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“I’m only numbers on paper” – A qualitative evaluation of the Internalized Weight Bias Scale in a Swedish sample

Viktstigma inbegriper negativa stereotyper och negativa attityder riktade mot individer med obesitas eller övervikt. Internalisering av viktstigma, en process som också kallas självstigmatisering, kan ha negativa konsekvenser för hälsan. Det finns för närvarande inget instrument för att mäta självstigmatisering i en svensk kontext. Att utveckla ett sådant instrument skulle kunna vara avgörande förWeight-based stigma includes negative stereotypes and negative attitudes directed toward people with obesity or overweight. When internalized, a process also referred to as self-stigmatization, it can have detrimental effects on health. There is currently no instrument to measure internalized weight bias in a Swedish context. Developing such an instrument could be a vital step in improving obesity


In this study, we derive a mathematical description of a double quantum dot (DQD) embedded in a microwave resonator starting from classical electrostatics. DQDs are a promising platform for building quantum computers and have important applications in quantum sensing and the study of light-matter interactions. Recently, a higher-order sweet spot was discovered, where the DQD is theorized to have i

Green-Emitting Powders of Zero-Dimensional Cs4PbBr6 : Delineating the Intricacies of the Synthesis and the Origin of Photoluminescence

A detailed investigation into the synthesis of green-emitting powders of Cs4PbBr6 and CsPbBr3 materials by antisolvent precipitation from CsBr-PbBr2 precursor solutions in dimethylformamide (DMF) and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is reported. Various solvated lead bromide and polybromide species (PbBr2, [PbBr3]-, [PbBr4]2-, and possibly [PbBr5]3- or [PbBr6]4-) are detected in the precursor solutions b

Reflecting on the Work of Gender Relations in New Music : Institutional Critique and Activist Strategies

This chapter gives an overview of key actions by the activist group Gender Relations in New Music, which advocates for increased gender equality and intersectional diversification in contemporary classical music (CCM). The chapter describes this particular group’s activities, which have included creating statistics, organizing events, protesting actions, and connecting interested people in this st

New insight : particle flow rate from the airways as an indicator of cardiac failure in the intensive care unit

Aims: Exhaled breath particles have been explored for diagnosing different lung diseases. We recently showed in an experimental model that different cardiac output results in different particle flow rate (PFR) from the airways. Given the well-known close relationship between impaired cardiac function and respiratory failure, we hypothesized that PFR in exhaled air can be used to detect cardiac fai

Populist radical parties, pariahs, and coalition bargaining delays

Most parliamentary democracies have seen a rise of populist radical parties during the past decades. Many countries have also experienced severely delayed government formation processes, with caretaker governments in office for extended periods of time. Are these delays related to the rise of radical parties? We argue that the rise of populist radical parties may prolong the bargaining process, du

Microglial activation protects against accumulation of tau aggregates in nondemented individuals with underlying Alzheimer’s disease pathology

The role of microglia in tau accumulation is currently unclear but could provide an important insight into the mechanisms underlying Alzheimer’s disease (AD)1. Here, we measured the microglial marker soluble TREM2 and the disease-associated microglial activation stage 2 markers AXL, MERTK, GAS6, LPL, CST7, SPP1 and CSF1 in nondemented individuals from the Swedish BioFINDER-2 cohort who underwent l

Storm chasing : Tracking Holocene storminess in southern Sweden using mineral proxies from inland and coastal peat bogs

Severe extratropical winter storms are a recurrent feature of the European climate and cause widespread socioeconomic losses. Due to insufficient long-term data, it remains unclear whether storminess has shown a notable response to changes in external forcing over the past millennia, which impacts our ability to project future storminess in a changing climate. Reconstructing past storm variability

Drömmen om den passionerade och eviga kärleken : en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av dark romance-genren på TikTok

En ny boktrend har trätt fram på sociala medier - bokgenren dark romance. Genrens typiska innehåll är bland annat kidnappning, förföljelse och tvivelaktigt samtycke. Dessa brottsliga handlingar begås av den manliga huvudpersonen mot den kvinnliga huvudkaraktären i romanen. Trots att den manliga protagonisten har en hjälteroll och ses som attraktiv går hans brottsliga handlingar snarare i linje med

