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High-Speed Imaging of Spray Formation and Combustion in an Optical Engine : Effects of Injector Aging and TPGME as a Fuel Additive

High-speed imaging of fuel sprays and combustion is conducted on a light-duty optical engine to investigate the effects of injector aging, with a focus on soot. The spray behaviors of one new and one aged injector are compared using Mie-scattering. In addition to this, the combustion process of a baseline diesel fuel and a blend with TPGME (tripropylene glycol monomethyl ether) are compared using

Do digital music archives inform the history of recorded music?

In this paper I want to examine some consequences that archival strategies of mass digitized environments might have on people’s relations to the history of recorded music. Archival strategies can make user-listeners connect tracks in surprising ways due to recommendation systems; they can make user-listeners get lost in the abundance of music; they can give user-listeners the impression that ther

Cross-vendor transfer and RF coil comparison of a high-resolution MP2RAGE protocol for brain imaging at 7T

An established MP2RAGE protocol for semi-quantitative structural brain MRI was transferred from one 7T MR scanner to that of another vendor featuring comparable hardware, but opposite polarity. On this system, the scan time could be reduced from 11 to 8 minutes, mainly by elliptical k-space sampling. Three configurations of radio-frequency (RF) transmission were compared (single channel with quadr

General User Surveys and Other Methods for Quality Assessment – User Knowledge and Evidence-Based Library Development

Aim A key component of library management is meeting the needs of our users. This requires continuous analysis of user experience followed by library development. The aim of this study was to better understand the use and effect of general user surveys (GUS) and other methods of gathering user input for quality assessment and improvement of library activities. Methods Data collection was done via

Life Cycle Assessment of an Office Building Based on Site-Specific Data

Life cycle assessment (LCA) is an established method to assess the various environmental impacts associated with all the stages of a building. The goal of this project was to calculate the environmental releases for a whole office building and investigate the contribution in terms of environmental impact for different parts of the building, as well as the impact from different stages of the life cLife cycle assessment (LCA) is an established method to assess the various environmental impacts associated with all the stages of a building. The goal of this project was to calculate the environmental releases for a whole office building and investigate the contribution in terms of environmental impact for different parts of the building, as well as the impact from different stages of the life c

Rural Income Diversification, Employment, and Differentiation in Kenya and Implications for Rural Change

To contribute to contemporary rural development debates, the present thesis conducts a contextual analysis of rural development using Kenya as a case study from the colonial era to today. To perform the analysis, two critical trends in rural Africa are focused on: socioeconomic differentiation and rural income diversification, with a particular focus on large-scale farm employment. By pointing to

Offspring per emergence hole at different attack densities in the Spruce Bark Beetle, Ips typographus (L.) (Coleoptera, Scolytidae)

Field and laboratory data from the spruce bark beetle, Ips typographus, showed that increased offspring production per unit bark area increased the average number that emerged per emergence hole. In the laboratory this offspring per hole ratio was investigated at different attack densities. Zahl der schlüpfenden Käfer pro Schlupfloch bei verschieden starkem Befall des Buchdruckers, Ips typographus

Attraction of bark beetles (Coleoptera : Scolytidae) to a pheromone trap - Experiment and mathematical models

The movement of bark beetles near an attractive pheromone source is described in terms of mathematical models of the diffusion type. To test the models, two release experiments involving 47,000 marked spruce bark beetles [Ips typographus (L.)] were performed. The attractive source was a pheromone trap, surrounded by eight concentric rings with eight passive trap stations on each ring. Captures wer

Cultural Materiality : The correlation between material and cultural capital in the late eighteenth century Stockholm elite burgher home

The eighteenth century saw the slow but steady rise of the middling classes to their nineteenth century social and cultural prominence, reinforced by a changing political landscape and the steadily increasing importance of the market. As the social and cultural power of the city burghers making up the majority of the middling classes grew, so did they start to consume in a manner to reflect to the