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AweAre : An embodied explorative workshop: Co-costuming or co-wearing

In this explorative workshop I introduce the concept of co-costuming by inviting the participant to wear, explore and reflect on the bodily effects of costumes that connects two wearers. As researcher, I ask the participants to confront the ethically dimensions of the co-costumed experience (costumes that I produced and impose on wearers) that potentially is quite playful and, at the same time, bo

Is this all about about handling unanticipated changes or about foreseeing what needs handling?

I am not convinced that the challenge for self-adaptive software is how to handle unexpected changes. I believe that the real challenge is how to characterise the uncertainty that the self-adaptive software has to handle. Once a proper characterisation of the uncertainty is in place, I think handling unanticipated changes and situations becomes a lot simpler. What is difficult is to know what rang

Solar Performance Metrics in Urban Planning : A Review and Taxonomy

Metrics are instrumental in design assessments. Solar performance metrics help designers to evaluate solar access in cities. Metrics should be used early in the urban planning stages in order to enable sustainable urban development with greater access to solar energy. Currently, solar assessments at this design stage are limited in practice; established methods or routines are lacking, and so are

Benefits of Implementing Eye-Movement Training in the Rehabilitation of Patients with Age-Related Macular Degeneration : A Review

Age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) is one of the most debilitating eye-related illnesses worldwide. Eye-movement training is evolving to be a non-invasive, rapid, and effective method that is positively impacting vision and QoL (quality of life) in patients suffering from ARMD. This review aims to highlight why a greater adoption of eye-movement training in the clinical and research setting i

Genetic influence during the early phases of Alzheimer's disease on longitudinal cognitive impairment

BACKGROUND: The rate of cognitive decline in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease (AD) is variable, which may be partly due to genetic factors. We therefore investigated genetic predictors of longitudinal cognitive decline in AD. METHOD: In the Swedish BioFINDER study, we used polygenic scores (PGS) (of AD, intelligence and educational attainment), and genetic variants (in a genome-wide associa

Scaling limits for continuous opinion dynamics systems

A class of large-scale stochastic discrete-time continuous-opinion dynamical systems is analyzed. Agents have pairwise random interactions in which their vector-valued opinions are updated to a weighted average of their current values. The intensity of the interactions is allowed to depend on the agents' opinions themselves through an interaction kernel. This class of models includes as a special

The capacity of finite Abelian group codes over symmetric memoryless channels

The capacity of finite Abelian group codes over symmetric memoryless channels is determined. For certain important examples, such as m-PSK constellations over additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channels, with m a prime power, it is shown that this capacity coincides with the Shannon capacity; i.e., there is no loss in capacity using group codes. (This had previously been known for binary-linear

Microfluidic obstacle arrays induce large reversible shape change in red blood cells

Red blood cell (RBC) shape change under static and dynamic shear stress has been a source of interest for at least 50 years. High-speed time-lapse microscopy was used to observe the rate of deformation and relaxation when RBCs are subjected to periodic shear stress and deformation forces as they pass through an obstacle. We show that red blood cells are reversibly de-formed and take on characteris

Inclusion is Not Enough to Achieve Gender and Racial Equality in Global Peace and Security

The last twenty years have brought about a significant increase in the awareness of war practices that harm women, including rape and sexual abuse. However, focusing on women alone is not sufficient if gendered and racialised power hierarchies in the civilian and military worlds are to be understood. Experiences from international peacekeeping since 2000 foreground the need for an intersectional l

The court as an arena for social contestations. Conceptualisations and understandings of racism

Courts and judicial processes have emerged as arenas on which political and social contestations over racism increasingly is taking place in Sweden. This presentation is part of a larger project where we analyse cases in which political struggles around racism and migration have moved into courts. The overall purpose is to understand what kind of space courts provide for protection from, and debat

A Cognitive-Semiotic Approach to Agency : Assessing Ideas from Cognitive Science and Neuroscience

Following the levels of intentionality and semiosis distinguished by the Semiotic Hierarchy (a layered model of semiosis/intentionality), and the distinction between original agency (without the use of artefacts) and enhanced agency (the prosthetic incorporation of artefacts), we propose a model of an agency hierarchy, consisting of six layers. Consistent with the phenomenological orientation of c

Tranexamic Acid Does Not Prevent Rebleeding in an Uncontrolled Hemorrhage Porcine Model

Background: Fluid resuscitation after uncontrolled hemorrhage might promote rebleeding and irreversible shock. Tranexamic acid is a procoagulant drug that limits blood loss after surgery of the hip, knee, and heart. We hypothesized that pretreatment with tranexamic acid reduces the rebleeding in uncontrolled hemorrhage and thereby allows safe administration of crystalloid fluid resuscitation.Metho

The battle for hearts and minds? Evolutions in corporate approaches to environmental risk communication

In recent years there has been a great deal of discussion on the potential for a shift away from modernistic or technocratic approaches to decisionmaking on risk towards more open, inclusive, and deliberative approaches. The authors consider (a) the reasons why some companies have taken the first step in this transition by exploring the potential of more open and communicative approaches to enviro

Non-Convex Methods for Compressed Sensing and Low-Rank Matrix Problems

In this thesis we study functionals of the type \( \mathcal{K}_{f,A,\b}(\x)= \mathcal{Q}(f)(\x) + \|A\x - \b \| ^2 \), where \(A\) is a linear map, \(\b\) a measurements vector and \( \mathcal{Q} \) is a functional transform called \emph{quadratic envelope}; this object is a very close relative of the \emph{Lasry-Lions envelope} and its use is meant to regularize the functionals \(f\). Carlsson an

Impact of different compilers and build types on Geant4 simulation execution time

Experimental observations and advanced computer simulations in High Energy Physics (HEP) paved the way for the recent discoveries at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. Currently, Monte Carlo simulations account for a very significant amount of computational resources of the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG). The current growth in available computing performance will not be enough to fulfil

Factor H binds to washed human platelets

Background: Factor H regulates the alternative pathway of complement. The protein has three heparin-binding sites, is synthesized primarily in the liver and copurifies from platelets with thrombospondin-1. Factor H mutations at the C-terminus are associated with atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome, a condition in which platelets are consumed. Objectives The aim of this study was to investigate if f