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Method for probabilistic energy calculations : variable parameters

Building regulations in Sweden require that an energy calculation is done for every building to show that the building design meets the maximum specific energy use as outlined in the Swedish Building Code. The result of this energy calculation is always one number, for example a building might use 89 kWh/m2 year when the building regulation requires 90 kWh/m2 year. This level of reporting can lead

Tubular versus conventional repair of median and ulnar nerves in the human forearm : early results from a prospective, randomized, clinical study

Injury to a peripheral nerve is followed by local synthesis and release of neurotrophic factors of importance for the regeneration process. This concept was adopted for repair of transected human median and ulnar nerves in the forearm. As an alternative to conventional microsurgical repair of the nerve trunk, silicone tubes of appropriate size were used to enclose the injury zone, intentionally le

Inflammatory cells and mediators in the silicone chamber model for nerve regeneration

In the present study the inflammatory response was quantitatively evaluated during peripheral nerve regeneration. The fluid from silicone nerve regeneration chambers, inserted in rats, was collected during the early period of regeneration of transected sciatic nerves (6 h-7 d) and analysed with respect to inflammatory cells and mediators (leukotriene B4, LTB4, and interleukin-1 alpha, IL-1 alpha).

Synchrotron-based In Situ Electron Spectroscopy Applied to Oxide Formation and Catalysis

Det är svårt att tänka sig dagens samhälle utan katalys då många av de produkter som vi använder dagligen framställs med någon form av katalysator med tillämpningar som sträcker sig från kemikalieproduktion till avgasrening. Den mest kända katalysatorn är nog bilkatalysatorn som används för att omvandla de mest skadliga bilavgaserna till mindre skadliga gaser. En mindre känd katalytisk process somIn this thesis, in situ ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy has been used to address chemical reactions on surfaces. The presented work aims at the investigation of the relation between pressure and adsorbate surface structures during catalytic reactions. Various materials have been investigated ranging from single crystal surfaces to an immobilized homogeneous catalyst in an effort

We-experiences, common knowledge and the mode approach to collective intentionality

According to we-mode accounts of collective intentionality, an experience is a “we-experience”—that is, part of a jointly attentional episode—in virtue of the way or mode in which the content of the experience is given to the subject of experience. These accounts are supposed to explain how a we-experience can have the phenomenal character of being given to the subject “as ours” rather than merely

Språkstörning – med utgångspunkt i grammatiska utvecklingsstadier.

Barn med språkstörningar har problem med att tillägna sig sitt förstaspråk – trots normal hörsel och kognitiv förmåga. Tvärspråklig forskning om grammatiska problem har visat att problemen ser olika ut i olika språk. Detta gör det svårt att diagnosticera flerspråkiga barn. I den här artikeln föreslås Processbarhetsteorin (Pienemann 1998, 2015) som metod för att kartlägga språkutvecklingen hos alla

Trade-off Between Antenna Efficiency and Q-Factor

The trade-off between radiation efficiency and antenna bandwidth, expressed in terms of Q-factor, for small antennas is formulated as a multi-objective optimization problem in current distributions of predefined support. Variants on the problem are constructed to demonstrate the consequences of requiring a self-resonant current as opposed to one tuned by an external reactance. The resulting Pareto

Validation of a Swedish version of the short UPPS-P impulsive behavior scale among young adults

he UPPS-P model of impulsivity proposes that impulsivity comprises five distinct facets—negative urgency, positive urgency, lack of premeditation, lack of perseverance, and sensation seeking. The UPPS-P Impulsive Behavior Scale has been used to measure these facets. The purpose of the current study was to develop and evaluate the psychometric properties of a Swedish version of the 20-item UPPS-P I

Framework for an integrated simulation system for Wildland-Urban Interface fire evacuation

The negative consequences of fires in case of evacuation in wildland-urban interfaces (WUI) are a global issue that affect many communities around the world. To date, there is a lack of a comprehensive tool able to aid decision making in case of WUI fire evacuation. To address this issue, this paper presents a design specification for a simulation system for the quantification of evacuation perfor

Long-Term Follow-Up of Retromuscular Incisional Hernia Repairs : Recurrence and Quality of Life

Purpose: Incisional hernia repair (IHR) with a mesh is necessary to achieve low recurrence rates and pain relief. In the short term, quality of life (QoL) is restored by IHR. Two centers pioneered the IHR in Sweden with the highly standardized Rives–Stoppa technique using a retromuscular mesh. We assessed long-term follow-up of recurrence rate and QoL. Methods: Medical records were searched for IH

Using Floodwater for Artificial Recharge and Spate Irrigation

Floodwater harvesting (FWH) for artificial recharge of groundwater (ARG) and spate irrigation (SI) is the most widely practiced large catchment water harvesting technique. It has recently received renewed attention for research, improvement, and implementation. This chapter first introduces an innovative, locally adaptive, and improved FWH technique—floodwater spreading systems (FWS)—to guide poli