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Utmaningar med utländsk arbetskraft på svenska byggarbetsplatser

Det övergripande syftet med detta examensarbete är att sammanställa en utvärdering av de utmaningar som det innebär att arbeta med utländsk arbetskraft på svenska byggarbetsplatser. Vidare ämnar arbetet också kartlägga huruvida huvudentreprenörens arbetsledning påverkas av arbetssättet. Studien initierades med en litteraturstudie för att få en utökad teoretisk bakgrund. Vidare genomfördes en fallThe overall purpose of this thesis is to compile an appraisal of the main challenges of working with foreign subcontractors on Swedish construction sites. Furthermore, the thesis also aims at describing the effects of how the main contractor’s management is influenced by the work method. This thesis was initiated through literature studies to gain an extended theoretical background. A case study

Entrepreneurial Perception of Product Development Cycle Time within Startup Companies

Purpose: While the phenomenon of new product development (NPD) and cycle time in general is sufficiently covered in the literature, a clear picture of the NPD length in startups has not been available so far. Simultaneously, the literature emphasizes the entrepreneurial perception and judgment as major factor for the success of a business, but does not specifically refer to the NPD cycle time.

Min Kånken, en del av min stil: en etnografisk studie av Kånkenanvändarnas gestaltning av stilkulturen indie

This dissertation has examined Fjällrävens backpack Kånken, and its interconnection with the individual's social identity, as well as the group affiliation to the style culture indie. The study has also treated Kånken and its expression of fashion in connection with the style culture indie. In the answering of questions we have conducted an ethnographic study, with a total of 8 people being in

The role of the cvn operons and the small GTPase CvnD2 in polar growth and hyphal distribution in Streptomyces venezuelae

The genetics of choosing your own path The soil bacteria streptomycetes play a vital role in our modern society as key producers of antibiotics used to treat infections all over the world (Slonczewski, J. et al., 2017). As over 50% of the antibiotics produced for medical use originate from streptomycetes (Slonczewski, J. et al., 2017), it is fair to say that these bacteria make up an essential co

Bilden av politisk höger- och vänsterextremism - Olika yrkeskategoriers syn på brottsligheten och könsrollerna i politiskt extrema miljöer

Abstrakt Författare: Hanna Fagerberg & Erica Törnkvist Titel: Bilden av politisk höger- och vänster extremism – olika yrkeskategoriers syn på brottsligheten och könsrollerna i politiskt extrema miljöer Kandidatuppsats: SOCK04, 15 hp Handledare: Anna Rypi Sociologiska institutionen, höstterminen 2016 Politisk extremism förekommer i dagens samhälle men det finns en problematik kring begreppet

The act on the Institute of national remembrance : en argumentationsanalys av de tyska mediernas respons på den polska regeringens lagtillägg

The question of guilt, considering the Holocaust, is a complex one. The recent Polish amendment to the law against Holocaust denial forbids, among others, calling the Nazi concentration camps for Polish camps. This makes the question of guilt even more complex. On one side the Germans acknowledge their guilt by, for example, their law against denying the Holocaust. Across the border, the Poles hav

Bygglogistik och kommunikation - ett nödvändigt samspel

Urban development projects of a complex nature with many involved project participants are becoming increasingly common in the construction sector. The projects are often part of cities' investments in urban growth. The aim is often to create added value for large areas in the cities. Tight schedule allowance minimum mistakes. High project cost and usually many involving project participants d

Föreningsskuldens påverkan på bostadsrättsföreningars värde - Finns det en optimal kapitalstruktur?

Alla som bor i en bostadsrätt är medlemmar i en bostadsrättsförening och äger en viss procentandel i den. Föreningens ekonomi är en del av bostadsrättshavarens privata ekonomi och hushåll som bor i bostadsrätter ansvarar indirekt för en del av föreningens lån. Bostadsrättsföreningens skuld bidrar således till hushållen skuld. Det finns därför anledning att tro att bostadsrättsföreningars belåning All tenant-owned apartments in Sweden are a part of a private housing cooperative, and the residents share a part of it. The cooperative housings economy is a part of the households’ economies, since residents indirectly are responsible for the cooperative housings’ debts. The leverage of the cooperative housings therefore contributes to the households’ debt ratio. There are thereby reasons to bel

The astronomical consequences of primordial black holes

Inom modern astronomi är mörk materia en av dem viktigaste byggstenarna i universum. Även om vi inte kan se mörk materia, tror vi att uppemot 85 \% av all materia består av det. Faktum är att vi behöver denna mängd för att förstå hur stjärnor rör sig runt Galaxen, och hur galaxer formas. Trots dess betydelse för vår nuvarande förståelse inom astronomi har vi inte kunnat identifiera vad mörk materiIn the radiation or early matter dominated eras of the Universe, there is a theoretical possibility for the formation of black holes (BHs). These primordial black holes (PBHs) have been thought of as a possible candidate for dark matter (DM), and an attractive one at that as it would explain DM using only baryonic physics. Constraints from theory and observations such as microlensing has nearly ex

