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Levels of aspiration and risk
Disorder and interactions in systems out of equilibrium : The exact independent-particle picture from density functional theory
Density functional theory (DFT) exploits an independent-particle-system construction to replicate the densities and current of an interacting system. This construction is used here to access the exact effective potential and bias of nonequilibrium systems with disorder and interactions. Our results show that interactions smoothen the effective disorder landscape but do not necessarily increase the
Why Turkification will never work?
Bleeding complications after central line insertions and the relevance of pre-procedure coagulation tests and blood component therapy
Albumin-induced coagulopathy is less severe and more effectively reversed with fibrinogen concentrate than is synthetic colloid-induced coagulopathy
Förstärkning av murade väggar genom ytarmering av stålnät : Resultat från experimentella studier och beräkningar
Rapporten sammanfattar resultaten från en experimentell undersökning där murade väggar belastade med samtidigt verkande normallast och moment har förstärkts genom ytarmering. En metod för beräkning av väggars bärförmåga i den aktuella lastsituationen presenteras. Förstärkningstekniken kan användas såväl i samband med renovering och energieffektivisering av fullmurade ytterväggar med omfattande fro
Grid-less estimation of saturated signals
This work proposes a frequency and amplitude estimator tailored for noise corrupted signals that have been clipped. Formulated as a sparse reconstruction problem, the proposed algorithm estimates the signal parameters by solving an atomic norm minimization problem. The estimator also exploits the waveform information provided by the clipped samples, incorporated in the form of linear constraints t
The integration of a stakeholder perspective into the front end of eco-innovation : A practical approach
Many tools have been developed to support the Front End of Eco-Innovation (FEEI) to design more radical product/service concepts. Although it is widely recognised that designers need to extend the consideration of key stakeholders in the value chain, few studies analyse the impact of the integration of the 'stakeholder' notion into eco-innovation practices. This paper aims at understanding how the
Research On Scattering Problems On Electrically Large Platform Based On a GTM-PO Hybrid Method
Islamic Children's Literature: Informal Religious Education in Diaspora
This chapter explores the brand of Islamic children’s literature produced in diaspora, in order to discern how this supplementary educational tool has responded to key concerns of Islamic education. How is Islamic faith staged in diasporic literary depiction? What innovative formats are employed and how does such innovation affect the content? Rather than understanding this literature in terms of
Ecological analysis of nutrient dynamics and phytoplankton assemblage in River Ganga system, Uttarakhand
Melphalan 140 mg/m2 or 200 mg/m2 for autologous transplantation in myeloma : Results from the collaboration to collect autologous transplant outcomes in Lymphoma and Myeloma (CALM) study. A report by the EBMT chronic malignancies working party
Melphalan at a dose of 200 mg/m2 is standard conditioning prior to autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for multiple mulholger, but a dose of 140 mg/m2 is often used in clinical practice in patients perceived to be at risk of excess toxicity. To determine whether melphalan 200 mg/m2 and melphalan 140 mg/m2 are equally effective and tolerable in clinically relevant patient subgroups w
Coronary angiographic findings and outcomes in patients with sudden cardiac arrest without ST-elevation myocardial infarction : A SWEDEHEART study
Background/aim: Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) has a substantial mortality rate and the acute coronary syndrome constitutes the major cause. Post-resuscitation electrocardiogram ST-elevation SCA (STE-SCA) is a strong indication for emergency coronary angiography, but the role of early angiography and PCI in patients without ST-elevation (NSTE-SCA) remains to be established. This paper aimed to descri
Chapter 153: Extraterrestrial Water
Crystallization of Zr0.1Ti0.9On mixed oxide by pressurized hot water and its effect on microstructural properties and photoactivity
Pressurized hot water crystallization was applied and optimized for preparation of photoactive Zr0.1Ti0.9On mixed oxide. The effect of individual processing conditions (temperature, pressure and water amount) on (micro)structure, textural, optical, electronic and photocatalytic properties in Acid orange 7 photodegradation of prepared Zr0.1Ti0.9On mixed oxide was examined. It was revealed that whil
The Regional Film Fund as Co-production Crusader - The Case of Film i Väst
A focus in this paper is the issue of possible over-production of European films, as spelled out or implied in a number of reports, chapters, books and doctoral dissertations on European cinema during the last decade. Specifically, the activities of the Swedish/Scandinavian co-producer/regional film fund/public company Film i Väst will come under scrutiny. Among a large range of activities, the fu
Lateralization of sucrose responsiveness and non-associative learning in honeybees
Lateralization is a fundamental property of the human brain that affects perceptual, motor, and cognitive processes. It is now acknowledged that left-right laterality is widespread across vertebrates and even some invertebrates such as fruit flies and bees. Honeybees, which learn to associate an odorant (the conditioned stimulus, CS) with sucrose solution (the unconditioned stimulus, US), recall t
Exercise on Transdisciplinarity: : Lessons from a Field-Based Course on Rural Sustainability in an Aging Society
Sustainability science emerged as a new academic field to address complex sustainability challenges. To train sustainability experts, sustainability science programs and sustainability-focused courses are offered in higher education, especially at the graduate level. Given the diverse topics and the complex structures of sustainability challenges, what are the required knowledge and skills needed