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Characterization of ulvan polysaccharide degrading enzymes from Wenyingzhuangia fucanilytica
The aim of this thesis was to fully characterize the enzyme WFp-105, including bioinformatic analysis, structural modeling, full activity and stability characterization and product determination. As well as for the enzyme WFp-37; optimize protein production in regard to expression strains and cultivation temperature, analyzing the genomic context as well as performing an initial activity detection
Act as if our house is on fire - A study on rights-based climate litigation and its prospects for intergenerational climate justice
Enligt nyligen publicerade vetenskapliga rapporter blir planeten varmare i en takt aldrig tidigare skådad. Om inte utsläppen av växthusgaser minskas kraftigt så kommer temperaturmålet på 1,5 °C som fastställdes i Parisavtalet att överskridas. Även om alla påverkas av klimatförändringar på ett eller annat sätt så är barn särskilt sårbara för effekterna. Unga generationer idag kommer också att få taAccording to recently published scientific reports, the planet is getting warmer at an unprecedented rate. The temperature goal of 1,5°C set in the Paris Agreement will be exceeded unless deep reductions in greenhouse gas emissions are made. While everyone feels the effects of climate change, children are particularly vulnerable to them and will also be left with the impacts for a longer time. Con
International Organizations and the Global Education Governance - A case of the OECD’s PISA through critical discourse analysis
In the last thirty years, the field of education and educational policymaking has become increasingly internationalized. Consequently, more actors, especially actors beyond the national level have become interested and involved in educational policymaking. International Organizations (IOs) in particular have become prominent in the educational sphere and their role in affecting and defining educat
“We are dealing here with a hydroelectric dam, we are not building a nuclear plant” : A case study of securitization processes in water cooperation contexts
In 2011, Ethiopia began the construction of the “Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam” (GERD) in the Blue Nile and in 2020 the first filling took place which escalated tensions in the shared waters and provoked concerns from Egypt and Sudan. The aim of the thesis is to broaden the understanding of water sharing issues by conducting a case study of the GERD developments between 2011 and the beginning of
Möten på myren
Mellan Sattajärvi och Tärendö i Tornedalen breder myren Kaljuvuoma ut sig i skogslandskapet. Det är en plats som brukats i hundratals år, på vilken det fortfarande utförs renskötsel och myrslåtter - två traditionellt viktiga delar av den tornedalska kulturen. Det är också en plats med potential att stärkas med hjälp av arkitektur. Mitt projekt är en utforskning av arkitektur som taktik och stratBetween Sattajärvi and Tärendö in Tornedalen, Sweden the mire Kaljuvuoma extends out in the forest landscape. It has been an important site for a long time, where both haymaking and raindeer handling have been two traditional uses. It is also a place that has potential to be strengthened with architecture. My project is an exploration of architecture as a tactic and strategy in rural development
The effect of same-sex teacher assignment on student outcomes: Evidence from Australia and New Zealand
This essay investigates the effects of a same-sex teacher assignment on female and male 8th grade students in Australia and New Zealand using data from the Trends in Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). I employ the first difference (FD) method introduced by Dee (2007) to analyze the impacts on students' math and science academic achievements, as well as their attitudes toward these subjects
The Visual Transformation of Security Narratives: Visual Culture of the German Querdenker Movement on Instagram
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic the post-truth and increasingly radicalized anti-vaccine movement has gained worldwide attention as a major opponent of Covid-restricting efforts. In Germany, the anti-vax movement Querdenker have staged several large-scale protests opposing the ’undemocratic’ government. With increasing online identity expression through fast-paced visual platforms, the Querd
A review of the entrepreneurial ecosystems in Skåne
The main aim of this paper is to seek to understand how incubators within the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Skåne interact and engage with startups, and looks to address three secondary research questions expanding on the subject. Three semi-structured interviews were conducted with sustainability and business development representatives of incubators in Skåne in order to gain insight into methods
A Case study: Implementation analysis of labour market policies in Lund municipality.
