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Your search for "*" yielded 531659 hits

Colonialism in South Africa leaves a lasting legacy of reduced genetic diversity in Cape buffalo

The iconic Cape buffalo has experienced several documented population declines in recent history. These declines have been largely attributed to the late 19th century rinderpest pandemic. However, the effect of the rinderpest pandemic on their genetic diversity remains contentious, and other factors that have potentially affected this diversity include environmental changes during the Pleistocene,

Mining Life : An exploration in three acts into the potential of socially engaged art practices to instigate social change

Mining Life: An Exploration in Three Acts into the Potential of Socially Engaged Art Practices to Instigate Social Change investigates the intersection of art, activism, and social change through three major artistic research projects. Emerging from a critical shift in my own artistic practice, this thesis questions the role of socially engaged art within post-colonial structures, challenging the

Far Away from Human-land : Kafka’s Nonhumans in Günther Anders and Walter Benjamin

In 1934, Walter Benjamin published his major study Franz Kafka: Zur zehnten Wiederkehr seines Todestages. In the same year, Günther Anders, another German Jew in exile, gave a lecture on Kafka which later, in postwar years, developed into a small book titled Kafka, Pro und Contra. Bringing these two in dialogue—the much-celebrated essay by Benjamin and the generally overlooked book by Anders—the p

Investigating The Locations of Lymphocytes in Healthy Lungs Using Cyclic Fluorescent Antibody-Stained Imaging Data

The aim of this research project was to create a bioinformatic image analysis pipeline for the investigation of lymphocytes in healthy human lungs. The lung is an important organ to study as it provides a fast way for pathogens to enter the body. Therefore, the pulmonary immune system must be further investigated in both healthy and diseased tissue. In order to do comparative studies, we need to c

Near-Field Focusing in Two-Dimensional Space Enclosed by Arrays of Different Geometries

With the increasing demands for higher data rates and long-range wireless power transfer, the development of new methods is a necessary step to meet the heightened requirements. One such method is improving the infrastructure for wireless transmission through the use of large intelligent surfaces (LIS). To be one step closer to enabling the construction of such infrastructure, this study examines

Characterizing the allele-specific gene expression landscape in high hyperdiploid acute lymphoblastic leukemia with BASE

Somatic copy number variations (CNVs), including abnormal chromosome numbers and structural changes leading to gain or loss of genetic material, play a crucial role in initiation and progression of cancer. CNVs are believed to cause gene dosage imbalances and modify cis-regulatory elements, leading to allelic expression imbalances in genes that influence cell division and thereby contribute to can

Scoping Review of Disaster Preparedness Among Hospitals in Developing and Developed countries

With the climate change the frequency of disasters are increasing all over the world. Hospital is an important organization which has significant role and responsibility during and after disaster. Proper preparation from beforehand is necessary to handle disaster related mass emergency. The objective of this scoping review is to offer a thorough overview of disaster preparedness among hospitals in

Effects of anti-TSLP treatment on the bronchial epithelial viral immune transcriptome and airway epithelial–smooth muscle cell crosstalk

Hur påverkar anti-TSLP cellkommunikation och inflammation i lungan? Astma är en kronisk andningssjukdom som påverkar miljontals människor runt om i världen. Sjukdomen kännetecknas av luftvägsinflammation, överkänslighet och obstruktion, vilket leder till symtom som väsande andning, andnöd och hosta. Ny forskning visar att läkemedlet Tezepelumab, ett anti-TSLP läkemedel som blockerar TSLP, kan minBackground: Asthma, a prevalent chronic lung disease, affecting millions worldwide, is characterised by airway inflammation and increased smooth muscle mass and constriction, leading to the narrowing of the airway walls. Recent biologics have emerged as promising treatments for asthma. This study focuses on Tezepelumab, a monoclonal antibody targeting TSLP, which has been shown to improve airway h

