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Your search for "*" yielded 534220 hits

Regulation of human cell viability by the host defence peptide LL-37

Accumulating evidence suggests that the main human cathelicidin peptide, LL-37, may influence host cell viability and pro-inflammatory signaling when locally overexpressed. LL-37 has pro-inflammatory properties linked to the development of for example psoriasis, rosacea, SLE and atherosclerosis. However, the importance of LL-37-induced host cell permeabilization and cytotoxic effects are poorly un

Can the Study of Mission Become Postcolonial? : On Mission Studies in Today's World

The roots of mission studies are in the western missionary movement which had its heyday at the same time with the colonialist era. Academic mission studies which began a hundred years ago were confessional and served the interests of the western missions. With decolonisation and indigenisation of the majority world churches also mission studies underwent great changes. The study of world Christia

The light-yield response of a NE-213 liquid-scintillator detector measured using 2–6 MeV tagged neutrons

The response of a NE-213 liquid-scintillator detector has been measured using tagged neutrons from 2 to 6 MeV originating from an Am/Be neutron source. The neutron energies were determined using the time-of-flight technique. Pulse-shape discrimination was employed to discern between gamma-rays and neutrons. The behavior of both the fast (35 ns) and the combined fast and slow (475 ns) components of

Creating a safe haven-women's experiences of the midwife's professional skills during planned home birth in four Nordic countries

OBJECTIVE: The midwife assisting a birth has a considerable influence on the woman's experience of the birth. The aim of this study was to investigate the experience of the midwife's professional skills among women in Norway, Denmark, Iceland, and Sweden who chose a planned home birth.DESIGN AND SETTING: All known home birth midwives were asked to inform the mothers about the project and invite th

Clinical application of a microcomputer system for analysis of monophasic action potentials

UNLABELLED: Computerized analysis of monophasic action potentials (MAPs) has rarely been reported in clinical setting. We developed a computer system featuring on-line acquisition and user-monitored automatic measurement of multichannel MAPs with the capability of manual corrections. This system has been used in 34 patients in whom two-channel MAPs and 1-lead ECG were digitized during sinus rhythm

Effect of dofetilide on cardiac repolarization in patients with ventricular tachycardia. A study using simultaneous monophasic action potential recordings from two sites in the right ventricle

Monophasic action potentials (MAP) were simultaneously recorded from the right ventricular (RV) apex (RVA) and the outflow tract (RVOT) before and after an infusion of dofetilide in 10 patients with documented ventricular tachycardia. After the drug infusion, the MAP duration (MAPd), repolarization time, and corrected QT interval were significantly prolonged during sinus rhythm, RV pacing, and RV

Population-based study of survival for women with serous cancer of the ovary, fallopian tube, peritoneum or undesignated origin - on behalf of the Swedish gynecological cancer group (SweGCG)

Objective: The aim of the study was to determine survival outcome in patients with serous cancer in the ovary, fallopian tube, peritoneum and of undesignated origin. Methods: Nation-wide population-based study of women. ≥. 18. years with histologically verified non-uterine serous cancer, included in the Swedish Quality Registry for primary cancer of the ovary, fallopian tube and peritoneum diagnos

Säg mig hur de klarade första året och jag skall säga dig hur många som kommer att ta examen

Det är inte alla teknologer som antas till en civilingenjörsutbildning som verkligen tar examen. Vid LTH har, till exempel, bara var tionde teknolog tagit examen inom den nominella tiden 4.5 år. Inte förrän efter 6 år har hälften tagit examen och efter 15 år är det fortfarande en tredjedel av dem som en gång antogs som saknar examen. Inspirationen till denna studie var behovet att försöka hitta nåDet är inte alla teknologer som antas till en civilingenjörsutbildning som verkligen tar examen. Vid LTH har, till exempel, bara var tionde teknolog tagit examen inom den nominella tiden 4.5 år. Inte förrän efter 6 år har hälften tagit examen och efter 15 år är det fortfarande en tredjedel av dem som en gång antogs som saknar examen. Inspirationen till denna studie var behovet att försöka hitta nå

WNT5A signaling impairs breast cancer cell migration and invasion via mechanisms independent of the epithelial-mesenchymal transition

Background: WNT5A (-/-) mammary tissue has been shown to exhibit increased ductal elongation, suggesting elevated mammary cell migration. Increased epithelial cell migration/invasion has often but not always been linked to the epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT). In the current study, we investigated the loss of WNT5A in HB2 human mammary epithelial cells and hypothesized that this loss increa