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Mechanisms Involved in Cartilage Oligomeric Matrix Protein’s (COMP) Generation of Cancer Stem Cells and Protection Towards Stress Signals in Breast Cancer

Cartilage Oligomeric Matrix Protein and the Generation of Cancer Stem Cells Cartilage Oligomeric Matrix Protein (COMP) is a pentameric molecule normally found in cartilage and bone tissue. No known link between COMP and cancer had been found before the original investigation. Elevated levels of COMP in breast tumor cells was correlated with decreased survival and increased recurrence of the disea

From kings and dictators to liberal democracies: How political regimes affect income inequality

This study looks at how political regimes affect income inequality. Levels of inequality differ a lot between countries but tend to be very stable over time in a country. This is in line with explanations of inequality that focus on structural factors, of which political regimes could be one. The model used in this study is based on the selectorate theory, which states that the size of the group t

Decoding Auditory Attention from Multivariate Neural Data using Cepstral Analysis

Very little is known about the remarkable ability of humans to separate a single sound source from a dense mixture of sound sources in a crowded background, known as the cocktail-party scenario. Better understanding could lead to a breakthrough for the next-generation of hearing aids to have the ability to be cognitively controlled. A key finding in the field is that human cortical activity has be

Unraveling the hype: A literature review and Delphi study of the potential of public and permission-less blockchains in the supply chain

Background: Blockchain technology has during the last years become a hot topic for supply chain management. Solutions are being developed and sold, but exactly what blockchain technology can bring to the supply chain is unclear. The technology can be divided into two main varieties, public and private. The public version sparked the initial interest in the technology but has not been as heavily pr

Initiativ för minskat matsvinn från livsmedelsbutiker

In Sweden there are several political goals stating the importance of diminished quantities of waste from the food sector, yet several thousand tons of potentially edible food are being discarded of every year. This study has examined the hindrances and opportunities of six different organizations/initiatives working to lower the rates of food waste from retail stores. It has also looked into pote

The Pursuit of Profit - a study of the relationship between financial performance and education quality in Swedish private schools

Purpose The purpose of this thesis is to assess whether there is a relationship between the financial performance of Swedish private schools and the quality of the education they provide. Methodology Parametric Tests and OLS-Regression Theoretical perspectives New Public Management, Public Choice Theory, Quasi-markets Empirical foundation The sample consist of 740 Swedish primary and secondary

Is bolder better? The influence of personality on competitive success and predation susceptibility in the invasive round goby (Neogobius melanostomus)

Invasive species are currently one of the main causes of biodiversity loss across the globe and recent research has shown that the personality of an invader can have significant impacts on the invasion dynamics for that species. Therefore, this study examined the impact of personality on both competitive success and predation susceptibility of the highly invasive round goby (Neogobius melanostomus


This thesis studies the cognitive elements in strategic thinking and aims to contribute to the assessment of a tool that is developed to measure this ability. Strategic thinking is an area in strategy research that has received little emphasis. There is a lack of understanding of the cognitive elements behind the ability to think strategically. Therefore, this research aims to gain a deeper insigh

Utmaningar med utländsk arbetskraft på svenska byggarbetsplatser

Det övergripande syftet med detta examensarbete är att sammanställa en utvärdering av de utmaningar som det innebär att arbeta med utländsk arbetskraft på svenska byggarbetsplatser. Vidare ämnar arbetet också kartlägga huruvida huvudentreprenörens arbetsledning påverkas av arbetssättet. Studien initierades med en litteraturstudie för att få en utökad teoretisk bakgrund. Vidare genomfördes en fallThe overall purpose of this thesis is to compile an appraisal of the main challenges of working with foreign subcontractors on Swedish construction sites. Furthermore, the thesis also aims at describing the effects of how the main contractor’s management is influenced by the work method. This thesis was initiated through literature studies to gain an extended theoretical background. A case study

Capacity for Capacity Development

The contrasting reality between the recognition of the effectiveness of capacity development as a path to achieving development and the apparent ineffectiveness of many capacity development interventions brings into question the ability of organisations to take on their envisaged role as external partners. Through interviews with informants from eleven different organisations, the study generates

Cooperation in sustainability transitions: C2C online sales in Italy.

