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"Vi har fått förväntningar på livet och kräver ett annat boende" - Massmediala bilder av 40-talister som omsorgstagare

40-talisterna är en generation som har förknippats med flera karaktärsdrag, positiva som negativa, och framställs ofta som en mycket talrik generation. Det går att argumentera för att generationen inte endast utgör en kohort utan även en identitet. Då generationen utmålas som rik, mäktig och frisk finns det ett intresse att se hur denna generation kommer att beskrivas då dess medlemmar börjar ingå

Assessment of Thermal Discomfort when Wearing Bicycle Helmets – A Modelling Framework

Excessive sweating is a major ergonomic concern in bicycle helmet use and low wearing rates are suspected to originate, at least partly, from impaired thermal comfort due to accumulated sweat increasing skin wettedness at the head region. As a development from COST Action TU1101 WG4, we introduce a modelling framework for assessing the thermal comfort of bicy-cle helmet use. We predicted local swe

Resilience and Religion in a Forced Migration Context : A narrative study of religiousness as a resilience factor in dealing with refugee experiences from a post-migration perspective of Bosnian refugees in Sweden

Popular Abstract in English Every level of human existence is affected by forced migration. It affects the central aspects of our outer and inner life. However, scientific research focused on the inner life of forced migrants, in particular the one regarding the impacts of forced migration on the most significant values that we hold in life, is often marginalized in forced migration studies. In anUntil recently studies regarding the pathological aspects of refugee experiences have led the psychology field of forced migration, giving little space to positive factors like the resilience and well-being of individuals faced with these adversities. This doctoral thesis emphasizes good health rather than disease and aims at deepening the understanding of resilience and health as opposed to the d

Emotions in Academia

An old building belonging to the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, situated on the bank of Amsterdam's Kaisergracht canal, formed the home of a small research department specializing in the study of dialects and Dutch folk culture up until 1988. Excerpts, records, photos and drawings were collected here in these run-down premises. It was a relatively closed setting, not highly ranked

Optical Analysis of biological media - continuous wave diffuse spectroscopy

The main topic of this thesis is real-time quantification of relevant chromophores and light scattering elements in biological media. The presented methods and instrumentation are based on continuous wave (steady-state) optical measurements of (a) spatially-resolved diffuse reflectance from bulk media and (b) combined spatially-resolved and goniometric measurements of re-emitted light from thin sa

Ljusets arkeologi : att bejaka moderniteten

Archaeology of Light - to affirm Modernity. In the last decades archaeologists have discussed and investigated modernity. What then characterizes modernity? Firstly the article discusses the concept and phenomena of modernity; secondly it presents four perspectives on the relationship between museums, archaeology and modernity; thirdly it proposes how archaeology as an “Archaeology of Light” migh

Managing quality requirements in software product development

Software product development companies experience different challenges in managing quality requirements compared to functional requirements. In this context, quality requirements are defined as requirements that describe a restriction on the system, and specify how well the system performs its functions. In a market–driven development context with large markets, potential customers, and strong com