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Does active transport create a win-win situation for environmental and human health? The moderating effect of leisure and tourism activity

Although active transport contributes to environmental and human health, only limited research has been conducted on what makes people participate in active transport in tourism-related contexts. To fill this gap, research was conducted on theoretically conceptualized relationships between pro-social behavior on active transport, air quality, climate change mitigation, and health with a moderator

Evaluating Three Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms (LM, BR, and SCG) for Daily Pan Evaporation Estimation in a Semi-Arid Region

Evaporation is one of the main components of the hydrological cycle, and its estimation is crucial and important for water resources management issues. Access to a reliable estimator tool for evaporation simulation is important in arid and semi-arid areas such as Iran, which lose more than 70% of their received precipitation by evaporation. Current research employs the Bayesian Regularization (BR)

A memetic algorithm enables efficient local and global all-atom protein-protein docking with backbone and side-chain flexibility

Protein complex formation is encoded by specific interactions at the atomic scale, but the computational cost of modeling proteins at this level often requires use of simplified energy models and limited conformational flexibility. In particular, use of all-atom energy functions and backbone and side-chain flexibility results in rugged energy landscapes that are difficult to explore. In this study


I länder med fria val finns demokratiska spelregler som gör att systemet i viss utsträckning redan är förutbestämt. Befolkningen har till exempel på förhand ett begränsat antal partier att välja mellan. Det finns också formella problem, som att fördelningen av mandat över ett land faktiskt kan bestämma utgången redan innan medborgarna gått till vallokalerna. I Demokratiparadoxen fördjupar sig prof

In vivo drug discovery for increasing incretin-expressing cells identifies DYRK inhibitors that reinforce the enteroendocrine system

Analogs of the incretin hormones Gip and Glp-1 are used to treat type 2 diabetes and obesity. Findings in experimental models suggest that manipulating several hormones simultaneously may be more effective. To identify small molecules that increase the number of incretin-expressing cells, we established a high-throughput in vivo chemical screen by using the gip promoter to drive the expression of

Simulated Microgravity Modulates Focal Adhesion Gene Expression in Human Neural Stem Progenitor Cells

We analyzed the morphology and the transcriptomic changes of human neural stem progenitor cells (hNSPCs) grown on laminin in adherent culture conditions and subjected to simulated microgravity for different times in a random positioning machine apparatus. Low-cell-density cultures exposed to simulated microgravity for 24 h showed cell aggregate formation and significant modulation of several genes

CO2 and CH4 exchanges between moist moss tundra and atmosphere on Kapp Linné, Svalbard

We measured CO2 and CH4 fluxes using chambers and eddy covariance (only CO2) from a moist moss tundra in Svalbard. The average net ecosystem exchange (NEE) during the summer (9 June–31 August) was negative (sink), with −0.139 ± 0.032 µmol m−2 s−1 corresponding to −11.8 g C m−2 for the whole summer. The cumulated NEE over the whole growing season (day no. 160 to 284) was −2.5 g C m−2. The CH4 flux

Spectral Analysis of Heart Rate Variability in Time-Varying Conditions and in the Presence of Confounding Factors

The tools for spectrally analyzing heart rate variability (HRV) has in recent years grown considerably, with emphasis on the handling of time-varying conditions and confounding factors. Time–frequency analysis holds since long an important position in HRV analysis, however, this technique cannot alone handle a mean heart rate or a respiratory frequency which vary over time. Overlapping

Light Responsiveness and Assembly of Arylazopyrazole-Based Surfactants in Neat and Mixed CTAB Micelles

The self-assembly of an arylazopyrazole-based photosurfactant (PS), based on cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB), and its mixed micelle formation with CTAB in aqueous solution was investigated by small angle neutron and X-ray scattering (SANS/SAXS) and UV-vis absorption spectroscopy. Upon UV light exposure, PS photoisomerizes from E-PS (trans) to Z-PS (cis), which transforms oblate ellipsoidal m

Individual excellence funding : effects on research autonomy and the creation of protected spaces

This article contributes to the emerging body of literature which investigates the mechanisms through which funding conditions affect research. It is an interview-based case study of the Distinguished Professor Grant (DPG); an excellence funding instrument aimed at individuals. The study uses the concept of “protected space” to explore the epistemic and organizational dynamics enabled by the DPG.

