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The public prosecution service and the structuring of sentencing - the nordic case of Denmark

This chapter contributes an original description of a very different structuring arrangement of sentencing institutionalized through the Danish prosecution service since the 1990s. The prosecution service has attained a new and bigger role and new techniques add significantly to the structuring of sentencing. The techniques of structuring sentencing are: preparatory works to statutory amendments,

Sound Art : The First 100 Years of an Aggressively Expanding Artform

"A brief history of sound art is, in a nutshell, a history of sonic forms of expression that throughout the twentieth century can be traced within music, the visual arts, and contemporary dance, as well as in performance art, conceptual art, and media art. Attempts to capture sound art as a detached and isolated art form or artistic phenomenon have been made, but this is definitely not the approac

High titer ethanol production from rice straw via solid-state simultaneous saccharification and fermentation by Mucor indicus at low enzyme loading

High titer ethanol production from rice straw using Mucor indicus fungus was investigated through the solid-state simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSSF) process. The straw was pretreated with 0.5 M sodium carbonate solution for 3, 5, and 10 h to improve the efficiency of the process. Effects of the pretreatment on the composition, structural morphology, cellulose crystallinity, swel

The soil organic matter decomposition mechanisms in ectomycorrhizal fungi are tuned for liberating soil organic nitrogen

Many trees form ectomycorrhizal symbiosis with fungi. During symbiosis, the tree roots supply sugar to the fungi in exchange for nitrogen, and this process is critical for the nitrogen and carbon cycles in forest ecosystems. However, the extents to which ectomycorrhizal fungi can liberate nitrogen and modify the soil organic matter and the mechanisms by which they do so remain unclear since they h

Addition of n-Alcohols Induces a Variety of Liquid-Crystalline Structures in Surfactant-Rich Cores of Dispersed Block Copolymer/Surfactant Nanoparticles

Poly(acrylamide)-b-complex salts made from a symmetric poly(acrylate-b-acrylamide) block copolymer, where the acrylate charges are neutralized by cationic surfactant counterions, form kinetically stable aqueous dispersions of hierarchical aggregates with a liquid-crystalline complex salt core and a diffuse hydrated shell. By the addition of suitable amounts of long-chain alcohols, such as octanol

Automated Statistical Methods for Fault Detection in District Heating Customer Installations

In order to develop more sustainable district heating systems, the district heating sector is currently trying to increase the energy efficiency of these systems. One way of doing so is to identify customer installations in the systems that have poor cooling performance. This study aimed to develop an algorithm that was able to detect the poorly performing installations automatically using meter r

Quality of life among people with psychiatric disabilities attending community-based day centres or Clubhouses

BACKGROUND: People with psychiatric disability have been found to have a poorer quality of life (QOL) compared to the general population, and QOL is an important outcome from psychosocial rehabilitation. AIMS: This study aimed at comparing users of two approaches to psychosocial rehabilitation in Sweden, community-based mental health day centres (DCs) and clubhouses, regarding QOL. A further aim w

Evolutionary analysis of the Chikungunya virus epidemic in Mexico reveals intra-host mutational hotspots in the E1 protein

The epidemic potential of Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) was recently made evident by its introduction and rapid expansion in the Caribbean and the Americas. We sought to gain a detailed understanding of the dynamics of the epidemic in Mexico, the country with the highest number of confirmed CHIKV cases in the Americas, and to characterise viral evolution at the population and intra-host level. Analysi

Demokrati i komparativ belysning

recension av Demokratins drivkrafter. Kontext och särdrag i Finlands och Sveriges demokratier, (H. Meinander, P. Karonen & K. Östberg, red.), Helsingfors/Stockholm 2018

Microrheology of Concentrated Protein Solutions

Tack vare ett näst intill oändligt antal variationer så har proteiner blivit naturens standardlösning för diverse uppgifter och problem. I våra egna kroppar har vi en uppsjö av olika varianter där några är allmänt välkända, t.ex. hemoglobin i våra röda blodkroppar som transporterar runt syre och insulin vilket sänker vår blodsockernivå. Andra proteiner är mer okända men trots det lika viktiga, exeThe behavior of concentrated protein solutions is of general high interest due to implications in, for example, biological systems and medical applications. It is necessary to investigate the rheological properties of such systems to understand how parameters, such as stability, are affected by the high concentrations. Unfortunately, studies are often hindered by the lack of sufficient quantities

Towards detection of glycoproteins using molecularly imprinted nanoparticles and boronic acid-modified fluorescent probe

Glycoproteins represent a group of important biomarkers for cancer and other life-threatening diseases. Selective detection of specific glycoproteins is an important step for early diagnosis. Traditional glycoprotein assays are mostly based on lectins, antibodies, and enzymes, biochemical reagents that are costly and require special cold chain storage and distribution. To address the shortcomings

The viscoelastic signature underpinning polymer deformation under shear flow

Entangled polymers are deformed by a strong shear flow. The shape of the polymer, called the form factor, is measured by small angle neutron scattering. However, the real-space molecular structure is not directly available from the reciprocal-space data, due to the phase problem. Instead, the data has to be fitted with a theoretical model of the molecule. We approximate the unknown structure using

Cooperation, framing, and political attitudes

This paper shows that political attitudes are linked to cooperative behavior in an incentivized experiment with a large sample randomly drawn from the Danish population. However, this relationship depends on the way the experiment is framed. In the standard game in which subjects give to a public good, contributions are not linked to political attitudes. In an economically equivalent version, in w

Temperature and age effects on latitudinal growth dynamics of the commercially valuable gadoid Northeast Arctic saithe (Pollachius virens)

It is well known that marine fish dynamics relate with climate variability, and predicting future population developments have become increasingly urgent with on-going climate change. One approach in widespread populations is to study how individuals from different parts of the distribution area respond to climate, thereby testing for potential resilience in terms of local adaptions against enviro