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New reduced state space BCJR algorithms for the ISI channel
A critical component in detection under intersymbol interference (ISI) and in turbo equalization is the BCJR algorithm. We study two approaches to reducing its computation. First, the state space is reduced by optimizing the receiver's phase-maximizing all pass filter. Then the state space used by the BCJR calculation is reduced by breaking the state into an offset and a main state. These procedur
Electronic structure of nanometer-sized semiconductor crystals
We report on a theoretical study of the electronic structure of semiconductor nanocrystals, based on a tight-binding method. Both one- and zero-dimensional structures have been studied. Concerning the one-dimensional structures, the effect of the confinement on the band structure of nanowires has been studied. We find that a transition from direct to indirect band gap occurs in the band structure
Innovation as Creative Response. Determinants of Innovation in the Swedish Manufacturing Industry, 1970-2007
This doctoral thesis examines the driving forces of product innovations in the Swedish manufacturing industry during the period 1970-2007. Specifically it examines whether and how innovations have been the creative response to positive factors, such as new opportunities and obstacles related to their exploitation, and negative factors, such as economic, environmental and organizational problems. T
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Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship: The Birth, Growth and Demise of Entrepreneurial Firms
The Context of Paratext: A Bibliometric Study of the Citation Contexts of Gérard Genette’s Texts
Based on two sets of data consisting of research articles from Web of Science, analyses were made on articles citing Genette and articles using the paratext concept. The purpose was to investigate the context in which the paratext concept is used and Genette is cited by analyzing the journals and research fields in which the articles were published, the literature these articles are based on, and
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Abstract in German Der Esssay behandelt Fakten und Phantasien und lässt dabei die Linien zwischen beiden Genres ineinander laufen - so wie historische Romane, Dramen und Opern tatsächlich arbeiten. Die Motive sind unterschiedlich, dienen aber meist einer interpretativen Verdeutlichung zum besseren Verständnis einer aktuellen Problemkonstellation. Mitunter werden aber auch Dramen oder Opern - nicht
Alternative consumption practices and the creative consumer
Hållbarhetsmyten - Varför ekonomisk tillväxt inte är problemet
Hållbar utveckling har kommit att bli ett av de mest använda begreppen i vår tid. Att minska den globala fattigdomen och uppnå de globala utvecklingsmålen borde vara centralt i en diskussion om hållbar utveckling. Ekonomisk tillväxt som lyfter människor ur fattigdom är inte bara ekonomiskt och socialt hållbart utan även avgörande för långsiktig miljömässig förbättring. Under senare tid har emeller
High-Speed Visual Robot Control Using an Optimal Linearizing Intensity-Based Filtering Approach
Many contact operations in robotics require accurate positioning, which is made difficult by the presence of rapidly varying interaction forces and compliances in gear boxes and links. In order to compensate for such effects, rapid feedback from the measured tool position in several degrees of freedom is needed. This paper presents a dynamic visual tracking technique based directly on intensity me
Surface Properties of Antibodies and their Complexes with Antigens Studied by LLPC
The main objective of this thesis was to gain further insight into the relationship between the exposed surfaces and the functional properties of antibodies and their complexes with antigens in solution. To study this relationship, a new technique, liquid-liquid partition chromatography (LLPC) in aqueous two-phase systems, was developed further with respect to sensitivity, selectivity and reproduc
Biomechanical modelling of cells in mechanoregulation
Many cells are mechanoregulated; their activities are performed at a rate partly determined by the biophysical stimulus acting on them. Computer simulations that would capture this could be used to predict the effect of physical exercise on tissue health. They could also be used to simulate how the tissues surrounding a medical device would respond to the placement of that device. Since cells are
Welfare and Gender in Transnational India
The Influence of Polyelectrolytes on the Stability of Colloids
Popular Abstract in Swedish Den här avhandlingen handlar om interaktion mellan två ytor (t.ex. fibrer, lerpartiklar eller proteiner) i en vattenlösning med motjoner, salt och/eller polyelektrolyter. Polyelektrolyter är laddade polymerer. Avhandlingen är fokuserad på elektrostatisk växelverkan och interaktionerna har undersöks med hjälp av Monte Carlo-simuleringar. De kvalitativa resultaten har oftThe interaction between two colloids with grafted polyelectrolytes in aqueous solution is studied within the primitive model by Monte Carlo simulations. For neutral colloids with grafted polyelectrolytes and in absence of salt the interaction is strongly repulsive in absence of salt. The interaction depends on the extension of the polyelectrolytes from the surfaces and the interaction is derived a
Förväntningars betydelse i den förtroendeskapande processen
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Sutures bridging nerve defects
Popular Abstract in Swedish Skador med avskärning av nerver i övre extremiteten drabbar oftast unga personer. Nervskadan medför ett betydande handikapp i form av förlorad känsel och muskelkontroll i armen och/eller handen. Vid en nervskada dör de delar av nervfibrerna (axonerna) som är belägna bortom avskärningen medan nervens stödjeceller och ytterhölje finns kvar. För att återfå funktion måste nA new and simple method for the repair of nerve defects, in which sutures alone are used to guide regeneration between the nerve endings, was developed. Bilateral seven to 17 mm rat sciatic nerve defects were bridged by continuous longitudinal sutures with or without different modifications, by conventional autologous nerve grafts or direct repair under tension as controls. Evaluation was performe
Noise characteristics of single shot broadband Raman-resonant CARS with single- and multimode lasers
A simple model is presented as an aid in understanding, first, the relative noise performance and, second, the noise reduction achievable by referencing, in different experimental approaches to single shot broadband coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS). Qualitative agreement is obtained with previous experimental investigations of CARS noise. The broadband dye laser radiation is described