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Tillgänglighet, användbarhet och universell utformning

När ett barn föds är det mycket i samhället som det ännu inte har träffat på. Ja, faktiskt det mesta. Vem barnet blir och vilka vägar det väljer genom livet kommer att påverkas av många faktorer, däribland utformningen av alla de produkter och miljöer det över tid möter och interagerar med. I detta kapitel ägnar vi oss åt fysiska aspekter av interaktionen mellan individ och samhälle, med fokus på

Relationship between Cognitive Strategies of Emotion Regulation and Dimensions of Obsessive–Compulsive Symptomatology in Adolescents

Cognitive emotion regulation refers to the management of one’s emotions through cognitive strategies. Studies have found that individuals with obsessive–compulsive symptoms utilize emotion regulation strategies differently compared to those without these symptoms. This study aims to investigate the relationship between cognitive strategies for emotion regulation and specific dimensions of obsessiv

The ‘Logics’ of Public Diplomacy : In Search of What Unites a Multidisciplinary Research Field

A decade ago, Matt Armstrong noted that the War on Terror set the scene for US public diplomacy (PD) to be heavily focused on security. Other countries have focused their PD on image promotion, relationship-building or cultural relations. As digital media practices have slowly been adopted by the majority of foreign ministries, the logics governing social and digital media have also been increasin

Transient increase in glucose variability during Ramadan fasting in patients with insulin-treated type 2 diabetes : A preliminary study

AIM: We aimed to examine the effect of Ramadan fasting on interstitial glucose control and variability before, during, and after Ramadan in type 2 diabetes patients receiving insulin therapy.METHODS: Participants received a flash glucose monitoring (FGM) system one week before Ramadan that was removed on the sixth or seventh day (pre- and early Ramadan periods) of Ramadan and a second FGM system o

The yield of chest X-ray based versus symptom-based screening among patients with diabetes mellitus in public health facilities in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

BACKGROUND: Patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) are at increased risk of developing TB, but the best screening algorithm for early detection and treatment of TB remains unknown. Our objective was to determine if combining routine chest X-ray screening could have a better yield compared with symptom-based screening alone.METHODS: We conducted this cross-sectional study between September 2020 and S

On the amplitude of steady water waves with positive constant vorticity

For two-dimensional steady pure-gravity water waves with a unidirectional flow of constant favourable vorticity, we prove an explicit bound on the amplitude of the wave, which decays to zero as the vorticity tends to infinity. Notably, our result holds true for arbitrary water waves, that is, we do not have to restrict ourselves to periodic or solitary or symmetric waves.

Large-amplitude steady gravity water waves with general vorticity and critical layers

We consider two-dimensional steady periodic gravity waves on water of finite depth with a prescribed but arbitrary vorticity distribution. The water surface is allowed to be overhanging and no assumptions regarding the absence of stagnation points and critical layers are made. Using conformal mappings and a new Babenko-type reformulation of Bernoulli's equation, we uncover an equivalent formulatio

From Exclusion to Extremism : The Role of Significance Loss and Identity in the Radicalization Process

Under de senaste åren har det skett en förskjutning i forskningen från att försöka förstå vem som löper risk att bli radikaliserad, till att undersöka vad som gör att vissa individer har större benägenhet att bli radikaliserad. Känslor av exkludering, diskriminering och marginalisering har tidigare kopplats till extremistiska handlingar. Trots det finns det få empiriska studier som utforskar sambaThe present thesis aims to examine the causal role of social exclusion within theradicalization process and further to explore moderating and mediating factors. In recent years there has been a move away from trying to understand who is at risk of becoming an extremist, to exploring what makes someone at risk. Feelings of exclusion, discrimination and marginalization have all been linked to partic

Sensory Overresponsivity and Symptoms Across the Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum: Web-Based Longitudinal Observational Study

Background:Sensory overresponsivity (SOR) has emerged as a potential endophenotype in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), but few studies have examined SOR in relation to the major symptom dimensions of OCD and to symptoms across the full obsessive-compulsive (OC) symptom spectrum.Objective:This study had 2 main objectives. First, we examined the psychometric properties of the SOR Scales in a com

Age and Referral Route Impact the Access to Diagnosis for Women with Advanced Ovarian Cancer

Purpose: The majority of women with ovarian cancer are diagnosed in late stages. Most women do have symptoms prior to diagnosis, sometimes several months before the diagnosis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the timeline from the first presentation of symptoms to a physician until there is a reasonable suspicion of cancer, among women diagnosed with advanced stage ovarian cancer. We wanted t

The impact of immunomodulating treatment on the immunogenicity of COVID-19 vaccines in patients with immune-mediated inflammatory rheumatic diseases compared to healthy controls. A Swedish nationwide study (COVID19-REUMA)

OBJECTIVES: To elucidate antibody responses after the second and third dose of COVID-19 vaccine in patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases (IRD) treated with biologic/targeted disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (b/ts DMARDs).METHODS: Antibody levels to antigens representing spike full length protein and spike S1 were measured before vaccination, 2-12 weeks after the second dose, before a

Dual-Band Infrared Scheimpflug Lidar Reveals Insect Activity in a Tropical Cloud Forest

We describe an entomological dual-band 808 and 980 nm lidar system which has been implemented in a tropical cloud forest (Ecuador). The system was successfully tested at a sample rate of 5 kHz in a cloud forest during challenging foggy conditions (extinction coefficients up to 20 km–1). At times, the backscattered signal could be retrieved from a distance of 2.929 km. We present insect and bat obs

MatJohaDH/citadel: v1.0.0

The accompanying code is the backend of a toponym disambiguation tooldeveloped and employed for the purpose of the following article: has been assembled by a range of open-source tools, so anyone interestedcan simply clone this repository and apply it to their own needs.If you do, we kindly ask that you cite the abovementioned article/paper andthis repository.In

Soviet Marshal Konev’s Posthumous Battle of Municipal District Prague 6

This text deals with the analysis of the removal of the monument to Soviet Marshal Ivan Konev from the Prague 6 district, an important part of the capital of the Czech Republic. The given monument was built during the Soviet occupation of Czechoslovakia in 1980 and removed in 2020. The primary reason for the removal was the dissatisfaction of the political representation of Prague 6 and the leader