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Connecting the Nodes : An interactive perspective on innovative microenterprises in a mature industry

The emergent nature of the innovation process has always rendered it an elusive subject of study. Nonetheless, academics remained undeterred in their attempts to articulate the innovation process in academics terms as attested by the growing amount of research on the topic. Existing theories for explaining innovation (or the lack of innovation) center on empirical samples from large firms in the h

Informal caregivers of older persons with dementia in eight European countries. Experiences, support, well-being and burden.

The overall aim was to investigate informal caregivers providing care for older persons with dementia (≥ 65 years of age) in eight European countries. Focus was on their experiences of formal care, access to support and factors that were associated with caregivers’ psychological well-being and burden. Caregivers’ experiences of formal care were investigated in a qualitative study with four focus gThe overall aim was to investigate informal caregivers providing care for older persons with dementia (≥ 65 years of age) in eight European countries. Focus was on their experiences of formal care, access to support and factors that were associated with caregivers’ psychological well-being and burden. Caregivers’ experiences of formal care were investigated in a qualitative study with four focus g

The effect of perimetric experience in patients with glaucoma

OBJECTIVE: To study prospectively the effects of perimetric learning in glaucoma patients.PATIENTS AND METHODS: Twenty-five patients with newly detected glaucoma underwent repeated perimetric testing using the 30-2 full threshold program with the Humphrey perimeter. Each patient was tested five times at about 1-week intervals. No patient had undergone perimetry before entering the study.RESULTS: I

The efficacy of once weekly compared with two or three times weekly subcutaneous epoetin β : Results from a randomized controlled multicentre trial

Background. Anaemia in haemodialysis patients can be effectively treated with erythropoietin. We investigated whether subcutaneous (SC) epoetin β administered once weekly was as effective as the same weekly dosage given in two to three divided doses. Methods. One hundred and fifty-eight patients (delivered Kt/V >1.0, where K=dialyser-renal urea clearance, t=dialysis time and V=filtration volume, o

Well-being and functional ability in uraemic patients before and after having started dialysis treatment

In this study perceived well-being and functioning in 28 uraemic patients (14 women and 14 men, mean age 54 years) were measured in the predialysis stage during conservative renal therapy and 3-9 months after having started maintenance dialysis treatment. The patients had participated in a patient education programme in the predialysis stage. Disease-specific symptoms, perceived health (Wealth Ind

Subcutaneous epoetin beta in renal anemia : An open multicenter dose titration study of patients on continuous peritoneal dialysis

Objective: To establish dose requirements (target hemoglobin > 100 g/L) and safety of subcutaneously administered epoetin beta. Design: Open multicenter study. Patients: Forty-five anemic patients (21 female, 24 male; mean age 55 years; range 20-79 years) who had been on continuous peritoneal dialysis for 1-157 months (mean 24 months). Thirty patients required blood transfusions during the year pr

Andras ramar, våra villkor : Majoritetssamhället och romska minoriteter i förändring

Romer är en av Sveriges fem nationella minoriteter. I Sverige skattas den romska minoriteten utgöra ungefär 40 000 personer, vilket skall ställas i relation till världens 20 miljoner romer. I den här publikationen # nns en utvärdering av den verksamhet som bedrivits av Romskt informations- och kunskapscenter (RIKC) under 2009, samt en utvärdering av den verksamhet som bedrivits vid Romsk kul

Complimentary action : C1q increases ganglion cell survival in an in vitro model of retinal degeneration

Using a previously described retinal explant culture system as an acute injury model, we here explore the role of C1q, the initiator of the classical complement pathway, in neuronal cell survival and retinal homeostasis. Full-thickness adult rat retinal explants were divided into four groups, receiving the following supplementation: C1q (50 nM), C1-inhibitor (C1-inh; Berinert; 500 mg/l), C1q + C1-

An automatic tuner with short experiment and probabilistic plant parameterization

A novel automatic tuning strategy is proposed. It is based on an experiment of very short duration, followed by simultaneous identification of LTI model parameters and an estimate of their error covariance. The parametric uncertainty model is subsequently exploited to design linear controllers with magnitude bounds on some closed-loop transfer function of interest, such as the sensitivity function

Hard hadronic diffraction is not hard

Hadronic diffractive processes characterized by a hard scale (hard diffraction) contain a nontrivial interplay of hard and soft, nonperturbative interactions, which breaks down factorization of short and long distances. On the contrary to the expectations based on the factorization hypothesis, assuming that hard diffraction is a higher twist, these processes should be classified as a leading twist

Tour-loop QCD analysis of the Bjorken sum rule

We study the polarized Bjorken sum rule (BSR) at low momentum transfers in the range 0.223LO expression for the coefficient function CBj(αs) in the framework of the common QCD perturbation theory (PT) and the singularity-free analytic perturbation theory (APT). The analysis of the PT series for CBj(αs) gives a hint to its asymptotic nature manifesting itself in the region Q

Diffractive pQCD mechanism of exclusive production of W+W - pairs in proton-proton collisions

We present a study of central exclusive production of W+W - pairs in proton-proton collisions at the LHC. We compare the contribution of the γγ → W+W- mechanism with a new mechanism of exclusive diffractive production through the gg → W+W- subprocess with intermediate virtual Higgs boson and quark box diagrams. The amplitude for the latter process is expressed in terms of the off-diagonal unintegr

Diffractive deep inelastic scattering from multiple soft gluon exchange in QCD

Diffractive hard scattering is interpreted as the effect of soft gluon exchanges between the emerging energetic quarks and the nucleon's color field, resulting in an overall color singlet exchange. Summing multiple gluon exchanges to all orders leads to exponentiation and an amplitude in analytic form. Numerical evaluation reproduces the precise HERA data and gives new insights on the density of g

Densely interconnected transcriptional circuits control cell states in human hematopoiesis

Though many individual transcription factors are known to regulate hematopoietic differentiation, major aspects of the global architecture of hematopoiesis remain unknown. Here, we profiled gene expression in 38 distinct purified populations of human hematopoietic cells and used probabilistic models of gene expression and analysis of cis-elements in gene promoters to decipher the general organizat

A Comprehension of Spinoza's God : through the Dichotomy of Labels

The 17th century philosopher Spinoza is known for his concept of God as One Substance, God or Nature and therefore considered as a monist and categorized as a naturalist. He has been labeled an atheist and God-intoxicated man, as well as a determinist and pantheist, which I perceive to be dichotomies. The problem, as I see it, is that Spinoza’s philosophy and concept of God has mainly been interpr

Outlining an analytical framework for mapping research evaluation landscapes

This paper suggests an infrastructure perspective, as suggested by Star and Bowker (2006), as an analytical framework for studying the research evaluation landscape. An infrastructure is suggested to be understood, not as a concrete technology, but as a system of contextual factors including ‘Actors/Stakeholders’, ‘Technical systems’, and ‘Evaluation practices’. How the framework can be operationaThis paper suggests an infrastructure perspective, as suggested by Star and Bowker (2006), as an analytical framework for studying the research evaluation landscape. An infrastructure is suggested to be understood, not as a concrete technology, but as a system of contextual factors including ‘Actors/Stakeholders’, ‘Technical systems’, and ‘Evaluation practices’. How the framework can be operationa