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Big science in a small country
Om erotik, makt och sexualbrottens sexualitet
In this chapter I examine the concept of sexual offenses in Swedish criminal law: How is the sexuality of sexual offenses constructed? The material analyzed consists of preparatory works and case law on sexual offenses. Inspired by law professor Katherine M. Franke, the analysis is theoretically grounded in two diverse understandings of sexuality: Sexuality as erotic and sexuality as a dense trans
A matter of life and health : Life satisfaction, personality and mortality in two populations of elders
Popular Abstract in Swedish En fråga om liv och hälsa Livstillfredsställelse, personlighet och mortalitet i två äldre populationer Enligt en rapport från FN (2001) kan vi under de kommande 50 åren förvänta oss att andelen äldre över 60 år kommer att fördubblas. Ny och förbättrad teknik, medicinsk kunskap och behandling har utvecklats, vilket innebär att vi i dag överlever i större utsträckning dThe aims of the present thesis were to explore and describe elderly people’s morbidity and experience of symptoms in relation to life satisfaction, personality and mortality. (I, II and III) To learn from the individuals who have high life satisfaction in spite of the fact that they have concurrent medical diagnoses and conditions. (I and III) To reason how positive factors and strengths might hel
Expression of Recombinant Protein in CHO and HELA cells and its follow-up using EGF reporter gene
Perspektiv på sociala problem - några positioner
Archaeological Applications
Do Learning Styles Matter?
Finns det mening i naturen? Ett "ekosemiotiskt" perspektiv på den s.k. miljökrisen
Starch structure and bread quality
The specificities of radical innovation
In this paper, we investigate a special case of new product development (NDP), that of radical innovation. When a company desires to go outside a current saturated market, it is necessary to offer a new product which is radically different from the competition. If successful, the offering will create a new market that the company can expect to dominate a least for a while until the competition str
Filmåret 2004: Koreansk filmvåg och bio hemma
Krönika om filmåret 2004 med fokus på Oscarsgalan, datoranimation, sydkoreansk film och hembio
One-Line Modeling of Complex Beach Conditions - An Application to Coastal Erosion at Hai Hau Beach in the Red River Delta, Vietnam
Ultrasound Doppler Tomography
Beta cell function in autoimmune diabetes in young adults
Popular Abstract in Swedish Sverige har den näst högsta frekvensen av nyinsjuknade typ 1 diabetespatienter i världen, ungefär 20-25 av 100.000 personer utvecklar sjukdomen varje år, både bland personer i åldern 0-15 år och bland de som är 15-34 år. Insulin är den nyckel som öppnar upp cellerna så att sockermolekylen kan komma in i cellen och fungera som bränsle. Insulin bildas i de Langerhanska öaThis thesis presents the results from a study of the first four years of diabetes in 879 patients aged 15-34 years at diagnosis. The aims of this study were to compare clinical classification with the presence of autoantibodies, to study the natural course of beta cell function during the first years of disease and to define predictive factors for the remaining beta cell function after diagnosis.
No Fault Found: The Root Cause
No Trouble Found (NTF) has been discussed for several years [1]. An NTF occurs when a device fails at the board/system level and that failure cannot be confirm by the component supplier. There are several explanations for why NTFs occur, including: device complexity; inability to create system level hardware/software transactions which uncover hard to find defects; different environments during te
Prenatal Diagnosis of Haemophilia - psychological, social and ethical aspects
Popular Abstract in Swedish Hemofili (blödarsjuka) A och B, är X-kromosomalt, recessivt, nedärvda sjukdomar som orsakas av brist på eller avsaknad av koagulationsfaktor VIII respektive IX i blodet (FVIII och FIX). Sjukdomen drabbar män och överförs till nästa generation av kvinnliga bärare, som vanligtvis inte själva har några blödnings-symtom. Blödarsjuka ger redan tidigt i livet upphov till blödThe general aim of this study has been to study the psychological, social and ethical aspects for carriers of haemophilia and their spouses, related to the development of techniques for carrier testing and for prenatal diagnosis (PD) of haemophilia. This was investigated by a semi-structured follow-up interview with 29 carriers of haemophilia with experience of PD by fetal blood sampling (FBS), an
Helsingborgs historia. D. 7:3, Stadsbild, stadsplanering och arkitektur : Helsingborgs bebyggelseutveckling 1863-1971
What's in a schema? Bodily mimesis and the grounding of language
The chapter defines mimetic schemas as dynamic, concrete and preverbal representations, involving the body image, which are accessible to consciousness, and pre-reflectively shared in a community. Mimetic schemas derive from a uniquely human capacity for bodily mimesis (Donald 1991; Zlatev, Persson and Gardenfors 2005) and are argued to play a key role in language acquisition, language evolution a