The role of dendritic cells in tertiary lymphoid structures: implications in cancer and autoimmune diseases : Mariana Reste1† , Kristi Ajazi 2† , Ayca Sayi-Yazgan3,4, Radmila Jankovic 5 , Biljana Bufan6 , Sven Brandau7 , Espen S. Bækkevold 8 , Florent Petitprez 9 , Malin Lindstedt 2 *, Gosse J. Adema10* and Catarina R. Almeida1 *

Tertiary Lymphoid Structures (TLS) are organized aggregates of immune cells such as T cells, B cells, and Dendritic Cells (DCs), as well as fibroblasts, formed postnatally in response to signals from cytokines and chemokines. Central to the function of TLS are DCs, professional antigen-presenting cells (APCs) that coordinate the adaptive immune response, and which can be classified into different

Breeding success of the great skua (Stercorarius skua) in East Iceland

Understanding what influences reproduction within populations is important to assess what changes are happening, especially for species with declining populations. In this study, I focus on a large seabird, the great skua (Stercorarius skua) which have been shown to have declining population trends in most of their breeding range in recent years. Skuas are long-lived species with delayed sexual ma

Mechanisms of body alignment in a diurnal songbird migrant - Cue integration for body alignment during sleep

Body alignment is a spontaneous response documented in a variety of animals, including songbirds, however the biological significance of this behavior remains elusive for most taxa. Migratory songbirds rely on an endogenous migration program to migrate, and extract navigational information from celestial and magnetic cues. To investigate the body alignment behavior, the resting position of individ

Fabrication and Electrocatalytic Evolution of Alkali-Free CoNb2O6 Thin Films for Water Oxidation via Polyoxoniobates

Fabrication of CoNb2O6 thin films was possible through spin-coating an alkali-free, aqueous solution of a polyoxoniobate ([Nb10O28]6-, Nb10) and a cobalt nitrate (Co(NO3)2), followed by annealing. The results showed that depending on the calcination conditions, minor phases of unreacted Co3O4 and β-Nb2O5 may form alongside the columbite CoNb2O6 phase. However, optimizing the calcination conditions

The effects of sexual reproduction on the evolution of multicellularity in green algae

Nearly all multicellular organisms reproduce sexually, whereas asexual reproduction is predominant in unicellular species. However, it is unclear why we see such a tight co-occurrence between multicellularity and sex. Here, we investigate the effect sexual reproduction has on the evolution of multicellularity in the green algae, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, specifically on the variation and novel ph

Reframing Brasilia's city center, Setor Bancário Sul

Brasilia, Brazil’s capital, is a city designed under the modernist precepts of the 60s. Its urbanistic plan is defined in four urban scales. Each of these occupies a different location in the city and has its own characteristics, which will be explored in this work. Especially the scale of the city center, which will be the focus of this project. Regional and local analyses were key to understand

A Sharp Entropy Condition For The Density Of Angular Derivatives

Let f be a holomorphic self-map of the unit disc. We show that if log(1−|f(z)|) is integrable on a sub-arc of the unit circle, I, then the set of Carathéodory angular derivatives of f on I is a countable union of Beurling-Carleson sets of finite entropy. Conversely, given a countable union of Beurling-Carleson sets, E, we construct a holomorphic self-map of the unit disc, such that its set of Cara

Investigating Buyer Preferences in Climate Finance Under Article 6.2 of the Paris Agreement

This thesis investigates buyer preferences in the procurement of Internationally Transferred Mitigation Outcomes (ITMOs) under Article 6.2 of the Paris Agreement, which facilitates international cooperation through carbon markets. As ITMO markets are still in the early stages of development, uncertainties regarding regulatory frameworks, environmental integrity, and procurement strategies have eme

50 år av folksuveränitet. Makt, funktion och ­förvaltning i 1974 års regeringsform

År 2024 är det 50 år sedan riksdagen slutligt beslutade att införa den nuvarande regeringsformen. Jubileet har fått relativt mycket uppmärksamhet. Riksdagen har byggt upp en särskild webbplats med information och det har givits ut minst tre forskningsantologier med anledning av jubileet.I detta temanummer ger statsvetare och jurister sina perspektiv på centrala teman med anknytning till den nu fem