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Datorspelets mening och potential

Vad kan man lära sig av att spela datorspel? Den som spelar finner nog frågan tämligen ointressant. För spelaren är vitsen med spelandet inte att lära sig något. Meningsfulla frågor är istället: Vad kan jag göra med det här spelet? Vilka regler har jag att förhålla mig till och hur kan jag hantera dem? Hur kan jag komma vidare i spelet? Hur gör jag för att vinna? Många barn och ungdomar, och äve

Genuspedagogiska gärningar : Subversiv och affirmativ aktion

Genuspedagogiska gärningar. Subversiv och affirmativ aktion tar avstamp i docent Anna Lena Lindbergs pionjärinsats och forskargärning som konsthistoriker. Under rubrikerna Pionjärgärningar, Genus och akademi, Konstpedagogikens möjligheter samt Kvinna och konstnär visar svenska och nordiska konsthistoriker, konstpedagoger, museiintendenter, historiker och etnologer från tre forskargenerationer vad

Discrete Optimal View Path Planning

This paper presents a discrete model of a sensor path planning problem, with a long-term planning horizon. The goal is to minimize the covariance of the reconstructed structures while meeting constraints on the length of the traversed path of the sensor. The sensor is restricted to move on a graph representing a discrete set of configurations, and additional constraints can be incorporated by alte

Intraocular Microdialysis

Popular Abstract in Swedish En ny metod för tillförsel av läkemedel, samt för koncentrationsmätning av olika kroppsegna och främmande ämnen i ögat. Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning Vi har anpassat den sk mikrodialystekniken för intraokulärt bruk (dvs för ögon) på kaniner. Tekniken utvecklades ursprungligen vid Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, för mätning av signalsubstanser i hjärnan. Den bygThe method of microdialysis has been adapted for ocular use. It is a technique for monitoring concentrations of different molecules in a tissue in vivo. It is based on the principle of diffusion through a semipermeable membrane. The membrane is mounted on a soft plastic shaft, connected to an inlet and an outlet tube. The whole device, called microdialysis probe, was implanted into the vitreous bo

On the role of penicillin-binding protein SpoVD in endospore cortex assembly

Popular Abstract in English An endospore, which can be formed by some bacteria, is a dormant and extremely endurable state which helps the cell to survive long periods of harsh environmental conditions. The penicillin-binding protein SpoVD in Bacillus subtilis is essential for the synthesis of the endospore cortex, a protective layer consisting of modified peptidoglycan. In depth investigation of Bacteria of the genera Bacillus and Clostridium can form endospores as a strategy to survive unfavourable environmental conditions. Endospore formation involves synthesis of cortex, a thick layer of modified peptidoglycan that surrounds the spore. This layer is required for heat resistance of the spore and mutant spores lacking the cortex layer can be identified by a simple heat shock assay. B. su

Aesthetic design process: Descriptive design research and ways forward

Consumer response to designed products has a profound effect on how products are interpreted, approached and used. Product design is crucial in determining this consumer response. Research in this field has been centered on studying the relationship between product features and subjective responses of users and consumers to those features. The subject of aesthetic or styling design process has bee

Sperm storage and sperm competition across ovarian cycles in the dragon lizard Ctenophorus fordi

Female sperm storage can influence male reproductive success and may favour males that produce sperm that remain viable across several ovarian cycles. Here we show that sperm are viable in the female reproductive tract across ovarian cycles in the mallee dragon, Ctenophorus fordi. Based on experimental mating trials, we show that stored sperm were generally less likely to fertilize eggs than recen

The effects of crayfish on interactions in freshwater benthic communities

Popular Abstract in Swedish Kräftors påverkan på födovävar i dammar och sjöarThis thesis examines how freshwater crayfish affect community interactions in benthic food webs. I have mainly studied the influence of the introduced signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) on littoral communities, but also the influence of the native noble crayfish (Astacus astacus). Overall, the results show that both crayfish species are omnivores having strong direct and indirect effects o

Transportation fuels from Swedish biomass - environmental and cost aspects

In this paper, technical and economic prerequisites to attain reduced carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions through the use of biomass-based energy carriers in the transportation sector are studied. CO2 emission reduction per unit of land used for biomass production as well as costs for CO2 emission reduction are estimated when substituting rape methyl ester, biogas from lucerne, ethanol from wheat and e