukdomstillstånd. Detta påverkar även den åldrande hjärnan som kan drabbas av mer eller mindre omfattande förändringar, i såväl blodkärl som nervceller. Mindre The aim of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic potentials of four different biochemical markers, serum cobalamin, blood folate, plasma homocysteine and serum methylmalonic acid for diagnosis of cobalamin/folate deficiency in a psychogeriatric population. The second aim was to investigate the relationship between these markers and various clinical and functional parameters of the nervous syst

A manual on ASIC front to back end design flow

This paper presents a manual that covers the necessary design steps for a basic ASIC design flow. It is shown how the manual writing process is organized such that each chapter covers a certain step in the design flow. The manual has been written especially with practicality in mind and has been successfully applied to undergraduate and postgraduate teaching