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Your search for "*" yielded 530128 hits

A new instruction overlapping technique for improved anti-disassembly and obfuscation of x86 binaries

The problem of correctly recovering assembly instructions from a binary has received much attention and both malware and license validation code often relies on various anti-disassembly techniques in order to complicate analysis. One well-known anti-disassembly technique is to use overlapping code such that the disassembler starts decoding from an incorrect byte, but still recovers valid code. The

Historiedidaktik, politik och demokratisering i Östeuropa

Detta kapitel är en vidareutveckling av några av mina analyser av hur ”politik nerifrån” kan påverka historien och av spelfilmens roll i skapandet av historiemedvetande. De tidigare studierna är “Building Civil Society and Democracy East of Elbe: Problems and Prospects”, i Sven Eliaeson, (ed.) Building Civil Society and Democracy East of Elbe, (utkommer 2006), ”’The past is never dead.’ The Histor

Naphthoxylosides Investigations into glycosaminoglycan biosynthesis

Popular Abstract in Swedish Många av cellernas reglerings-, kommunikations- och interaktionssystem styrs av kolhydrater. Dessa kolhydrater sitter ofta bundna på proteiner och bildar då så kallade makromolekyler. En sådan grupp av makromolekyler kallas för glykosaminoglykaner. I de flesta medlemmar av denna grupp sitter långa kolhydratkedjor fast på proteinet via sockret xylos, även känt som björksGlycosaminoglycans (GAGs) are members of a family of polysaccharide structures consisting mostly of repeating disaccharide units. Most GAGs are attached to specific serine residues in proteins to form proteoglycans (PGs). GAGs and PGs show a large and diverse number of biological functions ranging from cell cycle regulation and control of formation of blood vessels to modification of tissue transp

Acute improvement of contralateral hand function after deafferentation

To study cortical re-organisation after acute hand deafferentation, we investigated 10 experimental subjects and 10 controls for function in the left hand, before, during and after tourniquet induced anaesthesia of the right hand. fMRI was performed in three experimental subjects. Tourniquet-induced right hand anaesthesia resulted in rapid significant improvement in grip strength, tactile discrimi

Global effects of the Chicxulub impact on terrestrial vegetation - Review of the palynological record from New Zealand Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary

Analysis of pollen and spore assemblages from both terrestrial and near-shore marine sediments in New Zealand reveal an instant and dramatic mass-kill of the land plants in close association with the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary (KTB) event. The turnover in the palynoflora is followed by a recovery succession, the most prominent feature of which is an interval dominated by fern spores (fern spike)

Isolation of Mitochondria

Although it is possible to measure respiration by intact tissues it is often useful to be able to isolate uncontaminated, intact and functional mitochondria. Here, we will consider some of the principles for isolating cell organelles. This discussion is not meant to be exhaustive nor will it be a cookbook with recipes to be followed step-by-step. Useful general references are Douce 1985, Møller et

Sequence evolution in a chromosomal region of Arabidopsis thaliana

Popular Abstract in Swedish Den genetiska variation som finns i en population är inte slumpmässigt fördelad mellan olika delar av genomet. I stället beror den på populationens historia och faktorer som selektion och populationsstruktur. Det har visat sig hos människa att samband som finns mellan sjukdomsalleler och andra genetiska markörer kan användas för att hitta gener. I många organismer finnRecently there has been a lot of interest in the use of liknage disequilibrium (LD) in genome wide scans for new genes, so called association mapping. Of crucial importance to a genome wide scan for associations between genetic markers and the trait of interest is the extent of LD, as it determines both how closely a trait can be mapped and also how many markers is needed to map it. Most outbreedi

Att leda och administrera

Det här kapitlet belyser fyra frågor som man förr eller senare och ofta ganska plötsligt kan behöva ställa sig som (ny)disputerad vid ett universitet. Vem tar ett ledningsuppdrag? Varför gör man det? Vad kan man vinna på det? Kommer man att ångra sig? Kapitlet bygger dels på egna erfarenheter och dels på samtal jag har haft med prefektkolleger och andra som funderat mycket över dessa frågor – ibla