Looking Back, Moving Forward : A Handover

A coworker teased me a few months ago, describing requirements engineering (RE) as "plumbing,"something he absolutely considered functional, even necessary, but otherwise best not discussed in polite conversation. I responded with a graphically descriptive suggestion of what one might experience with a plumbing failure. I then drew parallels to a situation where a team's excellent execution of the

Humidification of Central Asia and equatorward shifts of westerly winds since the late Pliocene

The production, transport, and deposition of mineral dust exert major influences on climate change and Earth’s biogeochemical cycles. Furthermore, their imprint, as recorded in pelagic sediments, provides an avenue for determining past changes in terrestrial aridity and atmospheric circulation patterns in response to global climate change. Here, by examining geochemical and magnetic data obtained

Seawater signatures in the supracrustal Lewisian Complex, Scotland

Marble in the supracrustal rocks of the Lewisian Complex, Tiree, includes chlorine-bearing amphiboles, chlorine-rich apatite, sulphur-rich scapolite, albite and phlogopite, all of which are regarded as evidence for evaporites in other metamorphosed sequences. Titanite yields U-Pb ages of ∼1.6 Ga, i.e. late Laxfordian, which excludes a younger imprint of sodium metasomatism. Traces of anhydrite, an

Contingency planning and humanitarian action: a review of practice

This paper explores the current process and practice of contingency planning in humanitarian organisations. It sets out the key terms and concepts relating to contingency planning, explores the contingency planning process, explains the main models used by humanitarian organisations and presents a new concept of the process that enables a more dynamic approach than previous frameworks.The paper al

Comparison of fractal and grid electrodes for studying the effects of spatial confinement on dissociated retinal neuronal and glial behavior

Understanding the impact of the geometry and material composition of electrodes on the survival and behavior of retinal cells is of importance for both fundamental cell studies and neuromodulation applications. We investigate how dissociated retinal cells from C57BL/6J mice interact with electrodes made of vertically-aligned carbon nanotubes grown on silicon dioxide substrates. We compare electrod

Pan-cancer analysis of pre-diagnostic blood metabolite concentrations in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition

Background: Epidemiological studies of associations between metabolites and cancer risk have typically focused on specific cancer types separately. Here, we designed a multivariate pan-cancer analysis to identify metabolites potentially associated with multiple cancer types, while also allowing the investigation of cancer type-specific associations. Methods: We analysed targeted metabolomics data

Communicating science through competing logics and a science-art lens

This essay takes a starting point in the well-known tension between the media logic and the scientific logic and the challenges when communicating science in a mediatized society. Building on the experience of engaging in research comics, both as a method for communicating science and a creative example of a meeting between science and art, we introduce a framework — a pedagogical tool — for how sThis essay takes a starting point in the well-known tension between the media logic and the scientific logic and the challenges when communicating science in a mediatized society. Building on the experience of engaging in research comics, both as a method for communicating science and a creative example of a meeting between science and art, we introduce a framework — a pedagogical tool — for how s

Clinical course of pharyngotonsillitis with group A streptococcus treated with different penicillin V strategies, divided in groups of Centor Score 3 and 4 : a prospective study in primary care

Background: Sore throat is a common reason for prescribing antibiotics in primary care, and 10 days of treatment is recommended for patients with pharyngotonsillitis with group A streptococcus (GAS). Our group recently showed that penicillin V (PcV) four times daily for 5 days was non-inferior in clinical outcome to PcV three times daily for 10 days. This study compares duration, intensity of symp