Intensivvårdssjuksköterskans upplevelse av det akuta omhändertagandet av traumapatienter

Bakgrund: Akut omhändertagande av traumapatient är en komplex händelse. Enbart lite forskning har gjorts som belyser intensivvårdssjuksköterskans upplevelse av att omhänderta akuta traumapatienter. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa intensivvårdssjuksköterskans upplevelse av det akuta omhändertagandet av traumapatienter på akutmottagningens traumarum. Metod: Studien använde sig av kvalitativ semistruktu

Information-Related Practices of Syrian Refugees Living in Scania, Sweden

This thesis explores the information-related needs and practices of Syrian refugees in Sweden as represented by six Syrians living in Scania County, Sweden, both during their journeys and after arrival in Sweden. The research adopts a qualitative approach through conducting semi-structured interviews in informal Arabic with Syrian refugees. The interviews were then thematically analyzed from the t

Governing to Save the Earth : An Analysis of How to Elect a Pro-Climate Congress in the United States of America

This thesis aims to provide a political strategy for building a lasting pro-climate governing majority in the House and Senate. It analyses the current state of the pro-climate coalition in Congress and lays out the top opportunities for and threats to climate governance in the US. Overall, passing robust climate legislation through the US Congress requires a clear understanding of how social iden

Searching for consensus: A study of hydrosocial relations in the water management of river Eurajoki in southwestern Finland

Water management tackles complexities within the interconnected social, political, economic and ecological systems across scales, while aiming to meet the needs of multiple stakeholders dependent on water. Many tensions and unsolved issues persist in water management regarding socio-political power structures, spatial scale, and relations between stakeholders who have different perceptions on prob

Det kommer att ta generationer. En kvalitativ studie om hur skolkuratorer beskriver sitt arbete med hedersproblematik hos skolelever

The aim of this study was to examine how school counselors work with honor-related problems among students. The study is based on five qualitative interviews with seven school counselors. The analysis was based on two theories: the theory of the world as a social construction, and the theory of intersection.The interviews were analysed with a thematic analysis method. The result show that honor-re

The Intersection of English Education Policy in Sweden and Teacher Agency

Researchers have examined how teachers come to make sense of language policies in their practice. These studies explored the relationship between language policies and teacher agency in various contexts. The aim of the study was to explore English upper secondary school teachers’ agency in Sweden, since the Swedish educational language policy expects English teachers to include various functions t

Simulation of a Rotational Brake System Regulated by Change in Angular Deceleration

Ett fullt mekaniskt rotationsbromssystem aktiverat och reglerat av vinkelacceleration har utvecklats av Brillianze Sweden AB. Bromsens användningsområde ska utökas och därför skapades modeller för flerkroppsdynamiska simuleringar i Adams/View. Det är första gången forskning eller simulationer har gjorts på systemet. Det huvudsakliga målet med avhandlingen var att bekräfta och fortsatt undersöka bA fully mechanical rotational brake system activated and regulated by rate of change in angular velocity has been developed by Brillianze Sweden AB. Its field of usage is currently limited and is to be expanded upon. Therefore new models were made to perform multibody dynamics simulations in Adams/View. This is the first time any research or simulations have been made on this specific brake system

Designing a Smartphone Application for Identification of Network Devices

Idag kopplas allt fler enheter upp på Internet, vilket effektiviserar såväl enhetshantering som kommunikation mellan enheter. I hemmiljöer kan användare styra enheter genom att förse dem med beskrivande namn, som till exempel "högtalare vardagsrum". Så länge antalet enheter är begränsat är en sådan lösning ofta tillräcklig. I ett fall med ett stort antal enheter måste användaren dock hålToday, an increasing amount of physical devices are obtaining Internet connectivity for more efficient management and device communication. In home environments, users may manage devices by providing them descriptive names such as "living room speaker". For a limited set of devices such a solution is often sufficient. However, in a case where one wants to individually manage a very high

A Comparative Analysis of the Performance of Euro-Denominated Green and Conventional Bonds

The green bond market has seen exponential growth since its boom in 2013 but literature on this topic is considered woefully inadequate. This research paper therefore seeks to compare the performance of European green bonds against its conventional counterparts. Analysis was conducted on two data samples spanning from the year 2013 to 2019 using the matching principle and an extended Fama-French m