C2C online platforms contribute to the redistribution of goods and services in the economy, attributing value to resources otherwise wasted and fostering cooperation behaviours among consumers. However, the sustainable development of C2C markets is related to the users’ motivations of participation. This study investigates what are the socio-demographic and economic characteristics of individuals

Analytical and Synthetic Phases of Path Development Knowledge Bases and The Evolution of Swedish Textile Industry: The Case of Borås

The questions of how regions develop over time and new regional growth paths emerge have been widely investigated by economic geographers. This study, with a wide understanding regarding the role of history, enhances our perception on how evolution process acts and what type of dynamics are influential to create a new path development by unfolding the different characteristics of development phase

Entrepreneurial Perception of Product Development Cycle Time within Startup Companies

Purpose: While the phenomenon of new product development (NPD) and cycle time in general is sufficiently covered in the literature, a clear picture of the NPD length in startups has not been available so far. Simultaneously, the literature emphasizes the entrepreneurial perception and judgment as major factor for the success of a business, but does not specifically refer to the NPD cycle time.

Min Kånken, en del av min stil: en etnografisk studie av Kånkenanvändarnas gestaltning av stilkulturen indie

This dissertation has examined Fjällrävens backpack Kånken, and its interconnection with the individual's social identity, as well as the group affiliation to the style culture indie. The study has also treated Kånken and its expression of fashion in connection with the style culture indie. In the answering of questions we have conducted an ethnographic study, with a total of 8 people being in

Finansialisering i icke-finansiella företag. - Kan den mätas via årsredovisningar?

Syfte: Syftet är att ta fram en modell för att mäta finansialiseringen i icke-finansiella företag via dess årsredovisning. Metod: Uppsatsen utgörs av en litteraturstudie för att granska tidigare forskning, begrepp, samt begreppens operationalisering till mått inom finansialisering. Med utgångspunkt i detta tas det fram en modell för hur finansialisering kan operationaliseras i icke-finansiella föPurpose: The purpose is to develop a model to measure the financialization of non-financial corporations through its annual report. Methodology: The essay consists of a literature study to review previous research, concepts, and operationalization of concepts to measures, within financialization. Based on this, a model for how financialization can be operationalized in non-financial corporations

Exploring Diversity and Innovation: Patterns in Small and Medium Technology Enterprises in Scania

Purpose: In this study, we investigate the perceptions of diversity and innovation in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Our research is targeted to technology SMEs in the Scania region of Sweden. Applying the qualitative method, we analyze, through interviews, how SMEs view diversity and innovation potential from the perspective of the founders or top managers of the firm. Findings: Our findin

ASSIMILATION OF TECHNOLOGY-LED INNOVATIONS IN SMES: A single case study exploring organizational factors as barriers

Title: Assimilation of technology-led innovations in SMEs: A single case study exploring organizational factors as barriers Date of the seminar: May 2018 Course: ENTN39 Master’s Corporate Entrepreneurship and Innovation Internship and degree project (Master’s thesis 15 ECTS) Author: Justus Dircks and Olivia von Sydow Supervisor: Sotaro Shibayama Examiner: Joakim Winborg Keywords: Innovation

Integration through physical activity in Sweden

Integration through physical activity is getting bigger in national integration strategies. Healthy bodies and clear minds can improve many things in life, this is also true for refugees. Many of the integration projects focusing on physical activity have male participants but fail to get women interested in participating in physical activities. This study investigates why the women are not partic

Production of liposomes and their interaction with the complement system

Det naturliga immunförsvarets attack mot liposomer Liposomer är små konstgjorda vesiklar som är uppbyggda av samma byggstenar som biologiska cellmembran. Liposomer kan användas för att transportera olika typer av molekyler i kroppen, exempelvis läkemedel. De kan även användas inom forskning som en modell över ett enkelt cellmembran för att ge en uppfattning om hur mer komplexa biologiska system Liposomes are closed spherical bilayered membrane structures in aqueous solutions, with an internal aqueous compartment entrapped by either a single or multiple concentric lipid bilayer(s). They can be used as a tool in research to mimic simple cell membranes, to study e.g. lipid-protein interactions, as well as they are extensively used as carriers of various molecules, especially for tumor targe