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Your search for "*" yielded 528168 hits

Protein structure alignment using mean field annealing

Unraveling functional and ancestral relationships between proteins as well as structure prediction procedures require powerful protein alignment methods. This paper describes the use of fuzzy alignments when matching protein structures. The method use mean-field annealing optimization of fuzzy alignment variables, based on a cost expressed in terms of distances between aligned atoms and of gaps. T

Förfarande och anordning för utvärdering av en bräda av trä

Föreliggande redogörelse avser en metod och en anordning för utvärdering av en bräda av trä med en ländriktning. Data som indikerar fiberorienteringen över brädans yta inhämtas och för ett antal underpartier hos brädan bestäms en nominell, lokal elasticitetsmodul, MOE, på basis av nämnda fiberorienteringsdata och en nominell materialparameter. En nominell global MOE i längdriktningen för träbrädan

The Problem of Placing Mobility Anchor Points in Wireless Mesh Networks

Hierarchical mobility management schemes such as HMIP and cellular-IP have been shown to be effective in providing low latency handoff in mobile networks. In this paper, we investigate the suitability of hierarchical mobility management schemes in Wireless Mesh Networks (WMN) and find that they are not directly suitable since MWNs have graph based topologies rather than tree based topologies. Beca

Without Body

The paper offers an approach to the melancholy of the works by the Norwegian artist Per Inge Bjørlo based on a discussion of the conception of nearness as it is developed by Gottfried Boehm.

Framtidens människa? Ett medialt drama om bioteknologi

Vilken framtida människa kommer modern bioteknik att leda till? Den massmediala kristallkulan bjuder på åtminstone två möjliga scenarion. Å ena sidan presenteras en mardröm, biotekniken, med fosterdiagnostik och kloning i spetsen, kommer att bidra till ett samhälle där människovärdet har urholkats och endast ”perfekta människor” har rätt att leva. Å andra sidan visar kristallkulan en vision om ett

Mobility and learning: Engaging people in design of their everyday environments

“Mobility and Learning Environments” is a three-year project in which we have collaborated with people with cognitive difficulties at a day activity centre in Lund, Sweden and college students at Arts and Communication (K3), Malmö University, Sweden. The project is based on the participants themselves being engaged in the design of their everyday environments. For people with considerable difficul