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Applying Entrepreneurial Teaching Methods to Advanced Technical STEM Courses

A vast majority of Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) courses and pedagogical frameworks concentrate on teaching the fundamental concepts and theoretical underpinnings of the tools related to the subject. While this aspect is important, we recognize that the teaching methods in a majority of the STEM courses today are broken; there is a major discrepancy between the skills and mi

Neutron imaging of rock mechanics experiments

Understanding the mechanical behaviour of porous rocks and how this influences the fluid flow is key in a number of resource engineering challenges, in particular hydrocarbon production and CO2 sequestration. Deformation in these porous materials is, in general, not homogeneous, as deformation localises into narrow shear or compaction bands, which might then evolve into fractures. These local defo

The Coloniality of Taste : A political ecology of middle class food practices in a Bolivian city

Staden Cochabamba kallas för “Bolivias kulinariska huvudstad”. Många kulinariska traditioner och kulturer möts där. Den här avhandlingen handlar om hur den vardagliga matkulturen är en del av reproduktionen av historiska ojämlikheter mellan olika delar av befolkningen, särskild mellan ursprungsbefolkningen och befolkningen som betraktar sig som ”västerländsk”. Avhandlingen utgörs av en inledande dCochabamba city, also referred to as the “gastronomic capital of Bolivia”, is a place where different cultures and tastes meet. Indulging in rich culinary traditions is a part of everyday life, but so are social differentiations reproducing long-standing inequalities between the indigenous and the non-indigenous population. In this thesis, the practices and politics surrounding food are used as a

Urban-Based Agriculture and Poultry Production : The Case of Kisumu and Thika in Kenya

Kenya’s population is rapidly growing and urbanising. Poverty and problems of food insecurity are equally urbanising at an unprecedented rate. Formal employment has not kept pace with the job demand of the growing population. As a result, urban residents seek employment (livelihood) from an array of informal economic activities, including own food production. The growing urban population and urban

Hereditary colorectal cancer diagnostics in southern Sweden : retrospective evaluation and future considerations with emphasis on Lynch syndrome

Overlapping phenotypes between different hereditary colorectal cancer (CRC) syndromes together with a growing demand for cancer genetic testing and improved sequencing technology call for adjusted patient selection and adapted diagnostic routines. Here we present a retrospective evaluation of family history of cancer, laboratory diagnostic procedure, and outcome for 372 patients tested for Lynch s

Factors associated with patients' willingness to consider joint surgery after completion of a digital osteoarthritis treatment program : A prospective cohort study

OBJECTIVES: To examine patient willingness and possible shift in willingness for surgery and to investigate factors associated with this shift, following participation in the digital non-surgical osteoarthritis (OA) treatment program Joint Academy.METHODS: 458 individuals (mean age 62±5.6 years, 67% women) with diagnosed hip or knee were evaluated after six weeks in Joint Academy, comprising educa

Characterization of habenular neurocircuitry. A potential novel target for treating depression.

In the last decade, there has been an explosion of interest within the psychiatric research community in a small diencephalic brain region called the habenula. It has been uncovered as a key regulator of monoaminergic transmission, playing a fundamental role in decision making, behavioral flexibility, inhibitory control, sleep, pain and analgesia. Perturbation of the habenular neurocircutry in ani

Second primary cancers in non-Hodgkin lymphoma : Bidirectional analyses suggesting role for immune dysfunction

Second primary cancers (SPCs) account for an increasing proportion of all cancer diagnoses. It is unlikely that prior therapy is solely responsible for SPC risk. To investigate risk of SPC after diagnosis of non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) and 10 of its subtypes we conducted a novel bidirectional analysis, SPCs after NHL and NHL as SPC. Using the Swedish Family-Cancer Database, we identified 19,833 ind

The impact of internal markets on health care efficiency : Evidence from health care reforms in Sweden

A purchaser/provider split together with output-based reimbursement were recently introduced by several Swedish county councils. These changes have been motivated by arguments of efficiency and consumer choice. This paper tests the null hypothesis that hospital services are provided as efficiently by county councils with internal markets and output-based reimbursement as by county councils with bu

Impact of Inhaled Corticosteroids on Acute Asthma Hospitalization in Sweden 1978 to 1991

OBJECTIVES. In clinical studies, it has been found that treating asthmatic patients with inhaled corticosteroids can reduce the need for in-patient care. The purpose of this study was to determine if such a relationship could be observed in available health-care statistics in Sweden and, if such a relationship could be established, what health economic consequences it implied. METHODS. A retrospec

A pilot test of using the veil of ignorance approach to estimate a social welfare function for income

The veil of ignorance approach is tested as a basis for empirically determining the shape of the social welfare function for income. An experiment is carried out where the participants choose between different societies that differ with respect to per capita income and the distribution of income. The answers are analysed using logistic regression analysis. According to the results the respondents

Deficiency of alkaline SMase enhances dextran sulfate sodium-induced colitis in mice with upregulation of autotaxin

Intestinal alkaline SMase (Alk-SMase) cleaves phosphocholine from SM, platelet-activating factor (PAF), and lysophosphatidylcholine. We recently found that colitis-associated colon cancer was 4- to 5-fold enhanced in Alk-SMase KO mice. Here, we further studied the pathogenesis of colitis induced by dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) in WT and KO mice. Compared with WT mice, KO mice demonstrated greater

Phase transition observations and discrimination of small cloud particles by light polarization in expansion chamber experiments

Cloud microphysical processes involving the ice phase in tropospheric clouds are among the major uncertainties in cloud formation, weather, and general circulation models. The detection of aerosol particles, liquid droplets, and ice crystals, especially in the small cloud particle-size range below 50 μm, remains challenging in mixed phase, often unstable environments. The Cloud Aerosol Spectromete

Efficacy of novel immunotherapy regimens in patients with metastatic melanoma with germline CDKN2A mutations

BACKGROUND: Inherited CDKN2A mutation is a strong risk factor for cutaneous melanoma. Moreover, carriers have been found to have poor melanoma-specific survival. In this study, responses to novel immunotherapy agents in CDKN2A mutation carriers with metastatic melanoma were evaluated.METHODS: CDKN2A mutation carriers that have developed metastatic melanoma and undergone immunotherapy treatments we

Exogenous sources of regional industrial change : Attraction and absorption of non-local knowledge for new path development

The role of exogenous sources of new path development has been underplayed in the literature on regional industrial change so far. The aim of this article is to explore in a conceptual way under which conditions and in what ways non-local knowledge can lead to new path development in different regional innovation systems (RISs). We distinguish between organizationally thick and diversified RISs, t

Reclaiming Polytechneio : beyond binary interpretations of a black-and-white mural

The campus of the National Metsovian Polytechnic in central Athens (henceforth Polytechneio), which was constructed in the late 19th century, has been a significant cornerstone in the sociopolitical landscape of the city. Within the history of modern Greece, Polytechneio is regarded as a symbol of resistance against the Greek military dictatorship (junta) in 1973. The surrounding wall of Polytechn

The potential for energy efficiency in the EU Member States – A comparison of studies

In October 2014, the European Council agreed on a target of improving overall energy efficiency by at least 27 per cent by 2030. According to the European Council's conclusions, this target should not be translated into nationally binding targets. Nevertheless individual Member States are free to set higher national objectives if desired. However, it is difficult to assess the degree of ambition o