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Diverse Development Paths and Structural Transformation in the Escape from Poverty

This book analyzes experiences of and possibilities for developing countries to catch up by providing a set of analytical interpretations of development experiences that with different degrees of success have taken place in Asia, Latin America, and sub-Saharan Africa. Based on the growth performance across the developing world over the last decades, it offers thorough accounts of the possibilities

Growing up with Dyslexia : Cognitive and Psychosocial Impact, and Salutogenic Factors

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingens delstudier omfattar kvantitativa och kvalitativa data rörande en grupp tonåringar och unga vuxna med dyslexi. Såväl kognitiva som psykosociala faktorer undersöktes. Gruppen bestod av 75 ungdomar mellan 14 och 25 år som fick diagnosen dyslexi någon gång mellan 1994 och 1999. Datainsamlingen genomfördes 2003 - 2004. Intervallet mellan diagnostillfället och uThe studies in this doctoral thesis report aspects of cognitive and socio emotional development in a group of teenagers and young adults with dyslexia. The 75 subjects, between 14 and 25 years of age, had been diagnosed in the latter half of the 1990s, and the collection of quantitative and qualitative data was performed in 2003-04. Study I investigated the stability of intelligence. Earlier rese

Endovascular Treatment Using Predominantly Stent-Assisted Coil Embolization and Antiplatelet and Anticoagulation Management of Ruptured Blood Blister-Like Aneurysms.

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: BBA is a rare type of intracranial aneurysm that is difficult to treat both surgically and endovascularly and is often associated with a high degree of morbidity/mortality. The aim of this study was to present clinical and angiographic results, as well as antiplatelet/anticoagulation regimens, of endovascular BBA treatment by using predominantly stent-assisted coil emboliza

E.T. - Idealpappan

Kulturartikel om filmen E.T. och förändringen av kärnfamiljen och maskulinitetsidealet.

Assistive technology, human rights and poverty in developing countries. Perspectives based on a study in Bangladesh

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen ger teoretiskt, juridiskt och empiriskt stöd för att genom hjälpmedelsförsörjning öka möjligheterna för människor med funktionshinder i låginkomstländer att förverkliga sina mänskliga rättigheter och minska sin fattigdom. Människor med funktionshinder är överrepresenterade bland världens fattiga. I utvecklingsländer lever mer än hälften av dem i extrem fatDeprived of human rights, more than half of all people with disabilities in developing countries live in extreme poverty. Although considered a prerequisite for equalization of opportunities, about nine out of ten of those who need assistive technologies do not have access to them. Little is known about the socioeconomic benefits of using assistive technology in low-income countries that can infor

Analysis of gas dispersed in scattering media

Monitoring of free gas embedded in scattering media, such as wood, fruits, and synthetic materials, is demonstrated by use of diode laser spectroscopy combined with sensitive modulation techniques. Gas detection is made possible by the contrast of the narrow absorptive feature of the free-gas molecules with the slow wavelength dependence of the absorption and scattering cross sections in solids an

The Origins of the Cashless Society: Cash Dispensers, Direct to Account Payments and the Development of On-Line Real-Time Networks, C. 1965-1985

This article explores the technological choices made at the dawn of the massification of retail finance. We describe and analyze the early development of electronic banking and the foundations of the cashless society through the experiences of organizations with similar governance in two different competitive environments — Swedish and British savings banks. We document how the adoption of direct-

Singular Inverse Wishart Distribution with Application to Portfolio Theory

The inverse of the standard estimate of covariance matrix is frequently used in the portfolio theory to estimate the optimal portfolio weights. For this problem, the distribution of the linear transformation of the inverse is needed. We obtain this distribution in the case when the sample size is smaller than the dimension, the underlying covariance matrix is singular, and the vectors of returns a

Safe Manual Control of the Furuta Pendulum

This paper deals with the manual control of unstable systems, subject to control signal saturation. In particular we consider the Furuta pendulum, where the problem is to control the orientation of the arm manually while stabilizing the inverted pendulum. This paper presents an analysis which leads to an insight into the problem as well as the control strategy. This control strategy has been imple