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Enthymemes in Pauline Argumentation
Tourism and Development in Tropical Islands: Political Ecology Perspectives, Cheltenham
Structure and motion from kinetic depth
Energy Policy Instruments Perspectives on their Choice, Combination and Evaluation
Abstract The thesis aims at providing a better understanding of public policy instruments used in policy-making within the energy sector, particularly regarding their role in the change towards an increased use of renewable energy sources for generation of electricity. The research was guided by an underlying assumption that a markedly higher proportion of the energy generated from renewable sour
The studying of cultures -- measuring or immersing?
The aim of this chapter is to discuss two different approaches to the studying of cultures – the etic and the emic approaches. The two different approaches reflect not only different views on how cultures ought to be studied, but also to some extent different views on the nature of cultures. The etic approach suggests that it is possible to study cultures from “the outside” and that it is feasible
Endimensionell analys
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Abstract in French Dans cette étude, nous espérons pouvoir dégager certains phénomènes linguistiques qui s’acquièrent mieux en milieu scolaire, avec un enseignement des règles de grammaire etc., et d’autres phènomènes qui s’acquièrent mieux dans une situation d’acquisition non-guidée, avec un input riche et de bonnes occasions de dialogue parlé.
Industrial Societies
The concept of ‘industrial society’ is generally used for a type of social organization based on mass production of commodities. This type of societies began to dominate Western Europe toward the end of the eighteenth century, reflecting a strategy to expand export production in order to appropriate embodied labor and resources from elsewhere in the world-system. Perceived as progress and ‘develop
Anthropology’s Middle Eastern Prehistory: An Archaeology of Knowledge
Energy Systems in Transition, An Analysis of Technology, Economy, and Policy Aspects
[abstract missing]
Müslivokalen - en levande dialektmarkör i Ystad?
Physical Aspects of Thermotherapy - A study of heat transport with a view to treatment optimisation
Popular Abstract in Swedish Lokal behandling med målsättning att förstöra kroppsvävnad genom uppvärmning (termoterapi) kan i vissa fall vara ett alternativ eller komplement till kirurgi. I avhandlingen presenteras utrustning och metoder för att, utifrån en fysikalisk synvinkel, göra sådana behandlingar säkrare och effektivare. Genom att beräkna temperaturefördelningen m.h.a. datorsimuleringar kan Local treatment with the aim to destruct tissue by heating (thermotherapy) may in some cases be an alternative or complement to surgical methods, and has gained increased interest during the last decade. The major advantage of these, often minimally-invasive methods, is that the disease can be controlled with reduced treatment trauma and complications. The extent of thermal damage is a complex fun
Kyrkorum och bild i Brunnby kyrka
Ever since Brunnby Church was first erected it has been altered and it has crossed boundaries in terms of both religious and national affiliation - from a Catholic to a Lutheran place of worship and from being a Danish to being a Swedish church. The boundaries around and within the church itself have changed, and have become displaced as new forms of worship have been introduced. Boundaries and in
Med industrin i backspegeln
Alkaliphilic Bacillus species and an alkaline active lipolytic enzyme
The Great Rift Valley running through Eastern Africa contains a large number of soda lakes. These unique lakes constitute among the most stable alkaline environments with a dense and varied population of microorganisms. Such microorganisms are invariable alkaliphiles and are considered to be a promising source of enzymes with unique features. Some enzymes produced by alkaliphilic microorganisms ha
SWI Prolog Reference Manual (6.2.2)
Så utvecklas teknologers kommunikativa kompetens – LTH-lärares erfarenheter av kommunikationsundervisning
Clause-final subjects in English and Scandinavian
In English and in Scandinavian, presentational expletive constructions with clause-final subjects can be derived by moving the subject to a Spec position in the C-domain, and then raising the remainder of the clause across the subject to an even higher position. The discourse properties of the clause-final subjects then follow without further stipulations. Moreover, the view that the clause-final