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Your search for "*" yielded 531661 hits

Att arkivera studentlivet - En studie om Lunds studentnationers bevarande av arkivmaterial

The purpose of this study is to give an insight into the archival management of six student nations at Lund University, as well as the general view of the archive amongst the members who are responsible for the student nation archives. The majority of the student nations are well over 300 years old, but there have been few or no studies about the student nations archives, a knowledge gap this stud

Profiling Extracellular Vesicle Proteome of Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients for Non-Invasive Subtyping and Monitoring

Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) is a highly aggressive form of cancer, characterized by a particularly poor prognosis. Subsequently, it has a very low five-year survival rate of only 6%. At the clinic, patients are either diagnosed at advanced stages where care is more palliative and with few therapeutic options or, when diagnosed at earlier stages, respond very positively to first-line treatments b

A prototype early warning system for diarrhoeal disease to combat health threats of climate change in the Asia-Pacific region

Ongoing climate variability and change are increasing the burden of diarrhoeal disease worldwide. Meaningful early warning systems with adequate lead times (weeks to months) are needed to guide public health decision–making and enhance community resilience against health threats posed by climate change. Toward this goal, we trained various machine-learning models to predict diarrhoeal disease rate

Meal-induced release of the incretins GLP-1 and GIP in healthy men and the effect of thylakoids

Frisättning av insulin- och mättnadsstimulerande tarmhormoner efter intag av extrakt från spenat Introduktion och Bakgrund Fetma är en växande hälsoutmaning då den kan leda till kronisk sjukdom som typ II diabetes och hjärt-kärlsjukdom. Därför sker mycket forskning för att underlätta viktminskning hos överviktiga. Ny medicin har fokuserat på insulinfrisättande tarmhormoner, som hjälper till att s

Att framtidssäkra den fysiska butiken via nya butiksformat

En viktig del av utvecklingen av den fysiska butiken är nya koncept, både som ett sätt att spegla den digitala utvecklingen (med omnikanal som ambition) men också som ett sätt att spegla en förändrad värld där nya konsumentbehov etcetera spelar en viktig roll. Men klarar sig nya format om inte också sättet att utvärdera dem förändras? Den traditionella utvärderingen med försäljning som bas behöver

Virtual-reality-based cognitive behavioural therapy versus waiting list control for paranoid ideation and social avoidance in patients with psychotic disorders : a single-blind randomised controlled trial

Background: Many patients with psychotic disorders have persistent paranoid ideation and avoid social situations because of suspiciousness and anxiety. We investigated the effects of virtual-reality-based cognitive behavioural therapy (VR-CBT) on paranoid thoughts and social participation. Methods: In this randomised controlled trial at seven Dutch mental health centres, outpatients aged 18–65 yea

Changes in union density in the Nordic countries: a presentation

The aim is to explain: (1) Why union density (the share of employees affiliated to trade unions) is so high in the Nordic countries: 50-70%, in Iceland about 90%, (2) Why the rate of unionization (union density) varies between the Nordic countries, and (3) Why union density in the last 25-35 years has declined considerably in Denmark, Finland and Sweden, but not at all or only modestly in Iceland

Policy amnesia and the promise of housing cooperatives : Finnish housing cooperativism from 1920 to 2020

Finland seems to suffer from a kind of ‘policy amnesia’ when it comes to the topic of housing cooperatives. Tracing back from 1920 to 2020, this article analyses waves of experimentation and political debate with housing cooperativism across both housing production and consumption. Supplementing a document analysis with expert interviews, it investigates which cooperatively-organized modes of hous

Unravelling the Home

Unravelling the home is an anecdotal mapping of the house and the objects within it to seek a deeper understanding of what a home is constructed of. Through prints, photographs, observations, interviews and drawings, the house is slowly unravelled to visualise the material and the immaterial components, including the norms and narratives, that makes it a home. The notion of the home as a physical

REVISITING WOLF WARRIOR DIPLOMACY : a case study of Gui Congyou and the use of wolf warrior diplomacy

The overarching purpose of this thesis was to explore one aspect of Chinese foreign policy known as ‘wolf warrior diplomacy’: a rhetorical and polemic tool wielded by Chinese diplomats to deflect and counter criticism commonly perceived as hostile. This (un)diplomatic approach has bewildered many, which precipitates questions of its use and pertinence especially during a timeline in which China is

Combining methods for non-invasive fecal DNA enables whole genome and metagenomic analyses in wildlife biology

Non-invasive biological samples benefit studies that investigate rare, elusive, endangered, or dangerous species. Integrating genomic techniques that use non-invasive biological sampling with advances in computational approaches can benefit and inform wildlife conservation and management. Here, we used non-invasive fecal DNA samples to generate low- to medium-coverage genomes (e.g., >90% of the co

Methods for the Temporal Approximation of Nonlinear, Nonautonomous Evolution Equations

Differential equations are an important building block for modeling processes in physics, biology, and social sciences. Usually, their exact solution is not known explicitly though. Therefore, numerical schemes to approximate the solution are of great importance. In this thesis, we consider the temporal approximation of nonlinear, nonautonomous evolution equations on a finite time horizon. We pres

Two quadrature rules for stochastic Itô-integrals with fractional Sobolev regularity

In this paper we study the numerical quadrature of a stochastic integral, where the temporal regularity of the integrand is measured in the fractional Sobolev-Slobodeckij norm in Wσ,p(0,T), σ ∈(0,2), p∈[2,∞). We introduce two quadrature rules: The first is best suited for the parameter range σ ∈(0,1) and consists of a Riemann-Maruyama approximation on a randomly shifted grid. The second quadrature

Is avian humoral immunocompetence suppressed by testosterone?

A key issue in sexual selection theory is how a correlation between male secondary sexual characters and male genetic quality can be maintained. The immunocompetence-handicap hypothesis proposes that testosterone-dependent male characters remain honest signals because of the immunosuppressive effect of elevated steroid hormone levels. The hypothesis requires that physiological levels of testostero

Ancient and historical DNA in conservation policy

Although genetic diversity has been recognized as a key component of biodiversity since the first Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in 1993, it has rarely been included in conservation policies and regulations. Even less appreciated is the role that ancient and historical DNA (aDNA and hDNA, respectively) could play in unlocking the temporal dimension of genetic diversity, allowing key cons

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Rolando Garcı́a nos enseña que el marco socio-polı́tico determina en alguna medida el marco epistémico e influye igualmente en la estructura social del campo cientı́fico. Una recorrida por los acontecimiento principales, para la civilización europea, desde el presente hasta mediados de siglo XIX nos permiten poner a prueba esta tesis. En lugar de una “historia de las ideas”, una narrativa históric

The interfaces of innovation in mathematics and the arts.

Emmer (1993) claimed creativity to be a bridge between art and mathematics exemplified (www. in his traveling exhibition The Eye of Horus: Art and Mathematics (Emmer, 1990). A shared language is needed to make bridges between science, art and metaphysics (Thiessen, 1998). Scientific phenomena and concepts need to be possible to isolate for better understandi

Genome-Based Sexing Provides Clues about Behavior and Social Structure in the Woolly Mammoth

While present-day taxa are valuable proxies for understanding the biology of extinct species, it is also crucial to examine physical remains in order to obtain a more comprehensive view of their behavior, social structure, and life histories [1, 2]. For example, information on demographic parameters such as age distribution and sex ratios in fossil assemblages can be used to accurately infer socio