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Your search for "*" yielded 531007 hits

Direct conversion from mouse fibroblasts informs the identification of hemogenic precursor cells in vivo

Definitive hematopoiesis emerges via an endothelial-to-hematopoietic transition in the aorta-gonad-mesonephros (AGM) region and placenta. We have recently demonstrated the induction of hematopoietic stem/progenitors (HSPCs) from mouse fibroblasts with a combination of transcription factors progressing through endothelial-like precursors. Here, guided by our in vitro programming experiments we anal

Gauge-invariant absorption of light from a coherent superposition of states

Absorption and emission of light is studied theoretically for excited atoms in coherent superposition of states subjected to isolated attosecond pulses in the extreme ultraviolet range. A gauge-invariant formulation of transient absorption theory is motivated using the energy operator from Yang's gauge theory. The interaction, which simultaneously couples both bound and continuum states, is simula

Healthcare Professionals’ Perceptions of and Attitudes towards a Standardized Content Description of Interdisciplinary Rehabilitation Programs for Patients with Chronic Pain—A Qualitative Study

Interdisciplinary pain rehabilitation (IPR) is a recommended treatment for people with chronic pain. An inadequate description of the content of IPR programs makes it difficult to draw conclusions regarding their effects. The purpose of this study was to describe the perceptions and attitudes of healthcare professionals toward a content description of IPR programs for patients with chronic pain. I

Algorithmic voice transformations reveal the phonological basis of language-familiarity effects in cross-cultural emotion judgments

People have a well-described advantage in identifying individuals and emotions in their own culture, a phenomenon also known as the other-race and language-familiarity effect. However, it is unclear whether native-language advantages arise from genuinely enhanced capacities to extract relevant cues in familiar speech or, more simply, from cultural differences in emotional expressions. Here, to rul

Thermal conductivity of ScxAl1−xN and YxAl1−xN alloys

Owing to their very large piezoelectric coefficients and spontaneous polarizations, (Sc,Y) x Al1−xN alloys have emerged as a new class of III-nitride semiconductor materials with great potential for high-frequency electronic and acoustic devices. The thermal conductivity of constituent materials is a key parameter for design, optimization, and thermal management of such devices. In this study, tra

Umbilical cord pH, blood gases, and lactate at birth : normal values, interpretation, and clinical utility

Normal birth is a eustress reaction, a beneficial hedonic stress with extremely high catecholamines that protects us from intrauterine hypoxia and assists in the rapid shift to extrauterine life. Occasionally the cellular O2 requirement becomes critical and an O2 deficit in blood (hypoxemia) may evolve to a tissue deficit (hypoxia) and finally a risk of organ damage (asphyxia). An increase in H+ c

Interactive Effects Panel Data Models with General Factors and Regressors

This paper considers a model with general regressors and unobservable common factors. An estimator based on iterated principal component analysis is proposed, which is shown to be not only asymptotically normal, but under certain conditions also free of the otherwise so common asymptotic incidental parameters bias. Interestingly, the conditions required to achieve unbiasedness become weaker the st

Epidemiological register studies on pain - etiology, treatment, and mental health

Pain is common in life and can be caused by trauma or underlying disease and is mostly temporary, but for some the pain can develop into a chronic pain condition. Pain leads to individual suffering as well as negative impact on the wider society. Especially since pain can start early in life and affect large parts of it. The aim of this thesis was to identify potential risk factors for chronic and

Human, What Must I Tell You?

Artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted code generation is everywhere these days. Undoubtedly, AI will help near-future developers substantially by providing code suggestions and automation. In this application, explainability will be a key quality attribute.

Att undersöka MB är inte att hoppa på islam

Mattias Gardell driver fortfarande sin gamla murkna tes att Muslimska Brödraskapet, MB mest liknar svensk kristdemokrati och socialdemokrati. Han är då blind för att dessa båda partier har demokrati som sin överideologi, man är principiell demokrat först och kristdemokrat eller socialdemokrat sedan.

GATA2 at the mitosis-to-G1 transition is critical for definitive hematopoiesis

In mitosis, transcription factors (TFs) and RNA polymerase disperse across the cytoplasm leading to transcriptional silencing, but some TFs are retained on condensed chromatin and mark genomic sites, a mechanism termed mitotic bookmarking. In pluripotent and differentiated cells this mechanism is important for pluripotency maintenance, cell reprogramming and lineage inheritance. However, the role

Increasing number of long-lived ancestors marks a decade of healthspan extension and healthier metabolomics profiles

Globally, the lifespan of populations increases but the healthspan is lagging behind. Previous research showed that survival into extreme ages (longevity) clusters in families as illustrated by the increasing lifespan of study participants with each additional long-lived family member. Here we investigate whether the healthspan in such families follows a similar quantitative pattern using three-ge

Large eddy simulations of fully developed turbulent flows over additively manufactured rough surfaces

In the last decade, with the growing demand for efficient and more sustainable products that reduce our CO2 footprint, progresses in Additive Manufacturing (AM) have paved the way for optimized heat exchangers, whose disruptive design will heavily depend on predictive numerical simulations. Typical AM rough surfaces show limited resemblance to the artificially constructed rough surfaces that have

Thermal phenotypic plasticity of pre-and post-copulatory male harm buffers sexual conflict in wild Drosophila melanogaster

Strong sexual selection frequently leads to sexual conflict and ensuing male harm, whereby males increase their reproductive success at the expense of harming females. Male harm is a widespread evolutionary phenomenon with a strong bearing on population viability. Thus, understanding how it unfolds in the wild is a current priority. Here, we sampled a wild Drosophila melanogaster population and st

Transforming Transportation: How the City of Malmö Can Support Transitions Towards Decarbonized Mobility

Cities play a crucial role in mitigating climate change, yet reducing transportation emissions remains a challenge. Achieving decarbonization in the transportation sector requires systemic transformations across society. However, there is still a limited understanding of how transitions within transportation can be achieved, and further insight is needed to guide cities in driving transformative c

”Att göra avsteg från yttrandefriheten är ett sluttande plan”

Koranbränningar ställer höga principer mot varandra, men begränsningar av opinionsfrihet motiveras alltid med oklanderliga skäl. De historiska perspektiven visar att man ska vara försiktig med att ge vika för uppblossande opinioner. Sverige må vara i minoritet i ett globalt perspektiv, men det gör bara försvaret av vår yttrandefrihet än viktigare, skriver professor Jonas Nordin.

Taking credit for stupidity: On being a student in the performative university

Stupidity is generally thought of as a hindrance to learning: an epistemic vice that stands in the way of knowledge and understanding. In this article, I challenge this idea by exploring some of the meanings of stupidity that place it in a positive relation to learning. In this light, the article discusses two notions of stupidity: stupidity as unfinished thought and stupefaction through study. I