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Sin and Punishment in the Book of Isaiah
This chapter explores the themes of sin and punishment through the lens of a theodicy that the authors and redactors of Isaiah offer to justifyYHWH’s actions and to instruct the Israelites to stay loyal to him. The three parts of Isaiah agree that the exile wasYHWH’s punishment for the Israelites’ rebellion demonstrated through social injustice and idolatry. However, because of the different hist
A re-evaluation of the concept of type in coroplastic studies based on 3D shape analysis of terracotta figurines from Ayia Irini, Cyprus
Coroplastic studies refer to the study of terracotta figurines mostly through an art history ap-proach, where types and classes are defined through stylistic and aesthetic considerations. Such an approach is highly subjective and is based on the knowledge of the researcher interacting with the subject material. Moreover, the lack of agreed upon criteria for classification and the lack of quantitat
Hume's Philosophy of Irreligion and the Myth of British Empiricism
“Hume’s Lengthy Digression": Free Will in the Treatise
Anders Andréns bibliografi
Accountability, Aliens, and Psychopaths : A Reply to Shoemaker
Compatibilism, Common Sense, and Prepunishment
Engaging patients and caregivers in establishing research priorities for aortic dissection
Fatigue 1-5 years after lung transplantation-a multi center cross-sectional cohort study
The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of fatigue among lung recipients 1–5 years after transplantation (LuTx) and to explore its relationship to distressing symptoms such as dyspnea, sleep problems, pain, and decreased appetite, as well as psychological and transplant specific wellbeing. A cross-sectional, multicenter cohort study was conducted. A total of 117 lung recipients wit
Cosmology as Science or Cosmology as Theology? Reflections on the Astronomical Chapters of Pirke deRabbi Eliezer
Cross-reacting monoclonal anti-alpha 1-microglobulin antibodies produced by multi-species immunization and using protein G for the screening assay
In order to generate monoclonal antibodies (MAb) directed against the low molecular weight glycoprotein alpha 1-microglobulin, a BALB/c mouse was immunized with a mixture of human, guinea pig, rat and rabbit alpha 1-microglobulin homologues (multi-species immunization) and boosted several times. On day 194, the mouse splenocytes were fused to SP2/0 myeloma cells. The resulting hybridomas were scre
Roof-tiles and tile-roofs at Poggio Civitate (Murlo) : the emergence of central Italic tile industry
Definition of IgG- and albumin-binding regions of streptococcal protein G
Protein G, the immunoglobin G-binding surface protein of group C and G streptococci, also binds serum albumin. The albumin-binding site on protein G is distinct from the immunoglobulin G-binding site. By mild acid hydrolysis of the papain-liberated protein G fragment (35 kDa), a 28-kDa fragment was produced which retained full immunoglobulin G-binding activity (determined by Scatchard plotting) bu
High-resolution neutron spectroscopy on protein solution samples
Proteins in solution move subject to a complex superposition of global translational and rotational diffusion as well as internal relaxations covering a wide range of time scales. With the advent of new high-flux neutron spectrometers in combination with enhanced analysis frameworks it has become possible to separate these different contributions. We discuss new approaches to the analysis by prese
What can we gain by collaborating in higher education and what are the challenges
Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor and microRNA-451a in Response to Mindfulness-based Therapy or Treatment as Usual in Patients with Depression, Anxiety, or Stress and Adjustment Disorders
Background: Macrophage migration inhibitory factor is a proinflammatory cytokine that has been associated with various psychiatric disorders. MicroRNA-451a can directly target macrophage migration inhibitory factor and downregulate its expression in cells. However, the role of macrophage migration inhibitory factor and microRNA-451a in psychiatric patients treated with psychotherapeutic interventi
Analysis of heat and mass transport characteristics in anode-supported solid oxide fuel cells at various operating conditions
In this study, the heat and mass transport characteristics of anode-supported solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) are numerically investigated by using a two-dimensional model. The mathematical model is validated by comparing the numerical results with experimental data found in the open literature. The species and temperature distributions of SOFCs at different cell voltages are presented and compared
Platelet-derived microparticles regulates thrombin generation via phophatidylserine in abdominal sepsis
Sepsis is associated with dysfunctional coagulation. Recent data suggest that platelets play a role in sepsis by promoting neutrophil accumulation. Herein, we show that cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) triggered systemic inflammation, which is characterized by formation of IL-6 and CXC chemokines as well as neutrophil accumulation in the lung. Platelet depletion decreased neutrophil accumulation,
Den sjungande trappuppgången : Essä
Den sjungande trappuppgången är en TV-serie i sex avsnitt på SVT med start 6 februari 2012. Med inspiration från engelsk förlaga handlar serien om experimentet, att samla en större grupp människor med olika ålder och bakgrund, boende i samma förortsstadsdel utan större kontakt med sina grannar, och tillsammans bilda en sångkör med målet att uppträda vid offentliga konserter.