One by one, municipalities around Sweden have started their policies and activities to tackle unemployment. Lund municipality has since 2020 expanded its employment services. This study analyses the employment services implementation in Lund municipality's local government regime. The analysis is done mainly through the lenses of the implementation theory of Lipsky’s (1980; 2010) on street-lev
Reproductive experiences of women with unapproved birth under one child policy in G city in China
In China, after implementing the family planning policy in 1979, a huge group of women with unapproved birth were formed. However, the academic research on them are very limited. For women with unapproved birth, sacrificed the most under this “magical” that eliminated hundreds of millions of people in China, but their reproductive practices and experiences are being neglected and ignored. Focusin
Revisionskvalitet i digitala tider
Examensarbetets titel: Revisionskvalitet i digitala tider Seminariedatum: 3/6-2022 Ämne/kurs: FEKH69, Examensarbete i redovisning på kandidatnivå Författare: Bedoui, Sami. Sari, Yosef. Wallden, David Handledare: Kristina Artsberg Fem nyckelord: Digitalisering revision, Digitala verktyg, Revisionskvalitet, Svensk revision, Modern revision Forskningsfråga: Hur har digitaliseringen påverkat revisionsTitle: Auditing quality in digital times Seminar date: 3/6-2022 Course: FEKH69, Examensarbete i redovisning på kandidatnivå Authors: Bedoui, Sami. Sari, Yosef. Wallden, David Advisor: Kristina Artsberg Key words: Digitized auditing, Digital tools, Audit quality, Swedish auditing, Modern auditing Research question: How has digitalization affected the audit quality on the Swedish market? Purpose: Th
Youtube ogillar ogillande: användares reaktioner på ogilla-knappens nya utseende - en studie om konflikt mellan deltagarkultur och vinstdrivande företag
This paper thematically analyzes the new design of the dislike button on the social media platform Youtube. It also explores the phenomenon of how participation culture and commercialized businesses can collide by examining the perspective of both the users of Youtube, as well as the perspective of Youtube as an entity. To do so, videos, video comments and official statements are evaluated. The th
Asfaltbeläggningar behöver fortlöpande repareras och slutligen bytas ut efter nötning och sönderbrytning men också av att asfalten förlorat sin eftergivlighet genom åldring. Det är en naturlig förändring som påverkas av luftens syre och solens strålning men också av ämnen i miljön. Tillvaratagen asfalt kan emellertid ges nytt liv igen, återvinnas, och användas på nytt som vägbeläggning. Det sker gAsphalt coatings need to be continuously repaired and finally replaced after abrasion and damage, but also because the asphalt has lost its flexibility due to aging. It is a natural change that is affected by the oxygen in the air and the sun's radiation, but also by substances in the environment. Recovered asphalt can, however, be given new life again, recycled, and reused as a road surface.
Tales, Temporality & Transformation
This thesis is an explorative discussion on the potential of narrative when working with architecture in a historical context. What role does narrative play when architects work with historical buildings & sites? Which narratives are well-represented & which ones are not? How can we work with narratives to make the process more inclusive? The first introductory phase consists of a case st
The Legality under International Human Rights Law of Citizenship Deprivation as a Security Measure in the UK
This thesis will examine the question of whether the UK’s use of nationality deprivation as a security measure is in accordance with its obligations under international human rights law. As the UK has defended its use of such measures through reference to the traditional reservation of nationality matters to the sovereign preserve of states, a short history of the extent to which international law
Valsystem – barriär eller förutsättning för representation?
Trots att antalet kvinnor i världens parlament ökar, är kvinnor och kvinnors intressen fortsatt kraftigt underrepresenterade inom politiken. Denna trend har väckt ett nytt forskningsområde som belyser valsystemens påverkan på kvinnligt parlamentariskt beteende. Syftet med denna fallstudie är att genom en kvantitativ innehållsanalys undersöka vilken effekt Nya Zeelands valreform har haft på kvinnli
Revisorn och den oberoende relationen till klienten
Forskningsfråga: Hur arbetar revisorer med att upprätthålla sitt oberoende inom revisionsbranschen? Syfte: Att studera hur svenska revisorer förhåller sig till oberoendet inom revisionsyrket och hur de jobbar med att upprätthålla oberoendet. Metod: Studien har riktat sig till auktoriserade och godkända revisorer och dessa har intervjuats genom en surveyundersökning online. Där har de fått svara Research question: How do auditors maintain their independence in the auditing industry? Purpose: To study how Swedish auditors relate to independence in the auditing industry and how they work with maintaining independence. Methodology: The study has been targeted towards authorized and approved auditors and these have been interviewed through an online survey. In the survey, they have been giv
Model-based Generation of a Sensor Reading Web Test Tool
This Bachelor’s thesis is in collaboration with Saab Kockums AB. Saab Kockums develops and constructs marine technology, ships and submarines for civil and military use. In different development stages for systems to be implemented and built on ships, submarines or the like, different components such as sensors or information display systems need to be tested and functionality verified. For the sy
Why do we go to the cinema?-A qualitative study of cinema attendance motivation in Sweden and Korea
Due to COVID-19 and the penetration of OTT services, the cinema industry is suffering from audience loss. With this contextual change, the question of whether the cinema industry will survive is constantly rising. As motivation is known as the driving force for behaviour, this thesis focuses on the audiences who still visit the cinema and explore their motivations for cinema attendance to find wha