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Your search for "*" yielded 528168 hits

Molecular evidence for hierarchical transcriptional lineage priming in fetal and adult stem cells and multipotent progenitors.

Recent studies implicated the existence of adult lymphoid-primed multipotent progenitors (LMPPs) with little or no megakaryocyte-erythroid potential, questioning common myeloid and lymphoid progenitors as obligate intermediates in hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) lineage commitment. However, the existence of LMPPs remains contentious. Herein, global and single-cell analyses revealed a hierarchical or

Tumour therapy with radionuclides: assessment of progress and problems

Radionuclide therapy is a promising modality for treatment of tumours of haematopoietic origin while the success for treatment of solid tumours so far has been limited. The authors consider radionuclide therapy mainly as a method to eradicate disseminated tumour cells and small metastases while bulky tumours and large metastases have to be treated surgically or by external radiation therapy. The p

Atomic structure studies using fusion plasmas

Atomic spectroscopy plays an important role in fusion research and extensive knowledge of atomic parameters is needed for plasma diagnostics. However, a magnetically confined hot plasma can be considered as a spectroscopic fight source which has some unique properties, including high temperature and low density. Fusion devices can therefore be used to tackle problems in basic atomic physics. This

Secondhand Smoke Exposure Causes Bronchial Hyperreactivity via Transcriptionally Upregulated Endothelin and 5-hydroxytryptamine 2A Receptors.

Cigarette smoke exposure is strongly associated with airway hyperreactivity (AHR) which is the main characteristic seen in asthma. The intracellular MAPK signaling pathways are suggested to be associated with the airway damage to the AHR. In the present study, we hypothesize that secondhand cigarette smoke (SHS) exposure upregulates the bronchial contractile receptors via activation of the Raf/ERK

The emerging liquid biofuel market in Argentina: Implications for domestic demand and international trade

While the world's transport energy matrix is still strongly linked to limited and heavily polluting fossil fuels, new markets are appearing for the production and use of alternative transport fuels, such as liquid biofuels. Due to an interconnected global economy, such markets today are developing oil a global scale with actors looking to meet local as well as potential international demand. The a

A mycorrhizal fungus grows on biochar and captures phosphorus from its surfaces

Biochar application to soils has potential to simultaneously improve soil fertility and store carbon to aid climate change mitigation. While many studies have shown positive effects on plant yields, much less is known about the synergies between biochar and plant growth promoting microbes, such as mycorrhizal fungi. We present the first evidence that arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi can use bioch

Myndighetssamverkan i barnahus - organisering, innehåll och process. Delrapport 4 i utvärderingen av nationell försöksverksamhet med barnahus 2006-2007

I ett barnahus ska myndigheter samverka under ett tak vid utredningar av misstänkta brott mot barn. Samverkan ska bidra till kontinuerligt utbyte av kunskap och information i såväl enskilda ärenden som på en övergripande nivå. Men vad händer när olika professionella såsom socionomer, poliser, åklagare, rättsmedicinare och psykologer ska samverka? Hur påverkas deras arbete? Vilka svårigheter och vi

Occupational exposure to electromagnetic fields and sex-differential risk of uveal melanoma

Objectives The association between occupational exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) and the risk of uveal melanoma was investigated in a case-control study in nine European countries. Methods Incident cases of uveal melanoma and population as well as hospital controls were included and frequency matched by country, 5-year birth cohort and sex. Subjects were asked whether they had worked close

Regulation of core clock genes in human islets.

Nearly all mammalian cells express a set of genes known as clock genes. These regulate the circadian rhythm of cellular processes by means of negative and positive autoregulatory feedback loops of transcription and translation. Recent genomewide association studies have demonstrated an association between a polymorphism near the circadian clock gene CRY2 and elevated fasting glucose. To determine

Aluminium based adjuvants and their effects on mitochondria and lysosomes of phagocytosing cells

Aluminium oxyhydroxide, Al(OH)(3) is one of few compounds approved as an adjuvant in human vaccines. However, the mechanism behind its immune stimulating properties is still poorly understood. In vitro co-culture of an aluminium adjuvant and the human monocytic cell line THP-1 resulted in reduced cell proliferation. Inhibition occurred at concentrations of adjuvant several times lower than would b

Rättighetssubjekt och omsorgsobjekt - hand i hand eller stick i stäv? Exemplet barn i institutionsvård

In the article, tha author analyses how different lines of developments in childhood research effect the Swedish child law. The focus is on the public child protection system. The author investigates what approach to children is construed in legal acts, in preparatory works an in cases from the Administrative Supreme Court of Appeal. The Young Persons Act (1990:52) constitutes the framework of the

Forwarding a challenging task: Seven elements for capacity development for disaster risk reduction

Capacity development for disaster risk reduction is an important process to substantially reduce disaster losses, which threaten sustainable development and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals. This paper presents seven elements for capacity development for disaster risk reduction that has been applied in practise with noteworthy results. The seven elements are: (1) Terminology, (2

Exploring policy evaluation approaches addressing micro-economic decisions to improve energy efficiency in the residential sector

Abstract in UndeterminedThe objective of the report is to analyse simulation results coming from the use of a policy evaluation method that encompasses a wider set of determinants for technology choice. To that end, we use the EEB_Sweden model v1.0. Still in an early stage of development, the model offers an opportunity to capture or integrate critical modelling aspects that justify our research p