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The biotech cluster of Vienna, Austria
A fully integrated 2.45 GHz 0.25 mu m CMOS power amplifier
A fully integrated differential class-AB power amplifier has been designed in a 0.25 um CMOS technology. It is intended for medium output power ranges such as Bluetooth class 1, and has an operating frequency of 2.45 GHz. By using two parallel output stages that can be switched on or off, a high efficiency can be achieved for both high and low output power levels. The simulated maximum output powe
Kvalitet i distansutbildning
En tredjedel av Sveriges högskolestudenter studerar idag på distans. SCB genomförde därför 2012 studien - Distansutbildning på högskolan, med syfte att kartlägga studenters avsikter, attityder, samt den upplevda kvaliteten av distansutbildningen. Resultatet visade att: Studenter är nöjda Intresset för ämnet är avgörande Flertalet avser inte att slutföra distanskursen Distansstudier är en bisyss
Peter Weiss. Mordet på Marat
Den elektroniska revolutionen
Att vara en helhet i ett sammanhang : Gestaltning av mening och värde i ålderdomen
The main aim of this thesis is to reach a deeper understanding of how personality and core beliefs relate to the experience of quality of life in old age, with regard to shaping meaning and worth. The thesis has been developed using a dialogue with older person’s reality, as it is lived in daily life. The thesis includes four studies. Quantitative as well as qualitative methods were used for analy
Assessment of the potential biomass supply in Europe using a resource-focused approach
This paper analyses the potential biomass supply in the 15 EU countries, 8 new member states and 2 candidate countries (ACC10), plus Belarus and the Ukraine. For this purpose five scenarios were designed to describe the short-, moderate- and long-term potential of biomass-for-energy. Our assessments show that under certain restrictions on land availability, the potential supply of biomass energy
The Mesolithic period in southern Scandinavia: with special reference to burials and cemeteries
From Government to eGovernance
Voices of the land: Identity and ecology in the margins
Protein complexes in chlorophyll biosynthetic enzymes
Popular Abstract in SwedishProteiner består av långa kedjor av aminosyrer sammanlänkade med en så kallad peptidbindning. Proteinet är således en organisk molekyl och den har en hög molekylvikt som mäts i kilodalton (kDa). Proteiner kan agera som enzymer dvs de underlättar en biokemisk rektion. Ett protein kan vara funktionellt som en enhet och kallas då monomer. Ibland behövs flera proteiner, antiProteins are found on the inside, in the membrane, on the surface and on the outside of cells. They form complicated structures and they interact with other molecules and proteins. Protein complexes and protein-protein interactions are challenging to investigate and in the beginning of protein research most studies were done with single proteins, often in water. Although, in vivo proteins rarely f
Gud i fyrfärgstryck. Om tecknade serier, moral och teologi
A general economic model for manufacturing cost simulation
The described technical-economic model clarifies the influence of different production technological factors on the processing cost of a part. Influential factors can be weighted against each other, which leads to different production development scenarios and their effects on the processing cost can be studied. This implies a way to generate a basis of decision by which a company can base their p
A laminate-based modelling approach for rate-dependent switching in ferroelectric materials
This contribution focuses on the sequential laminate-based modelling approach for the numerical simulation of the complex electromechanical material behaviour of ferroelectric single crystals. The construction of engineered domain configurations by using the method of sequential lamination in order to study the domain evolution and polarisation switching in ferroelectric single crystals has recent
Book review: Heltäckande bok om maktlekar
Book review
Kommentarer och ordförklaringar
Äldre människors rättigheter
Now we should all acknowledge our Holocaust guilt.' Denmark and the Holocaust as European Identity
The subject for this paper is the role of the Holocaust in contemporary European politics of identity. The Council of Europe and the European Parliament have recently adopted resolutions about the Holocaust and most European states are now member of the Holocaust Task Force. In international relations the acknowledgment of the nation’s role in the history of the Holocaust has become increasingly i