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Frisk, aktiv och välbärgad? Om livet som nybliven penionär i Simrishamn
The mass media and popular science launch the idea that the generation that is retiring now, that is people born in the 1940s, is different from previous generations. The templates for ageing are no longer considered applicable. Pensioners are expected to make completely new and higher demands on life. They are presumed to be healthy, active and well-off. Österlen is often described as a place in
Convergence analysis for the exponential Lie splitting scheme applied to the abstract differential Riccati equation
We consider differential Riccati equations (DREs). These equations arise in many areas and are very important within the field of optimal control. In particular, DREs provide the crucial link between the state and the optimal input in the solution of linear quadratic regulator (LQR) problems. For the approximation of the solutions to DREs we consider the recently introduced splitting methods, wit
IT and the Borders Within. Understanding Innovation and Change in Radical Groups
Attitudes towards environmental and social policies compared – do welfare regimes matter?
The Indonesian crisis’ impact on small holding rice farmers, A case study of two villages in Central Java presented at “Fattiga och Rika”
Extraction of lignin from heat-treated kraft black liquors of different origin
Israeli fears of BDS are exaggerated - for the moment
EU's New Settlements Guidelines Are Already Biting
Comparison between geoelectrical imaging and tunnel documentation
A Lightweight Application Portal for the Grid
Meanings of and relationship between meanings of commonly used expressions, when discussing everyday physical events
Intervju omforskning och utveckling i området digitala lärspel för matematik
A comparison of construction related rework in Uganda and Mozambique
Rendering Culture and Multi-Targeted Ethnography
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Echocardiography/Doppler for the evaluation of coronary artery function, left ventricular function and the relationship between early diastolic and systolic function
Popular Abstract in Swedish Ultraljudundersökning av hjärtat (ekokardiografi) har under det senaste decenniet fått en alltmer framträdande roll i diagnostiken av hjärtsjukdomar och används ofta för att vägleda medicinska beslut inom hjärtsjukvården. Ekokardiografi är av central betydelse framförallt vid undersökning av vänsterkammarens pumpförmåga (systoliska funktion) och hjärtklaffarnas funktionTwo specific areas of development in echocardiography are assessment of left ventricular (LV) diastolic function and myocardial ischemia. This thesis describes echocardiographic methodology in these two areas. In the first study, two new echocardiographic methods, the early diastolic flow propagation velocity (Vp) and the early diastolic atrioventricular plane downward slope (EDS), were tested as
'Private Education with Chinese Characteristics? Governance of Education and its Transnational Dynamics in the People's Republic of China
Rogue and assassin. The Duke of Buckingham in the Axel Oxenstierna correspondence
There are to be sure many reasons for studying Axel Oxenstierna’s correspondence. One is the open pictures you get of prominent contemporaries, and the fact that the judgements and reports you read can be free from wisdom after the event. You have thus an excellent opportunity to get a glimpse of the background to the initiatives and actions of those at the centre of power. In my paper I will di