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Healthcare Services for Asylum-Seekers: Untangling the European Social Charter

Asylum-seekers, like any population, need healthcare services, yet national laws sometimes restrict access to such services. The European Social Charter (revised) protects the right to health and medical services. However, the Charter has a complex application, and its scope is limited concerning foreigners. This article analyses to what extent the provisions of the Charter on the right to health

Att rigga för framgång - En kvalitativ studie om hur HR-personal arbetar strategiskt för att påverka organisationskulturen

Examensarbetets titel: Att rigga för framgång - En kvalitativ studie om hur HR-personal arbetar strategiskt för att påverka organisationskulturen Seminariumdatum: 2 juni 2023 Ämne och kurs: FEKH49, Examensarbete i organisation på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Amanda Bredén och Ebba Lundström Handledare: Nadja Sörgärde Nyckelord: HR, SHRM organisationskultur, strategisk sensemaking, atTitle: Setting up for success - A qualitative study of how HR personnel work strategically to influence the organizational culture Seminar date: June 2nd, 2023 Course: FEKH49, Bachelor’s degree thesis in Management and Organisation, 15 credits Authors: Amanda Bredén och Ebba Lundström Advisor: Nadja Sörgärde Keywords: HR, SHRM, organizational culture, strategic sensemaking, preparing the conversat

Slit- och återanvänd - ett nytt samhälle : Att tolka en svensk hållbar klädindustri i hållbara diskurser

This bachelor’s thesis aim is to evaluate the discussion of recycle and upcycle as two approaches to interpret sustainability in the clothing industry of a Swedish contemporary context. The companies Rave Review and Swedish Stockings will exemplify companies working with and, above all, communicating their work with upcycle and recycle. We will analyze how choosing to work with the approaches can

How sustainable are sustainable enterprises? Examining sustainability and economic value trade-offs in a Danish coffee company

Starting a sustainable business is challenging because growth decisions need to balance sustainability impact and economic feasibility. This thesis seeks to examine what trade-offs sustainable enterprises face and how they balance decision making when faced with these dual logics. We conduct a case study analysis of CleverCoffee, a Danish B-Corp certified coffee roastery, using qualitative data co

Oh, I feel like a woman! : A qualitative semiotic gender study through texts and images in the Swedish fashion remote commerce

Oh! I feel like a woman! – A qualitative semiotic gender study through texts and images in the Swedish fashion remote commerce is a bachelor thesis on how clothes are portrayed in illustrations and photographs of models and in texts in mail-order catalogues and websites in the Swedish fashion remote commerce. The thesis aims to compare how genders and fashion are connected and manifested in the fa

Påverkar betygets riktning kapitalstrukturens resa?

Examensarbetets titel: Påverkar betygets riktning kapitalstrukturens resa? En kvantitativ studie om hur eventuella förändringar i kreditbetyg påverkar kapitalstrukturen hos IT- och energibolag Seminariedatum: 01-06-2023 Kurs: FEKH89, Examensarbete i finansiering på kandidatnivå, 15 HP Författare: Anton Åberg, Ella Thygesson, Teo Lindroth Handledare: Anamaria Cociorva Nyckelord: Kapitalstrukt

Introducing Projectification Research

This chapter introduces the concept of projectification, a concept that aims to capture an increasing reliance on ‘the project’ in our contemporary societies and economies. A project is often thought of as a temporary endeavour undertaken to create a unique product, service or result. However, sometimes ‘the project’ refers to something less tangible, to a discursive theme in contemporary society This chapter introduces the concept of projectification, a concept that aims to capture an increasing reliance on ‘the project’ in our contemporary societies and economies. A project is often thought of as a temporary endeavour undertaken to create a unique product, service or result. However, sometimes ‘the project’ refers to something less tangible, to a discursive theme in contemporary society

Syrian farmers in the midst of drought and conflict: the causes, patterns, and aftermath of land abandonment and migration

The prevailing narrative on the Syrian Civil War attributes it to climate-induced migration resulting from a severe drought, which serves as a central link connecting climate change with the 2011 protests. However, limited research has involved interviews with Syrians, with most studies focusing on drought's meteorological aspects and estimated migrant numbers. Our interdisciplinary study we condu

