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Your search for "*" yielded 529956 hits

Physicochemical and structural properties of starch from five Andean crops grown in Bolivia

Three Andean grains - amaranth (Amaranthus caudatus), quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa), canihua (Chenopodium pallidicaulle) - and two Andean roots starches - achira (Canna indica), maca (Lepidium meyenii) - were studied. Physicochemical properties such as granule size, crystallinity, pasting properties among other as well as structural properties such as root-mean-square radius (rrms), weight-average m

Partial safety factors for the anchorage capacity of corroded reinforcement bars in concrete

Many reinforced concrete bridges in Europe and around the world are damaged by reinforcement corrosion and the annual maintenance costs are enormous. It is therefore important to develop reliable methods to assess the structural capacity of corroded reinforced concrete structures and avoid unnecessary maintenance costs. Although there are advanced models for determining the load carrying capacity

Patchiness and compensatory growth in a fungus-Collembola system

The compensatory growth potential of a grazed fungal biomass was mathematically expressed as a function of patchiness in its distribution and demonstrated in an experiment using the fungivorous collembolan Onychiurus armatus and the soil fungi Verticillium bulbillosum and Penicillium spinulosum. The model addresses the regrowth potential in relation to patch fragmentation, travelling time and cons

Early Neolithic Human Bog Finds from Falbygden, Western Sweden : New Isotopic, Osteological and Histological Investigations

Departing from two recently dated finds of human bones in wetlands from the area of Falbygden in western Sweden, this paper describes the finds in detail and sets them in a wider context of depositional practices in the south Scandinavian Early Neolithic. The two finds are both of girls in the age of 15-20 years, and in one of the cases it is probable that she was bound and possibly intentionally

What’s in it for Africa? EU fishing access agreements and exports

Fishing access agreements with developing countries have been widely criticized, for example for contributing to overexploiting fish resources and threatening food security. However, there is littlequantitative evidence of their economic effects. We investigate how European Union (EU) fishing access agreements affect African partner countries’ fishery exports to OECD countries. We find that:• Fish

Qualitative assessments of myocardial ischemia by cardiac MRI and coronary stenosis by invasive coronary angiography in relation to quantitative perfusion by positron emission tomography in patients with known or suspected stable coronary artery disease

Background: To relate findings of qualitative evaluation of first-pass perfusion-CMR and anatomical evaluation on coronary angiography (CA) to the reference standard of quantitative perfusion, cardiac PET, in patients with suspected or known stable coronary artery disease (CAD). Methods and Results: Forty-one patients referred for CA due to suspected stable CAD, prospectively performed adenosine s

Transurethral resection of the prostate : Are we following the guidelines? - Outcomes from the Global Prevalence of Infections in Urology (GPIU) study

Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) is one of the most common urological procedures. With the increasing rate of multiresistant infections including urosepsis, it is essential for all surgeons to adhere to the relevant international guidelines to prevent infectious complications. The aim of this prospective, multinational, multicentre study was to evaluate compliance with recommended in

Recovery, symptoms, and well-being one to five years after lung transplantation – A multi-centre study

BACKGROUND:In recent years, survival after lung transplantation has remained largely unchanged despite improvements in short-and intermediate-term survival, indicating the need to identify factors associated with recovery and long-term survival. Very little is known about how lung recipients recover after lung transplantation and whether such factors are related to symptom distress and well-being.

MIMO Nyquist interpretation of the large gain theorem

The Large Gain Theorem is an input-output stability result with intriguing applications in the field of control systems. This paper aims to increase understanding and appreciation of the Large Gain Theorem by presenting an interpretation of it for linear time-invariant systems using the well-known Nyquist stability criterion and illustrative examples of its use. The Large Gain Theorem is complemen

Shocked quartz grains in the early Cambrian Vakkejokk Breccia, Sweden—Evidence of a marine impact

Here we present a study of the abundance and orientation of planar deformation features (PDFs) in the Vakkejokk Breccia, a proposed lower Cambrian impact ejecta layer in the North-Swedish Caledonides. The presence of PDFs is widely accepted as evidence for shock metamorphism associated with cosmic impact events and their presence confirms that the Vakkejokk Breccia is indeed the result of an impac

Predicting Relative Binding Affinity Using Nonequilibrium QM/MM Simulations

Calculating binding free energies with quan-tum-mechanical (QM) methods is notoriously time-consum-ing. In this work, we studied whether such calculations can beaccelerated by using nonequilibrium (NE) moleculardynamics simulations employing Jarzynski’s equality. Westudied the binding of nine cyclic carboxylate ligands to theocta-acid deep-cavity host from the SAMPL4 challenge withthe reference po

Search for Isovector Valence-Shell Excitations in 140Nd and 142Sm via Coulomb excitation reactions of radioactive ion beams

Projectile Coulomb excitation experiments were performed at HIE-ISOLDE at CERN with the radioactive ion beams of 140Nd and 142Sm. Ions with an energy of 4:62 MeV/A were impinging on a 1.45 mg/cm2 thick 208Pb target. The γ-rays depopulating the Coulomb-excited states were recorded by the HPGe-array MINIBALL and scattered particles were detected by a double-sided silicon strip detector. Experimental


Gudme [p. 693]; Himlingøje [p. 723]; Lundeborg [p. 926]; Skedemosse [p. 1393]; Vorbasse [p. 1574]; Uppåkra [p. 1541]