“Vad är värst tycker du, marknadsliberalism eller att folk kommenterar ens pattar?” en journalistisk fallstudie av intimisering av politiker i Valet forever

Research and theories show that politics in today’s society is mediated and for most of the citizens the media image is the only perception of politicians that exists. Therefore, studying how politicians are portrayed is essential in the journalistic field, this due to the changes in political journalism and the growing entertainment focus in journalism. SVT’s Valet Forever is a hybrid genre progr

Alla barns lika rätt till en skälig levnadsstandard

Uppsatsen behandlar rätten till en skälig levnadsstandard genom ekonomiskt bistånd för barn som saknar rätt att vara i Sverige (vilka benämns barn utan papper i uppsatsen). Rätten till en skälig levnadsstandard är en väletablerad rättighet i en humanitär välfärdsstat som Sverige. Av flera internationella bestämmelser som Sverige åtagit sig att följa, däribland den allmänna förklaringen, gäller denThis thesis handles the right to a reasonable standard of living through financial aid for children who lack the right to be in Sweden (referred to as children without documents within the thesis). The right to a reasonable standard of living is a well-established right in a humanitarian welfare state like Sweden. Of several international conventions that Sweden has undertaken to follow, this appl

Har kommunstorlek någon betydelse? En kvantitativ studie om samverkan mellan socialtjänstens missbruksenhet och psykiatrin

The purpose of the study was to investigate how social workers in the substance abuse and addiction services perceive collaboration with the psychiatric unit, and if the size of the municipality has a role in the extent to which collaboration takes place. A quantitative survey has been conducted with 40 respondents operating in a larger city and 15 respondents operating in a smaller city. The stud

First-season growth and food of YOY pike (Esox lucius) are habitat specific within a lake

Piscivorous fish are important predators in aquatic systems and as such they can have far-reaching effects on ecosystem composition and function. These effects depend on piscivore predation rates and behaviour, and recruitment of young-of-the-year fish into piscivory can hereby govern ecosystem properties. Growth and recruitment can differ between water bodies due to e.g. general productivity, but

Biosynthesis of capsaicinoids by recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Throughout history, people have used products from different microorganisms and plants for many medicinal and nutritional applications. Chilli peppers have been used for spicing up food, but also for their pharmacological properties. They contain alkaloid molecules called capsaicinoids, which have been shown to activate and desensitise the heat receptor - Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid typ

Från förvärv till nedskrivning - En kvalitativ fallstudie av Tele2:s kommunikation kring förvärv och nedskrivning av goodwill över tid.

Forskningsfråga: Hur kommunicerar Tele2 kring goodwill från förvärv till nedskrivning? Vad påverkar företags kommunikation av goodwill? Syfte: Att förstå goodwillkommunikationen över tid från förvärv till nedskrivning genom en fallstudie. Metod: Kvalitativ undersökning i form av dokumentstudier. Empirin utgörs i huvudsak av årsredovisningar, pressmeddelanden och transkriberingar från videokonferResearch question: How does Tele2 communicate about goodwill from acquisition to impairment? What affects corporate communication of goodwill? Purpose: To understand goodwill communication over time from acquisition to impairment through a case study. Methodology: Qualitative research in the form of document studies. The empirical data consists mainly of annual reports, press releases and transc

Swedish women's experiences of menopausal transition : A focus group study

Objective: The aim of this study was to examine women's experience of menopausal transition and their expectations and wishes for support from healthcare. Further, to examine their knowledge about menopause and thoughts about current attitudes in healthcare and in society generally. Methods: Data was collected through three focus group interviews with 14 women experiencing menopausal symptoms. The

An assessment of the scope and comprehensiveness of well-being economy indicator sets : The cases of Iceland, Scotland and New Zealand

Over the last three years, national indicator sets and international coalitions for advancement of the well-being economy's ambitions have begun to be developed. This study applies a capital asset, well-being goals and domains, and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) framework to evaluate the scope and comprehensiveness of the indicator sets of Iceland, Scotland and New Zealand. Both national obj