Demokrati i komparativ belysning
recension av Demokratins drivkrafter. Kontext och särdrag i Finlands och Sveriges demokratier, (H. Meinander, P. Karonen & K. Östberg, red.), Helsingfors/Stockholm 2018
recension av Demokratins drivkrafter. Kontext och särdrag i Finlands och Sveriges demokratier, (H. Meinander, P. Karonen & K. Östberg, red.), Helsingfors/Stockholm 2018
Introduktion till artiklar från seminariet Vem bestämmer över Svenska Akademien vid Juridiska fakulteten i Lund den 17 maj 2018
Tack vare ett näst intill oändligt antal variationer så har proteiner blivit naturens standardlösning för diverse uppgifter och problem. I våra egna kroppar har vi en uppsjö av olika varianter där några är allmänt välkända, t.ex. hemoglobin i våra röda blodkroppar som transporterar runt syre och insulin vilket sänker vår blodsockernivå. Andra proteiner är mer okända men trots det lika viktiga, exeThe behavior of concentrated protein solutions is of general high interest due to implications in, for example, biological systems and medical applications. It is necessary to investigate the rheological properties of such systems to understand how parameters, such as stability, are affected by the high concentrations. Unfortunately, studies are often hindered by the lack of sufficient quantities
Glycoproteins represent a group of important biomarkers for cancer and other life-threatening diseases. Selective detection of specific glycoproteins is an important step for early diagnosis. Traditional glycoprotein assays are mostly based on lectins, antibodies, and enzymes, biochemical reagents that are costly and require special cold chain storage and distribution. To address the shortcomings
Entangled polymers are deformed by a strong shear flow. The shape of the polymer, called the form factor, is measured by small angle neutron scattering. However, the real-space molecular structure is not directly available from the reciprocal-space data, due to the phase problem. Instead, the data has to be fitted with a theoretical model of the molecule. We approximate the unknown structure using
This paper shows that political attitudes are linked to cooperative behavior in an incentivized experiment with a large sample randomly drawn from the Danish population. However, this relationship depends on the way the experiment is framed. In the standard game in which subjects give to a public good, contributions are not linked to political attitudes. In an economically equivalent version, in w
It is well known that marine fish dynamics relate with climate variability, and predicting future population developments have become increasingly urgent with on-going climate change. One approach in widespread populations is to study how individuals from different parts of the distribution area respond to climate, thereby testing for potential resilience in terms of local adaptions against enviro
Purpose: The impact of androgen receptor (AR) activity Results: D-Norgestrel and DHT activated the AR pathway, in breast cancer biology is unclear. We characterized and while 17b-Estradiol did not. Competitive binding for AR tested a novel therapy to an AR-governed target in breast protein showed similar affinity between DHT and D-Norges-cancer. trel, indicating direct AR–ligand interaction. In vi
A genetic risk score (GRS) based on 29 single nucleotide polymorpysms (SNPs) associated with high blood pressure (BP) was prospectively associated with development of hypertension, stroke and cardiovascular events. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the impact of this GRS on the incidence of aortic disease, including aortic dissection (AD), rupture or surgery of a thoracic (TAA) or abdom
The district heating sector in Sweden is today facing several challenges due to competition from other heating alternativesas well as decreasing heat demand in buildings. To increase its competitiveness, the district heating companieshave to find ways to keep their production costs at a more or less constant level. One way of doing this is to increasethe efficiency of the district heating systems.The district heating sector in Sweden is today facing several challenges due to competition from other heating alterna-tives as well as decreasing heat demand in buildings. To increase its competitiveness, the district heating companieshave to find ways to keep their production costs at a more or less constant level. One way of doing this is to increasethe efficiency of the district heating system
Novel cellulose-chitosan nanocomposite particles with spherical shape were successfully prepared via mixing of aqueous biopolymer solutions in three different ways. Macroparticles with diameters in the millimeter range were produced by dripping cellulose dissolved in cold LiOH/urea into acidic chitosan solutions, inducing instant co-regeneration of the biopolymers. Two types of microspheres, chemi
The European Spallation Source (ESS), presently under construction in Lund, Sweden, is designed to be the world's brightest neutron source. When it will be in operation, ESS will deliver an instantaneous neutron flux on detectors that will be without precedent. A down side of the high brightness will be the increase of background, especially from gamma-rays and fast-neutrons.Considering that scatt
Recension av Peter Skogsberg, Sökandet efter Sand Creek och andra essäer om relationen mellan indianer och vita i amerikansk historia
En berättelse om entreprenaden bakom byggandet av Lunds domkyrka. Den lokala aristokratins erfarenhet av entreprenader, anskaffandet av arbetskraft och Harald Blåtands första etablering i Lund inleder redogörelsen. Den första byggnaden på kyrkoplatsen, troligen ett kloster, får byggnadsmaterialet fråm Helsingborg- och Ystadstrakten. Den stående domkyrkans sten kommer från Hallaröd/Munkarp. En fyll