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CEFLE and Direkt Profil: a new computer learner corpus in French L2 and a system for grammatical profiling

Abstract in UndeterminedThe importance of computer learner corpora for research in both second language acquisition and foreign language teaching is rapidly increasing. Computer learner corpora can provide us with data to describe the learner's interlanguage system at different points of its development and they can be used to create pedagogical tools.In this paper, we first present a new computer

The relationship between pretend play and creativity

This chapter addresses different aspects of the relationship between pretend play and creativity. The first part consists of a critical discussion of definitions of creativity and attempts to apply them to dif-ferent kinds of pretend play, which demonstrates how often definitions of creativity are best applied to adult creativity, despite the fact that many people—at least, laypeople—hold the view

A multivariate genetic analysis of specific phobia, separation anxiety and social phobia in early childhood

Background: Comorbidity amongst anxiety disorders is very common in children as in adults and leads to considerable distress and impairment, yet is poorly understood. Multivariate genetic analyses can shed light on the origins of this comorbidity by revealing whether genetic or environmental risks for one disorder also influence another. We examined the genetic and environmental influences on the

Analytic expression for the exact bit error probability of the (7,5) convolutional code

Analytic expression for the exact bit error probability of the (7,5) convolutional code was discussed. Recursive systematic encodes which became especially important as component encoders in concatenated coding schemes were also studied. This technique can calculate the probability distribution of the output log-likelihood ratios of the Max-Log-MAP algorithm in analytic form.

Aiway Mucins: experimental models for studies of secretions

Popular Abstract in Swedish Alla människor har säkert någon gång i sitt liv haft en vanlig förkylning med snuva, och ökad slemproduktion som främsta symtom. På luftvägsslemhinnans yta möter kroppen omvärlden i form av inhalerade partiklar, bakterier och virus som fastnar i den tunna slemfilm som normalt täcker och skyddar det yttersta cellagret. Vid irritation av slemhinnan ses ofta en förhöjd sleMucins are essential components of the mucosal barrier. The complexity of the airway mucosal barrier is reflected in the lack of specific treatments to block mucin hypersecretion associated with several respiratory diseases such as chronic bronchitis, asthma and cystic fibrosis. Currently, researchers in the mucin field are confronted with a growing number of mucin genes. In order to understand th

Enhancing the accentuated factor framework - dependencies between factors

Handheld computing and mobile information systems are continuously breaking new ground, with an increased importance for business. However, there is evidence that we still have lessons to learn concerning the design of handheld information systems. Handheld information system poses challenges to the designer in the unique properties of handheld technologies and the conditions of use of handheld te

Brand Trust: Corporate communications and consumer-brand relationships

In the wake of well-known instances of corporate misconduct – for example Enron in the U.S., and Skandia in Sweden – consumers ask for more transparent corporate brand practices to make corporate brands trustworthy. However, potentially, consumers who put their trust in brands may be sacrificing some of their own control, thus weakening themselves in the trusting relationship. The aim of this book

The Regime Environment of Environmental Regimes: Conceptualizing, Theorizing and and Examining Conflicts among International Regimes on Environmental Issues

The thesis scrutinizes an emerging phenomenon in international relations: the increase in functional overlaps among international regimes. I approach this young field of study in three consecutive parts. The first part conceptualizes regime overlaps as ‘regime conflicts’. Following a broad sociological understanding of ‘conflict’, I define a regime conflict as an overlap among two or more internat