Fastigheter, ränta och kapitalstruktur - En empirisk studie om kapitalstrukturens inverkan på fastighetsbolags lönsamhet under en period av ränteförändringar

Forskningsfrågor: Är tidigare studiers förklaringsmodeller för fastighetsföretags kapitalstruktur applicerbara på den svenska marknaden? Hur påverkar kapitalstrukturen hos svenska fastighetsbolag deras lönsamhet över en period av ränteförändringar? Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka om de förklaringsmodeller för fastighetsföretags kapitalstruktur som presenteras i tidigare studier även kan appResearch questions: Are previous studies’ explanatory models for real estate companies’ capital structure applicable on the Swedish market? How does the capital structure of Swedish real estate companies affect their profitability over a period of interest rate chnages? Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine whether the explanatory models for the capital structure of real estate companie

The perspective of children on factors influencing their participation in perioperative care

Aims and objectives: To describe the experiences of participation in perioperative care of 8- to 11-year-old children. Background: All children have the right to participate in decisions that affect them and have the right to express their views in all matters that concern them. Allowing children to be involved in their perioperative care can make a major difference in terms of their well-being by

An Ounce of Prevention for a Pound of Cure? Infection Disease Testing at the Border

On 5 January 2023, the Swedish Government announced the decision to introduce new restrictions to enter Sweden: due to the spread of Covid-19 in China, travellers from this direction need to show negative Covid-test results. In cases when there is no possibility of showing the results, the travellers are not allowed to enter Sweden. Governmental Ordinance (2023:2) was temporary and lasted from 7 J

The Nomological Net of Subjective Well-Being at the Workplace

The following study examines the nature of subjective well-being in a working context. The purpose of this research is to find out which dimensions are most central to well-being in the workplace. Thus, a questionnaire was used to gather information about the different dimensions (i.e., work engagement, job satisfaction, life satisfaction, personality, and well-being at the workplace). The statist

Carbon Capture for Biomass Combustion

Med ökande koncentrationer av koldixodid i atmosfären är den globala uppvärmningen, samt klimatförändringarna ett kritiskt samhällsproblem. För att minska mängden utsläpp av koldioxid har koldioxidavskiljning presenterats som ett alternativ. Koldioxidavskiljning sker genom att rena avgaser från koldioxid för att sedan lagra det i jordskorpan, eller använda i kemiska processer. När tekniken appliceIn order to limit global warming, bioenergy carbon capture and storage (BECCS) technologies are getting increased attention. To meet emission scenarios, an estimated 4000 carbon capture plants are expected to be required by 2030, indicating that progress in carbon capture and storage (CCS) deployment is currently lagging behind expectation. Therefore novel technologies for carbon capture and stora

Phase Transitions in the Two-Higgs-Doublet Model with a Softly-Broken Z2 Symmetry

Efter upptäckten av Higgspartikeln vid CERN 2012 har alla partiklar i standardmodellen för partikelfysik upptäckts. En intressant frågeställning är då för vilka processor inom fysiken som standardmodellen är bristfällig och inte ger tillfredsställande svar. Fysik som försöker utvidga partikelfysiken till mer än standardmodellen i hoppet om att kunna ge svar på dessa frågor kallas fysik bortom stanThe two-Higgs-doublet model (2HDM) is an extension to the Standard Model which adds a second Higgs doublet. This extension provides freedom within the model, in comparison to the Standard Model, which makes it possible to study strong electroweak phase transitions. These can provide an explanation for the matter-antimatter asymmetry through the Sakharov conditions, three conditions that leads to c

En konstruerad verklighet : En kritisk diskursanalys av second hand inom svensk media

Sustainability is a term of significant relevance in today’s global context, permeating discourses and management decisions, and influencing decision-making at the head of most industries. This is particularly apparent in relation to fashion. Second hand clothing is often portrayed as a model towards sustainable consumption, reducing personal environmental impacts while signifying good ethics. Cri

Den hållbara resan genom socialt ansvar

The primary aim of the following study is to examine how a brand can achieve social sustainability by integrating ethical Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) into their communication of reports. This thesis will study the two active fashion brands GANNI and H&M Group with material that consist of two qualitative content analyses of “GANNI Responsibility Report 2021” and “H&M Group Annual