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Kommunikation från idé till järnväg

When a infrastructure project need to be done the planning process is needed. To inform but also to get input to the idea that´s suggested a consultation with the individual concerned is needed. Consultation is the best way for individual concerned to comment the project. To consult with the concerned is essential for upcoming project. The people need to have an opportunity to get involved into th

LED-belysning i plattform, teknisk lösning för passagerarinformation

To accomplish safe, accessible and effective travel by train, a well-functioning passenger information system is required. This thesis aims at providing a technical solution for a system able to indicate the position of arriving trains at the platform. This will be achieved with the help of receded LED lighting within the inner marking of the safety zone. The lighting system will also give warning

Prosolvias efterdyningar - En studie i när kausalitet föreligger i samband med revisors skadeståndsansvar.

Denna uppsats syftar att besvara frågan när kausalitet föreligger för revisorers skadeståndsansvar. Denna fråga har varit aktuell sedan det kända Prosolvia-målet kom för några år sedan. I det målet ansåg hovrätten att för att bestämma om kausalitet förelåg var man tvungen att skapa ett hypotetiskt händelseförlopp. I detta hypotetiska händelseförlopp undersöktes om skadan hade uppkommit om revisorThe current statues of confusion for accountant’s damage claims is spreading in Sweden. After the highly mediatized Prosolvia-case a lot of questions regarding causality has surfaced. When does causality for an accountant’s damage claim become applicable? Since the Prosolvia-case verdict there has been a stream of confusion of how the court decided to determine the causality. They decided that one

Uncovering Customer Orientation in Product Development - A Qualitative Study based on the Software Industry

PURPOSE: The purpose of this research project is to further advance theory on management of product development by providing insights on customer orientations. The study contributes to the literature by bringing in Actor-Network Theory (ANT) as a new perspective to theorize the process of translations between customer orientation and engineering orientation within product development. RELEVANCE:

Investigations of the mechanisms behind the carbon loss in a Swedish pine & spruce forest, with the ecosystem model LPJ-GUESS

Vegetation on land is globally taking up about 30% of the CO2 that is emitted by human activities (oceans take up 30%, while 40% remains in the atmosphere). This ability to store carbon in the vegetation and in the soil is very important to mitigate the climate changes, but all land based ecosystems are not carbon sinks. Ecosystems that are losing carbon needs to be further investigated, so we can

Acquisition of distributed CAN traffic for centralized analysis at functional and electrical levels

This thesis covers specification and development of a distributed measurement system intended for CAN bus. It was completed at Scania CV, Södertälje in collaboration with Lund University. The goal of the thesis is to specifiy and develop a distributed measurement system that helps Scania with acquisition of functional and electrical data. Several topics are adressed such as filtering, at what spee

Den frivilliga rapporteringen som strategiskt verktyg - En studie av forsknings- och utvecklingsintensiva organisationer

Den information som organisationer främst väljer att utlämna i sina frivilliga upplysningar innefattar information om nya produkter, avtal, humankapital samt vissa relationer. Motiven till detta är främst praktiska, strategiska samt konkurrensrelaterade. Den information som organisationer istället väljer att ta med är information om strategi, samarbetspartners, befintliga produkter samt informatio

A behavioural approach to research the possibility of a heat sense in dog (Canis lupus familiaris)

Hunden, en värmedetektor? Hundnosen är kall och blöt, precis som de flesta andra landlevande rovdjurs. Inte så revolutionerande i sig kanske, men när man börjar jämföra med andra djur, med gräsätare, börjar man bli konfunderad. För både kor, hästar, får och antiloper har varm och blöt nos. Varför det? Det vet vi inte. Det vi vet är att det finns någon sorts vinst med att rovdjurens nos är just Pre-existing material show that the nose temperatures of carnivorian species are clearly below the nose temperatures of typical grazers. The reason for this dierence is yet unknown. Analyses of histological sections have revealed a dense innervation of the nose skin, an indication of a sensory function. A heat sense would benet from a low temperature in the nose, in contrast to other senses. The h

Technical assessment of GeoSUR and comparison with INSPIRE experience in the context of an environmental vulnerability analysis

The use of spatial information has become an important resource for decision support making at national and regional levels. In this respect, several private and public organizations are continuously collecting and producing geospatial data. However, there are still problems that affect the usage of spatial information. As a response to these problems, several spatial data sharing initiatives have

Strukturell Musikanalys

Denna uppsats kommer att presentera ett nytt sätt att tänka kring och analysera musik. Initialt visar den på hur bristfälligt antropologer har studerat musik och presenterar sedan kort huvuddragen i Alan P. Merriams teoretiska ramverk gällande musik. Han är en av de få antropologer som seriöst har försökt studera musik ur ett antropologiskt perspektiv. Mycket av det han skrev har klassats som etno

Remind, react, reward

This master thesis started as part of “Industry Wise”, an explorative research based project initialized by the company Interactive Institute in 2009. The goal of Industry Wise was to increase electricity awareness and/or stimulate change of energy behavior among employees in industries by visualizing their electricity consumption in real time. I joined Industry Wise to be a part of the research a

Challenges and potential to improve airline safety and demonstrate resilience through monitoring

Rasmussen (1997) shows how it may be possible to go beyond an acceptable safety boundary, and if crossing the boundary is irreversible, an error or an accident may occur. Organizations reside as a specific operating point within three specific boundaries. The three boundaries are: the economic failure boundary, the unacceptable workload boundary, and the boundary of functionally acceptable perform

Utveckling av ett säkert testverktyg

This report describes the process of a bachelor thesis carried out for the consulting company’s a new company with five employees working in different areas. The problem for is that their current recruitment process is not efficient enough, it is long and some parts take much time. The task is to develop a safe test tool that optimize their current recruitment process thro

Tidsbegränsade anställningar - överensstämmer anställningsskyddslagen med EU-rätten?

Efter 2007 års lagändringar i anställningsskyddslagen anmäldes Sverige till EU-kommissionen. Anledningen var att lagens bestämmelser inte ansågs vara förenliga med direktiv 1999/70/EG om ramavtalet om visstidsarbete undertecknat av EFS, UNICE och CEEP. Enligt ramavtalet ska det finnas bestämmelser som förhindrar missbruk som uppstår av flera på varandra följande tidsbegränsade anställningar. EU-kAfter the 2007 legislative changes in the Swedish Employment Protection Act Sweden was reported to the European Commission. The reason was that its provisions were not considered compatible with Council Directive 1999/70/EC concerning the framework agreement on fixed-term work concluded by ETUC, UNICE and CEEP. According to the framework agreement, there should be measures preventing abuse arising