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Språkutveckling och språkstörning hos barn. D. 1, Fonologi, grammatik, lexikon

Boken behandlar språkutveckling och språkstörning hos enspråkiga barn. Först presenteras aktuella definitioner av språkstörning och ges en historisk översikt av ämnet. Därefter beskrivs fonologisk, grammatisk och lexikal utveckling hos barn med typisk språkutveckling samt ges en översikt av teoribildningen inom respektive område. Problem inom fonologi, grammatik och lexikon hos barn med språkstör

A Foot in Two Camps: Taiwan and Japanese Studies

An account of my personal experiences working at the intersection between Japanese and Taiwanese studies, this article outlines major differences between approaches and concerns in studies of the mass media in the two countries and describes challenges and opportunities for research trying to span the two different fields.

The biogas value chains in the Swedish region of Skåne

Biogas systems are complex in the sense that they cut across several sectors, mainly agriculture, waste management and energy. Cooperation between actors in these sectors must work for biogas projects to be realised and successful. The aim of this report is to describe the biogas systems in Skåne from a value chain perspective, including important development pathways. The different segments in th

Nationella medicinska indikationer for fotkirurgi

I september 2004 fick Nationellt Kompetenscentrum för Ortopedi (NKO) sitt initiala uppdrag från Sveriges Kommuner och Landsting (SKL), vilket avsåg utarbetande av nationella medicinska indikationer för operation av höft- och knäledsartros, operation av diskbråck, spinal stenos och segmentell ryggsmärta samt operation av menisk- och korsbandsskador. Detta delarbete avrapporterades i mars 2005. NKO

Beyond the walls of semiconductor fabs: energy intensity of high-grade materials

The increasing semiconductor functionality relies on more complex integrated circuits with higher component densities. Miniaturisation and its implications on resource consumption in semiconductor facilities have been fairly well explored in a number of life cycle assessment (LCA) studies, which show that, in spite of the growing product complexity, resource intensities per product unit are gradua

Reduced CO2 mitigation costs by multi-functional biomass production

The CO2 mitigation cost when biomass replaces fossil fuels depends on several factors, such as the type of fossil fuel replaced, the energy systems involved, induced changes in the biospheric carbon stock, and the intensity and efficiency of the biomass production. Irrigation of energy crops, using nutrient rich municipal wastewater and drainage water, can lead to substantially improved productivi

Social simulator project

The work carried out in the Social Simulator Project focused on development of the social simulator tool. Methods for making use of the tool were also examined. The tool consists of two computer software programs, one for viewing social scenarios and one