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Fast spectrophotometry of WD 1145+017

WD 1145+017 is currently the only white dwarf known to exhibit periodic transits of planetary debris as well as absorption lines from circumstellar gas. We present the first simultaneous fast optical spectrophotometry and broad-band photometry of the system, obtained with the Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC) and the Liverpool Telescope, respectively. The observations spanned 5.5 h, somewhat longer t

Proximal composition and in vitro starch digestibility in flaxseed-added corn tortilla

BACKGROUND: The effect of addition of flaxseed flour (10:90, 15:85 and 20:80, w/w) on the chemical composition and starch digestibility of corn tortilla was investigated. Tortillas were baked and frozen in liquid nitrogen, freeze-dried, ground and analyzed for fat, protein, ash, total starch (TS), available starch (AS) and resistant starch (RS) contents as well as for starch hydrolysis rate and pr

Composite wheat-plantain starch salted noodles. Preparation, proximal composition and in vitro starch digestibility

Salted noodles were prepared with different contents of wheat grits and plantain starch (PS). The blends were hydrated with 2% NaCl (w/v), homogenized, and the resulting doughs were sheeted through a pasta machine, cut into strips ∼30cm in length, cooked, and their composition and in vitro starch digestibility was assessed. Moisture (6.43-7.60%) and ash contents (2.08-3.12%) increased by the addit

Fibre concentrate from mango fruit : Characterization, associated antioxidant capacity and application as a bakery product ingredient

Mango is a still underutilized fruit from tropical regions. The aim of this work was to characterize a mango dietary fibre concentrate (MDF) with antioxidant capacity, using the unripe fruit. MDF was obtained and its chemical composition, soluble (SDF) and insoluble dietary fibre (IDF), extractable polyphenols, water- and oil-holding capacities and anti-radical efficiency, were evaluated. MDF show

In vitro starch digestibility and predicted glycemic index of corn tortilla, black beans, and tortilla-bean mixture : Effect of cold storage

People in the rural areas of Mexico consume corn tortillas and beans as basic components of their diet. However, little is known about the nutritionally relevant features of starch present in such combined meals. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the in vitro bioavailability of starch in tortilla-bean mixtures stored at 4 °C for different times, as compared to that of corn tortill

Effect of cooking procedures and storage on starch bioavailability in common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)

Common commercial beans were cooked using two procedures: under pressure (autoclaving) and traditional cooking. Total starch extraction was higher in beans cooked with the traditional procedure (41.69-42.81%) than in the autoclaved samples (37.04-38.16%) and did not change during storage at 4°C. However, available and total resistant starch levels in vitro were not influenced by the cooking proced

Steam-Cooking and Dry Heating Produce Resistant Starch in Legumes

Starch was isolated from either raw or steam-heated black, red, and lima beans. Isolates from steam-heated legumes were rich in indigestible (resistant) starch (19-31%, dmb), a fact not observed when raw seeds were used. Similarly, resistant starch measured directly in conventionally and high-pressure steamed beans was 3-5 times higher than in the raw pulses, suggesting retrogradation as the major

Altered biventricular hemodynamic forces in patients with repaired tetralogy of Fallot and right ventricular volume overload because of pulmonary regurgitation

Intracardiac hemodynamic forces have been proposed to influence remodeling and be a marker of ventricular dysfunction. We aimed to quantify the hemodynamic forces in repaired tetralogy of Fallot (rToF) patients to further understand the pathophysiological mechanisms as this could be a potential marker for pulmonary valve replacement (PVR) in these patients. Patients with rToF and PR>20% (n=18) and

Multi-Faith Spaces Uncover Secular Premises Behind the Multi-Faith Paradigm

Multi-Faith Spaces (MFSs) are a relatively recent invention that has quickly gained in significance. On the one hand, they offer a convenient solution for satisfying the needs of people with diverse beliefs in the institutional context of hospitals, schools, airports, etc. On the other hand, MFSs are politically significant because they represent the cornerstone of the public religion in Europe to

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In spite of the importance of legumes in Latin American diets, nutritional features of carbohydrates in these seeds are scarcely known. The purpose of this study was to assess the in vitro digestibility of starch in cooked powdered black beans, a common type of product in Mexico and Central America. The properties of a commercial product were compared to those of an experimental material obtained

Chemical composition and in vitro starch bioavailability of Phaseolus vulgaris (L) cv Mayocoba

Common beans of the Mayocoba variety were cooked (178 min) and evaluated regarding their chemical composition and starch digestibility in vitro. Mean physical characteristics of the Mayocoba grain were: thousand-kernel weight, 443.0 (±0.98)g; length, 12.45mm; width 7.84mm and thickness, 6.44mm. Total starch content in Mayocoba bean was 40.24% (dmb). The available starch was 22.87%, whereas resista

Chemical Composition, Starch Bioavailability and Indigestible fraction of Common Beans (Phaseolus Vulgaris L.)

In Mexico, consumption of beans represents 15% of the normal diet of the population in rural zones. Four common bean varieties cultivated in Mexico were studied regarding their chemical composition, starch digestibility and indigestible fraction. The protein level in the samples Huasteco, Tacana and TLP 19 was not different (α = 0.05), but Veracruz cultivar had the highest protein and ash content,

Preparation of indigestible pyrodextrins from different starch sources

Starch-modifying processes, such as pyrodextrinization, are potential ways to alter the nutritional features of this polysaccharide. A widely used method for pyrodextrinizing maize starch was also applied to lentil, sorghum, cocoyam, sagu, and cassava starches, and the in vitro digestibility of the products was evaluated. Pyrodextrins were produced by heating starch at 140°C for 3 h, with catalyti

Chemical, physical and morphometric properties of Peruvian carrot (Arracacia xanthorrhiza B.) starch

Starch was isolated from Peruvian carrot (PC) -or arracacha- (Arraccacia xanthorrhiza B.) roots. Its chemical, physical, physicochemical and granular structural properties were compared to those of commercial cassava starch. Scanning electron microscopy revealed a granular size for PC starch ranging between 4 and 26 μm in diameter, with spherical and truncated-egg shapes. PC and cassava starches w

Bioavailability of carbohydrates in legumes : digestible and indigestible fractions.

Despite their important contribution to seed weight, carbohydrates in pulses have received limited attention. However, experimental evidence accumulated during the last two decades indicate that legumes are rich sources of slowly digestible starch promoting moderate postprandial glycernic and insulinemic responses. Although the reasons for this phenomenon are not completely understood, some intrin

Starch digestibility in the diabetic rat

The digestibility of a mixture of starches was evaluated in balance experiments, with both normal and streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats treated with antibiotics to prevent colonic fermentation of unabsorbed material. Pancreatic amylase production in the diabetic animals was only 10% of the normal level. In spite of this, only a minor decrease in the total starch digestibility index was recorded

Analytical and Nutritional Implications of Limited Enzymic Availability of Starch in Cooked Red Kidney Beans

Measured with an enzymic method, the starch content of a raw red kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) flour (RBF) was higher than that of a cooked and blended (CBB) and of a cooked, freeze-dried, and milled (CBF) preparation of the seeds. Wet homogenization as well as pepsin pretreatment of CBF increased the starch yield, indicating that starch in the cooked samples is not completely available to enzy