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A wider research culture in peril: A reply to Thomas

In this article we elaborate on the process of institutionalization in the Higher Education performance evaluation ecosystem. We argue, we can observe a shift in how research evaluation functions, namely, from the contribution to knowledge to that of the societal influence of research. Such an axiological shift in evaluation goes to the very core of academic scholarship, as the commoditised neolib

Sequence, Structure, and Expression of Opsins in the Monochromatic Stomatopod Squilla empusa

Most stomatopod crustaceans have complex retinas in their compound eyes, with up to 16 spectral types of photoreceptors, but members of the superfamily Squilloidea have much simpler retinas, thought to contain a single photoreceptor spectral class. In the Atlantic stomatopod Squilla empusa, microspectrophotometry shows that all photoreceptors absorb light maximally at 517 nm, indicating that a sin

Systematics for types and effects of RNA variations

Systematics is described for annotation of variations in RNA molecules. The conceptual framework is part of Variation Ontology (VariO) and facilitates depiction of types of variations, their functional and structural effects and other consequences in any RNA molecule in any organism. There are more than 150 RNA related VariO terms in seven levels, which can be further combined to generate even mor

The assessment of disease progression in keratoconus and corneal crosslinking in thin corneae

Keratoconus generally manifests in adolescents, and can progress leading to severely impaired vision. The risk of progression is inversely correlated to age; thus younger patients are at higher risk than older ones. Progressive keratoconus can be halted by corneal crosslinking (CXL). The general indication for CXL is progressive keratoconus, although children are commonly treated with CXL upon dia

The role of fibril structure and surface hydrophobicity in secondary nucleation of amyloid fibrils

Crystals, nanoparticles, and fibrils catalyze the generation of new aggregates on their surface from the same type of monomeric building blocks as the parent assemblies. This secondary nucleation process can be many orders of magnitude faster than primary nucleation. In the case of amyloid fibrils associated with Alzheimer's disease, this process leads to the multiplication and propagation of aggr

Perceived Adverse Effects of Separating Government Institutions for Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation Within the Southern African Development Community Member States

Integration of disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation (CCA) is widely recognized as a solution for reducing the risk and impacts of disasters. However, successful integration seems elusive, and the two goals continue to function in isolation and in parallel. This article provides empirical insights into the perceived effects of separating government institutions for DRR and CC

Building Glory : Elite Palaces in Early and High Medieval Scandinavia

Buildings such as castles and palaces were or of utmost importance for the display of social rank and the production of legitimacy for the Scandinavian elites. The palace could be a specific building inside a castle, integrated into a fortified structure, or unfortified. This chapter discusses how the Scandinavian elite during the Early and High Middle Ages used buildings and locations in the landBuildings such as castles and palaces were of utmost importance for the display of social rank and the production of legitimacy for the Scandinavian elites. The palace could be a specific building inside a castle, integrated into a fortified structure, or unfortified. This chapter discusses how the Scandinavian elite during the Early and High Middle Ages used buildings and locations in the landsca

Diversity and abundance of microbial communities in uasb reactors during methane production from hydrolyzed wheat straw and lucerne

The use of straw for biofuel production is encouraged by the European Union. A previous study showed the feasibility of producing biomethane in upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactors using hydrolyzed, steam-pretreated wheat straw, before and after dark fermentation with Caldicellulosiruptor saccharolyticus, and lucerne. This study provides information on overall microbial community develo

Treating schizophrenia with cariprazine : From clinical research to clinical practice. Real world experiences and recommendations from an International Panel

Background: Management of schizophrenia is sub-optimal in many patients. Targeting negative symptoms, among the most debilitating aspects of schizophrenia, together with positive symptoms, can result in significant functional benefits and dramatically improve quality of life for patients and their carers. Cariprazine, a partial agonist of the dopamine receptors D2/D3 has demonstrated effectiveness

Quantitative K-Cl-S chemistry in thermochemical conversion processes using in situ optical diagnostics

The sulfation of gas-phase KOH and KCl was investigated in both oxidizing and reducing atmospheres at temperatures of 1120 K, 1260 K, 1390 K, and 1550 K. Well-defined gas environments were generated in a laminar flame burner fuelled with CH4/air/O2/N2. Atomized K2CO3 and KCl water solution fog and SO2 were introduced into the hot gas as sources of potassium, chlorine, and sulfur, respectively. The

Certifying Solvers for Clique and Maximum Common (Connected) Subgraph Problems

An algorithm is said to be certifying if it outputs, together with a solution to the problem it solves, a proof that this solution is correct. We explain how state of the art maximum clique, maximum weighted clique, maximal clique enumeration and maximum common (connected) induced subgraph algorithms can be turned into certifying solvers by using pseudo-Boolean models and cutting planes proofs, an

The influence of microstructure on crack propagation in cortical bone at the mesoscale

The microstructure of cortical bone is key for the tissue's high toughness and strength and efficient toughening mechanisms have been identified at the microscale, for example when propagating cracks interact with the osteonal microstructure. Finite element models have been proposed as suitable tools for analyzing the complex link between the local tissue structure and the fracture resistance of c

Modeling Nonlinear Dendritic Processing of Facilitation in a Dragonfly Target-Tracking Neuron

Dragonflies are highly skilled and successful aerial predators that are even capable of selectively attending to one target within a swarm. Detection and tracking of prey is likely to be driven by small target motion detector (STMD) neurons identified from several insect groups. Prior work has shown that dragonfly STMD responses are facilitated by targets moving on a continuous path, enhancing the

Separating the Future: Socialism, Valuation, and Conflict

While social movement scholars have long recognized the importance of collective memory and shared pasts in the construction of collective identities, less attention has focused on the role of imagined futures. Based on a long-term ethnographic study of radical left-libertarian groups in Sweden, this paper explores the role of utopia in structuring, influencing, and evaluating actions and practice

”En ineffektiv åtgärd i klimatarbetet”

Vi välkomnar repliken från Carbon Capture Companys vd. Vi, EU, Sveriges regering och Christoffer Bonde delar målet att främja ett starkt och lönsamt skogsbruk som bidrar till klimat­arbetet både genom upptag av växthus­gaser och minskade utsläpp. Vad vi ställer oss kritiska till är den klimat­kompensation som just nu lanseras av företag som Carbon Capture Company, eftersom vi anser att den är dyr,