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Coextraction and PCR Based Analysis of Nucleic Acids From Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded Specimens

BackgroundRetrospective studies of archived human specimens, with known clinical follow-up, are used to identify predictive and prognostic molecular markers of disease. Due to biochemical differences, however, formalin-fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) DNA and RNA have generally been extracted separately from either different tissue sections or from the same section by dividing the digested tissue. O

A Simple Method of Genomic DNA Extraction from Human Samples for PCR-RFLP Analysis

Isolation of DNA from blood and buccal swabs in adequate quantities is an integral part of forensic research and analysis. The present study was performed to determine the quality and the quantity of DNA extracted from four commonly available samples and to estimate the time duration of the ensuing PCR amplification. Here, we demonstrate that hair and urine samples can also become an alternate sou

Polymorphism in mtDNA control region of Mizo-Mongloid Breast Cancer samples as revealed by PCR-RFLP analysis

Mutations in mitochondrial D-loop region of DNA (mtDNA) may serve as a potential sensor for cellular DNA damage and marker for cancer development. We investigated the restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) pattern of the D-loop region in the blood samples of breast cancer patients among Mizoram population. Significant differences were observed among breast cancer and healthy blood samples

Impact of genetic risk score on the association between male childlessness and cardiovascular disease and mortality

Childless men are reported to have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and mortality. Information on inherited genetic risk for CVD has improved the predictive models. Presuming that childlessness is a proxy of infertility we aimed to investigate if childless men inherit more often genetic traits for CVD and if combining genetic and parenthood information improves predictive models for C

Integration Impossible? Ethnic Nationalism and Refugee Integration in Bulgaria

In the past several years many Western European countries have introduced stricter entry regimes both for third-country nationals, as well as for asylum-seekers and refugees. More recently, since the mixed migratory influx of 2015, the figure of the foreigner has become more and more visible on a national level sparking debates on the future of the European Union (EU), European and national identi

On the Tightness of Semidefinite Relaxations for Rotation Estimation

Why is it that semidefinite relaxations have been so successful in numerous applications in computer vision and robotics for solving non-convex optimization problems involving rotations? In studying the empirical performance, we note that there are few failure cases reported in the literature, in particular for estimation problems with a single rotation, motivating us to gain further theoretical u

‘Fake News, Hypocrites!’ : The Rhetoric of Blame from Jesus to Trump

Blame (vituperation) is a rhetorical practice well-known in classical Rhetoric, and to orators of the first century C.E. Following an overview of vituperation in classical handbooks, the study presents on overview of vituperation in select New Testament texts, including a gospel and letters of Paul. Similarities with President Donald Trump's rhetoric are noted and both ancient and contemporary use

Facial mimicry in the congenitally blind

Imitation is one of the core building blocks of human social cognition, supporting capacities as diverse as empathy, social learning, and knowledge acquisition1. Newborns’ ability to match others’ motor acts, while quite limited initially, drastically improves during the first months of development2. Of notable importance to human sociality is our tendency to rapidly mimic facial expressions of em

Effects of scale on multimodal deixis : Evidence from Quiahije Chatino

As humans interact in the world, they often orient one another's attention to objects through the use of spoken demonstrative expressions and head and/or hand movements to point to the objects. Although indicating behaviors have frequently been studied in lab settings, we know surprisingly little about how demonstratives and pointing are used to coordinate attention in large-scale space and in nat

Penile intraepithelial neoplasia, penile cancer precursors and human papillomavirus prevalence in symptomatic preputium : a cross-sectional study of 351 circumcised men in Sweden

Objectives: To investigate the prevalence of pathological disease and spectrum of human papillomavirus (HPV) types among symptomatic foreskin tissue. Patients and Methods: Consecutively excised symptomatic foreskins from 351 men were sent for histopathological evaluation. During the surgical procedure, a fresh biopsy was taken for HPV analysis by modified general primer polymerase chain reaction.

Transformation of regional innovation policies: from ‘traditional’ to ‘next generation’ models of incubation

This paper explores a widely employed instrument of regional innovation policy: the innovation incubator. It proposes that incubation approaches are moving away from a ‘traditional’ approach strongly premised on physical infrastructure and high-technology, to a more interactive, participatory and social mode of innovation, in line with broader developments in innovation policy and theory. To pract

Predicting molecular phenotypes from histopathology images : A transcriptome-wide expression–morphology analysis in breast cancer

Molecular profiling is central in cancer precision medicine but remains costly and is based on tumor average profiles. Morphologic patterns observable in histopathology sections from tumors are determined by the underlying molecular phenotype and therefore have the potential to be exploited for prediction of molecular phenotypes. We report here the first transcriptome-wide expression–morphology (E

Identifiability of pharmacological models for online individualization

There is a large variability between individuals in the response to anesthetic drugs, that seriously limits the achievable performance of closed-loop controlled drug dosing. Full individualization of patient models based on early clinical response data has been suggested as a means to improve performance with maintained robustness (safety). We use estimation theoretic analysis and realization theo

Design thinking in the organizational development of a 350-years old university library

The purpose of this conference paper is to showcase how the user experience (UX) methodology of design thinking can facilitate organizational change processes in situations of multiple and often conflicting values and opinions in university libraries. The paper also elaborates on the application of design thinking under both normal circumstances and Covid-19 restrictions. The conference paper is b